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Thread: insidebowling

  1. #1
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Question insidebowling

    While I enjoy watching PBA events almost as much as the next guy…one thing I find even more enjoyable are the internet coverage of local or USBC or ABT or TNBA tournaments. I just enjoy seeing "real" bowlers bowl. I tend towards watching qualifiers, semis…the earlier the better. It's one of the things that turned me off to the PBA many years ago…it's just "boring" watching guys hit strike after strike after strike…never missing the headpin…rarely EVER missing a spare. It seems "fake". I can appreciate it…but it's so far above my level that it seems unreal.

    SO…I like watching the amateur stuff more…the earlier rounds. And it's hard to find that video…most of the time they only cover the USBC Masters or collegiate bowling or youth stuff…PBA finals, etc… But I came across an inside bowling video recently…and watched all 3.5 hours of it. And I was grateful to find it…just covering some no-name tournament in Iowa. And I'm gonna check out more of their stuff for sure.

    BUT…my only criticism…man…sometimes when they cover a long qualifying round…and the ABT guys are guilty of this too…it's like the announcers have to find ways to "entertain". Man…you have to sit through about 2.75 hours worth of absolute nonsense talk…just to hear the 0.25 hours of actual bowling talk. The guy is talking about board games, and tarot readings, and just absolute nonsense. I was tempted to just mute it and watch the bowlers bowl…but I didn't want to miss the few times where they talked about bowling strategy, etc…

    Anyone else feel this way? Any other amateur stuff people can recommend to watch? I've watched a lot of the ABT stuff…and I've found "some" USBC stuff that wasn't Queens, doubles, team, youth, or collegiate. But I'd love to find more!!
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  2. #2


    So, you want to watch bowlers that bowl like the people you could drive down and watch at your local bowling ally for free? I don't get it.

    As for the announcers, I have to imagine that no matter how much a person loves bowling, there is only so much they can say. It is probably one of the biggest issues with bowling getting air time, there just isn't much to say.

  3. #3


    There are certain sports that I love to play or used to love to play but they are just a little boring to watch on TV.
    Baseball i love to play but it is just to boring to watch. I dont care for Golf or Tennis or Futbol (Soccer) Bowling there is just not alot of action and for the nonbowler you turn on the channel and just see strike after strike. After watching a frame or two you have basically seen the whole thing.
    The only sport I enjoy watching on TV is Futbol Americana.
    USBC #9327-540
    In the Bag:
    Storm IQ Tour Fusion, Brunswick Mastermind Genisu, Roto Grip Asylum and Ebonite Maxim
    Final Book Averages for Fall:192 Current averages in Summer: PBA 182, Tuesday 202, Thursday 205

  4. #4
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tr33frog View Post
    So, you want to watch bowlers that bowl like the people you could drive down and watch at your local bowling ally for free? I don't get it.
    I watch bowling because I enjoy bowling and am trying to look for things to improve my game. Watching guys at that level with the most advanced equipment on lane conditions I could never even "find" to play on…seems like I'm watching something different than "bowling".

    Quote Originally Posted by tr33frog View Post
    As for the announcers, I have to imagine that no matter how much a person loves bowling, there is only so much they can say. It is probably one of the biggest issues with bowling getting air time, there just isn't much to say.
    Well…I agree. But man…can't they talk about the alley and the town and the sponsor and about each of the bowlers…maybe some bios? Better than hearing them ramble about nonsense the whole damn telecast.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  5. #5
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    I don't think there's one sport that I "hate"…and I can't think of one that I'd prefer to watch than play. But for me…golf is virtually unwatchable. I also don't care for basketball. I'll "play" basketball…but I only watch it during the college tournament. And I play a fair amount of golf…but virtually never watch it on TV. Poker…same deal. I am an avid poker player; play in lots of tournaments..but I rarely watch it on TV.

    Bowling can actually "learn" from golf and poker in one way. That is; what you actually "see" of the golf and poker is a tiny tidbit of the actual tournament. Maybe bowling can cover a PBA event from Round 1/Qualifying…but edit the highlights. Rather than just cover the 5 person stepladder…make it a little longer…but just pull highlights from the earlier rounds. Cindarella stories, stuff like that.

  6. #6
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    I pretty much agree with you. I like OLD bowling. And I do like some of the amateur stuff too. These guys aren't hacks they just aren't pros.
    Ball speed: 17 - 18.5 mph Rev rate: 400ish
    PAP 6 1/8" over 1/4" up
    13° axis tilt / 30°-60° axis rotation
    Thumbless bowler
    High game: 300 High series: 804 High average: 217

  7. #7
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Bowling can actually "learn" from golf and poker in one way. That is; what you actually "see" of the golf and poker is a tiny tidbit of the actual tournament. Maybe bowling can cover a PBA event from Round 1/Qualifying…but edit the highlights. Rather than just cover the 5 person stepladder…make it a little longer…but just pull highlights from the earlier rounds. Cindarella stories, stuff like that.
    The PBA did cover the 2009 Cheetah somewhat like that, a lot of stuff from the qualifying and match play. For some reason there wasn't a step ladder but the final was a three game match between Duke and Cimminelli. I loved it but they haven't tried it again,

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    I watch bowling because I enjoy bowling and am trying to look for things to improve my game. Watching guys at that level with the most advanced equipment on lane conditions I could never even "find" to play on…seems like I'm watching something different than "bowling".

    Well…I agree. But man…can't they talk about the alley and the town and the sponsor and about each of the bowlers…maybe some bios? Better than hearing them ramble about nonsense the whole damn telecast.
    I guess it could be interesting if they had some coaches doing the announcing of the less talented guys.

  9. #9
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Wouldn't that be fun though? To get exposed to up and coming bowlers…or even watch some of the older PBA50 guys early on in the tournament. And in the amateur tournaments, which I love to watch, read a bio of the various players. The ABT during Spring or Winter nationals coverage…each player that entered filled out a little bio sheet including their favorite pro bowlers which was kinda cool.

  10. #10


    Insidebowling should again be covering the Fusion Realtors Open in Waterloo Iowa. It should be a great field of 180 bowlers with $8000 added prize money. Past participants have included Tom Hess, Rob Gotchall, Rick Miller, Matt McNeil and many more great bowlers.


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