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Thread: mc_runner's scores

  1. #51


    First day of summer league:

    Started with the Vivid (why not?) and still had issues controlling it. I just have never gotten the hang of that ball. 5 frames in switched to the byte and used that the rest of the way. Still struggling with consistency in the modern release (which I fully expect to happen all summer) but the good news is that even with that, I'm bowling around or even slightly above average:

    161/208/186, 555 series

    Strikes: 39% (13/33)
    Single Pin Spares: 83% (5/6) - whiffed on a 10 pin that I knew I threw poorly
    multiple pin, no split: 80% (8/10) - chopped a 3/9 in the first game, and totally shanked a 6/10 into the gutter while not particularly zoned in
    Splits: 0% (0/2)

    All in all fairly happy. Struggled the first game, 2nd and 3rd were much better. Starting out with a 186 average is fine - I'd like to hit 200 next year and feel like it'll be possible once the consistency is there!

  2. #52


    Last night was meh. Didn't feel super great and struggled with spares more than usual. Also, 6 splits. yuck.

    Strikes: 38% (13/34)
    Spares: 57% (11/19)
    Single pin: 71% (5/7) - missed a 2 pin and 8 pin. Updating my release has had some unforeseen challenges with picking up middle-rack single pins, I don't really feel comfortalbe shooting the new or old style at it. It'll come
    multiple pin, no split: 83% (5/6)
    Splits: 16% (1/6)

  3. #53


    188, 201, 173 / 562

    Strikes: 43% (14/32)
    Spares: 58% (10/17)
    Single Pin: 66% (2/3)
    Multiple Pin, no split: 8/11
    Splits: 0% (0/3)

    Getting closer - I'm finally at a rev rate and roll I'm happy with and starting to feel more comfortable with the shot. Still a bit off on the consistency though - I can string together a bunch of strikes but then I lose it for a bit and throw a few opens - example, game 1 started off spare/split/open, then threw a 5 bagger, then ended chop/split for a 188.

  4. #54


    199, 176, 194 - 569 series

    Strikes: 44% (15/34)
    Spares: 72% (13/18)
    Single Pin: 75% (6/8)
    Multiple Pin no split: 7/9
    Splits: 0% (0/1)

    Struggled with strike consistency a bit again. I felt a little bit off last night and my release didn't feel right (and I was down some revs). Had a clean game in game 1, and couldn't spare for the life of me in game 2... had 6 strikes and 4 opens (including a missed 10 pin, and 4 pin). Eh. Got it back a bit in game 3... still waiting for it to feel natural so I don't have to think about what I'm doing.

  5. #55


    147, 199, 202 - 548 series

    It was hazy, hot and humid all day. Game 1 I could NOT find a line that worked. Vivid wasn't feeling quite right and reacting the way I needed it to, and the byte was just way too flippy (blame the humidity for that). Game 2 I moved inside and the vivid started working much better, game 3 I stayed with that line and would have had a significantly higher score if I hadn't left the big 4 in the 9th frame.

    Strikes: 44% (15/34)
    Spares: 61% (11/18)
    - Single pin spares: 100% (5/5)
    - Multiple pin, no split: 63% (5/8)
    - Splits: 20% (1/5)

    Too many open multiple pin, and too many splits. 4 splits in game 1, and I chopped a 2-4-8, a 3-6, and a 3-6-10. The pieces are slowly coming together, as I am getting better carry. I have to remember to stay down on my release in game 1 especially, which has been a sticking point so far this season. Once I stay down the shots follow.

  6. #56


    Last night was a disaster. 170/186/165, 521 series.

    Strikes: 38% (12/31)
    Spares: 52% (10/19)
    Single Pin: 71% (5/7) - missed a 4 pin (no excuse) and a 10 pin.
    Multiple pin, no split: 40% (4/10)
    Splits: 50% (1/2) - hey, made a 2-4-10 split

    I wasn't comfortable with my shots all night, something was off. When I stayed low I had no follow through and yanked the ball, when I followed through I didn't stay low and lofted it. Revs were down, and worst of all are those multiple pin stats. I had FIVE chops on the night. By the end of the third game I just laughed when I missed the final shot on the 10th frame, wanted to get out of there. Without the chops the week turns out "ok". Oh, I also had a gutter/spare to lead the last game off.

    This was the final attempt at going out for crappy but delicious food before bowling, I figured to give it one more try and see if it still affected me (it did). Back to practice this week.

  7. #57


    So an interesting night overall. I bowled my season low and high back to back.

    Another hot/humid day, approach was sticky and I pivoted poorly on my second practice ball and pulled a muscle in my hip. I wasn't sure I'd be able to bowl at all but figured I'd give it a shot.

    136/231/203, 570 series

    Strikes: 40% (13/32)
    Spares: 63% (12/19)
    Single Pin: 83% (5/6)
    Multiple Pin, no split: 7/9
    Splits: 0% (0/4)

    Game 1 was kind of rough. I had to start out a lot more upright than I would have liked due to the hip, and missed several spares, only struck twice. I was right and left without a consistent release/ball reaction. Got a few splits and chopped a 3/6/10.
    Game 2 I found a working line, finally, with the byte (!). Clean except for a greek church in the 5th and got a 5 bagger in 6-10 (spare in the fill frame).
    Game 3 That line went away, switched to the vivid and played more inside. Went well minus one chop in frame 4.

  8. #58


    Tonight was really bad, worst night in awhile. To be honest I expected more nights like this as I transition to the new swing, but I didn't think they'd be this late in the process. I was off with timing, speed, delivery, everything tonight. I wasn't making spares either.

    149/191/143, 483 series.

    A lot to work on, and it mostly comes back to timing, staying low/balanced and posting shots.

    Strikes: 36% (12/33)
    Spares: 52% (10/19)
    Single Pin: 60% (3/5) no excuses for a missed 10 pin and 7 pin
    Multiple pin, no split: 70% (7/10)
    Splits: 0% (0/4)

    I got 2 gutter balls, one I covered for a spare and the other was on the last shot of the last game (fill frame). Not so good!

  9. #59
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hutchinson, KS
    Chats: 204


    Quote Originally Posted by mc_runner View Post
    A lot to work on, and it mostly comes back to timing, staying low/balanced and posting shots.
    Yup…me too.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  10. #60


    Time to hit the alley for some practice this weekend. The weeks I haven't had a chance to practice are the ones where everything's been a mighty struggle!

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