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Thread: mc_runner's scores

  1. #1

    Default mc_runner's scores

    It's 2014, fall leagues are halfway over and I just got a new ball. Let's see what happens.

    Tonight: 167-187-211

    Leading off... this whole year I've been in a slump. Timing's been off, release has been bad, no follow through, etc. I've mostly maintained average, only down 3 pins, solely because my spares HAVEN'T been off (?)

    The first 2 games was same old - nearly every strike ball was 3-4 boards left of target and I wasn't on balance at all.

    On the 5th frame of the third game (with a 62) I realized I wasn't following through at all. With my ONLY change making sure I followed through, I proceeded to nearly punch out, save for a ringing 10 on my fill shot in the 10th. Although the series wasn't anything special, I was thrilled with the finish. Guess we'll see where this "revelation" takes me next week

  2. #2
    High Roller striker12's Avatar
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    i had the same problem at the start of the season timing off and release and my feet being to fast some times but it takes some time to get it all under control but my avg is down at 153 only because my spare shots i had a 14lb spare ball throwing 15lb strike balls can not hit the dame 10 pin.

    i can hit any other pin on the right side because i stand far left and i throw a hook ball at them but i throw a weaker ball to do it because of my high rev rate but any pins on the left side of the lane i just hook at those other then the 7 pin i throw a straight ball at it to get use to it.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums

    In bag- , storm iq tour pearl , columbia 300 white dot, Brunswick meanstreak brawler, 900 global network, roto-grip rumble, DV8 nightmare

    youth bowling Canada member

    high game: 300
    high series: 699

    this season high Game: 249
    this season high Series: 618

  3. #3
    Member Geneo2u's Avatar
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    10 pins suck, i think they should take them out of the rack, there are times when i will get on a streak and not miss any for a couple weeks, then something changes, i don't know what.

  4. #4


    The worst thing about the 10 pin is when you have a great-looking shot that leaves a 10, and then you rush the spare or just plain miss. 20+ pin loss right there.

    Ironically striker, this year's been a struggle for me hooking at the 4-7 pins. I've been having some issues of missing just enough to hook it right in front of one or both... except I'm even less consistent throwing a straight ball at it (more practice!).

  5. #5
    High Roller striker12's Avatar
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    kingston, ontario
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    yeah the way i hook my ball over is i throw straight up 10 board slow down my feet witch will make me throw the ball slower and i use my brawler or freeze witch is pin down and normally dose the job but if the lanes are more oiled i will do my normal type of shot to go up the 10 board but then move my target left 3 boards if i go anymore i will throw the ball in the gutter.

    and i play on a modified THS witch is a normal THS but can be longer or shorter with more and less units of oil its different every week
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums

    In bag- , storm iq tour pearl , columbia 300 white dot, Brunswick meanstreak brawler, 900 global network, roto-grip rumble, DV8 nightmare

    youth bowling Canada member

    high game: 300
    high series: 699

    this season high Game: 249
    this season high Series: 618

  6. #6


    Bad series this week... 144/191/180, 515 series. I was throwing great in practice, then had a long wait before game 1 started. When it did everything just felt "off". A few splits and a couple missed spares did it in. Recovered OK on games 2 and 3 after moving way inside. Still need to work on consistent follow through and make sure timing is right.

  7. #7
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    It's nice to see people throwing in the 160-180 range. I don't feel so "left out" like I do when I read; "I had a total off night tonight..shot a 211-287-191...middle game was okay but the rest were embarrassing."

    It's like, "FU dude!!! If my LOW game is a 191...I'd wet myself!! If I ever bowl over 250 I'm gonna want my picture in the paper!"

  8. #8


    Really starting to hate winter. Since Dec 10th, I've only gotten to bowl ONCE in my Tuesday league (3 snow-outs, plus holidays. Also had my Thursday league cancelled once due to snow). And tonight we're supposed to get another "surprise" snowstorm... the forecast was saying nothing until yesterday, now 6-10 inches of snow starting around noon today. grrrr

  9. #9


    Another pretty crappy night, 177,198,163 for a 538.

    I'm coming off a combination stomach bug/cold (one happened, then the other) as well as the aforementioned snow cancellation. Didn't wan't to leave the balls in my car in 10 degree weather so I ran home before bowling and picked them up and arrived late to practice.

    Today I had the opposite problem I had earlier in the season - I was hitting my mark on my strike perfectly, but rushing/thinking/not picking up my spares well. I missed two of four 9 pins (which should be easy), was only 1 for 2 on 10s, chopped a bucket, etc. I feel that I really focused on my strike balls and it paid off... but when you throw 7 strikes in a game and don't hit 200 it's a little bit frustrating - better than my teammate who hit 8 for a 188, though (8 strikes ,4 opens with 3 of them splits).

    Need to get into a groove and just relax and trust my body to do what it does. I know the slump I'm in right now is totally mental! I also feel like I"m about to break out at any moment.

  10. #10


    178-191-180, 549 series.

    Same old. I have the same problem as the last couple weeks - strike balls feel great, spare balls are all over the place. Was only 5/10 on single pin conversions tonight - unacceptable. Earlier in the season my single pins were at 90%, which is where they should be. I know it's a mental thing because I'm dead on in all my spare practice balls, and am just 50/50 in converting when it actually counts (and I know after the shot what happened).

    Baby steps in breaking out of this slump.
    Last edited by mc_runner; 01-29-2014 at 07:29 AM.

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