Storm Pitch Black Ball Review

Urethane balls are definitely a limited use option, but when they are needed, there’s nothing else that compares. More and more, we are seeing shorter patterns with lighter volume. We are also seeing more flatter patterns which urethane balls can also look decent on. Sometimes the high performance balls are too strong and cleaner, faster responding balls change direction too hard and create too much angle on sport patterns. This is where urethane balls come in. They provide a smoother, more predictable motion. I will use the Pitch Black on extremely short patterns (36’ or less), flatter patterns where there isn’t much hold, and for spares when I have limited space in my bag.

Typically, I like to put a weight hole in urethane balls to try and create a bit more flare. The one I drilled is 5 x 3.5 with a 7/8 hole under my axis. It’s difficult to cover a lot of boards with urethane, so for the most part, I will be using this with more closed angles through the front part of the lane. Also, once some oil gets down lane, urethane can have a hard time striking. At that point, I typically go to a bigger core, slower response time ball. There are times when urethane looks really good and times where it’s definitely not in play. This is where urethane can be used as a spare ball and a strike ball. For anyone traveling on a plane and has limited space in their bag, I would definitely recommend bringing urethane. It goes straight enough for a spare ball and can be a very powerful piece to have when the lanes call for it.

For any youth bowlers going to Junior Gold or bowlers who will be bowling on the PBA Wolf pattern, the Pitch Black will definitely come into use. I’d recommend it for anyone missing that shape in their bag wanting to control the short patterns. If you see some flat patterns as well, urethane can definitely come into play until the pattern blends out. With the Hyroad core inside of it, this creates even more hitting power as it goes through the pins. I like to think of the Pitch Black as a diversified Hyroad!

Go drill one for a multi-purpose piece in your bag!
