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Thread: Eliminator Excel Software for Sale

  1. #1

    Default Eliminator Excel Software for Sale

    Is anyone interested in an Eliminator Excel spreadsheet? I've created one for my own league and a few people told me I should consider selling it. The entire sheet is dynamic in that all you have to do is enter the scores and everything updated automatically, including amount of people to advance, who advances, score to advance, winners, prize funds, etc. It's built for a HANDICAP Eliminator so if you're looking for scratch, I could easily manipulate the spreadsheet for that as well. If anyone is interested, please contact me at for additional details. As I said, the entire spreadsheet is dynamic and does all the work for you, all you have to do is enter the names who entered and scratch scores and the rest is automatic.

    Here are some screenshots for you. Let me explain:

    - The first screenshot shows the spreadsheet before anyone has been entered in its original form with only bowlers names listed. These can be bowlers in the Eliminator or everyone in the league or people from the previous week, etc. They are not entered until you click "Yes" in the Entered column.

    - The second screenshot shows those people who are actually Entered in the Eliminator. As you can see, anyone entered now has a "Yes" next to their name in yellow. It's color-coded so everyone knows if they're in or not. You will now notice the Elimination Flow box has updated so you know how many people entered and how many people advance each game. Also, the prize fund boxes (top row, columns H - K) so you can see what each place pays out. It's all dynamic. The formulas are hidden as well for convenience.

    - The third screenshot shows the first game scores entered for those people who joined the Eliminator. As you can see, it is color-coded again so you can clearly differentiate who advanced to the next game. You can also see in the Top Right column the advancing score (handicap added) so everyone can see what the cut was.

    - The fourth screenshot shows the second game scores entered. Again, it's color coded so you can see who advanced and the Top Right box updates to see the cut. You will now notice some scores are greyed out. These are people who joined the Eliminator but did not advance to the second game.

    - The fifth screenshot shows the third and final game scores entered. Again, it is color-coded, but this time, the last column is color-coded to show the Top 4 places. And the Prize funds box in the top middle (columns H - K) show the Top 4 winners and their scores along with how much they won. There is also a pop-up box in the right column with a little note. I added that for my own league because people were leaving early without collecting their winnings and asking me to hold their winnings until the next week, which I refused to do. You can change that to whatever you want.

    - The sixth screenshot shows error messages in case too many people enter their scores. As you can see, everything is greyed out and there is a message in the Top right boxes showing that too many scores were entered and to correct the issue. This is in case random people start entering their scores or entering their scores in the wrong cells.

    I currently have it set up so that the Top 4 places cash IF AND ONLY IF 7 or more people advance to the last game. If 7 people or less advance to the last game, only Top 3 cash out. This can be changed, but I will not change it more than once. AKA, ask me what you want changed and I'll see if I can change it, but please do not expect me to change it as time goes by.

    I also currently have it set so up to 46 people can join. If you need more than that, please let me know.
    Furthermore, I have it set so the top half scores advance each game. So if 28 people join, 14 will advance to the next game and then 7 to the final game. If an odd number of people join, it rounds up. If there are ties, the spreadsheet can account for this so the tying scores advance. If 24 people join and there are no ties, then 6 will will advance to the final game, meaning only Top 3 places cash out. If there is a tie in one of the games, this will change the calculation so 7 people will advance. If this happens, the spreadsheet will update automatically so Top 4 places cash out.

    The spreadsheet is LOCKED so you cannot see the formulas or edit anything besides the names of the people who joined, the handicaps, and the scratch scores themselves. This is for my protection so no one steals my formulas. This will not be unlocked. If you want to edit the text underneath the title, I will unlock that cell. Other than that, nothing else will be unlocked.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks!

  2. #2


    Here are the 5th and 6th screenshots, the initial post only allows for 4 images.


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