Storm Punch Out

Layout: 45 x 4 3/4 x 40
7/8" Weight Hole, 2" Deep, 2 1/4" Down VAL from PAP
Box Finish

Bowler Info:
325-350 Rev Rate
Speed: 16 - 17 MPH

The Punch Out is a ball that can exploit the weaknesses of any medium to dry oil pattern, especially house shots. The ball has plenty of down lane flip, and saves up lots of energy for going through the pins. This is a ball that I can see a lot of use out of, being that the house shots I see in my area rarely are above middling oil levels, and the Punch Out shines when you have to get left and circle the lane some, without sacrificing pin carry.

The Storm Optimus is a great running partner to the Punch Out, as it is a few boards stronger overall, and has some more midlane roll to control fresher oil. The Punch Out is an easy 3-4 feet further down the lane than the Wipe Out, with better energy retention. You will see the Punch Out run over the 8 pin pretty often.

Mike LeViner
Bowlers Mart