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Thread: corner pin spares set up

  1. #31
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hampe View Post
    ......Any serious bowler should have a plastic spare ball.
    Dang it. Now I'm not a "serious bowler". Granted, with that logic, neither is Norm Duke. Cool, maybe me and Norm can get a beer sometime!

  2. #32


    Aslan: You are getting your terminologies mixed up. Rev rate has absolutely nothing to do with a bowlers ability to throw and end-over-end shot, rotation does. Reactive resin balls not only provide much more friction than plastic balls do, but they also have dynamic cores within them. When you throw a reactive resin ball at a corner spare and you accidentally put any rotation on the ball, the ball will hook thanks to a the core. The friction from the reactive cover magnifies this. When you throw a plastic ball end over end and accidentally put a little rotation on the ball, there's no core to get it to hook, and no friction from the cover to help it to hook even more. You seriously need to stop comparing yourself to Norm Duke, or Walter Ray, or any other world class bowler. There are very, very few of us who are good enough to do that. Instead, you need to start thinking about what missing 40% of your corner spares is doing to your average, and start doing everything you can to stop missing them. Number one on the list is getting a plastic spare ball and using it for all of your single pin spares.

  3. #33
    Ringer Hampe's Avatar
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    Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
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    Current Arsenal: Roto Grip Nomad Pearl, Wrecker, and Hyper Cell; Track 920A and 505A; Storm Tropical Breeze; Plastic Spare Ball

  4. #34
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobLV1 View Post
    and you accidentally put any rotation on the ball, the ball will hook thanks to a the core. The friction from the reactive cover magnifies this. When you throw a plastic ball end over end and accidentally put a little rotation on the ball, there's no core to get it to hook, and no friction from the cover to help it to hook even more.
    Would it not be wiser to concentrate on not "accidentally" putting rotation on the ball rather than buying yet another ball? I mean, if I "accidentally" miss my target right...the plastic ball goes in the gutter. So when that happens...I could make your same arguement and simply say, "If you had a reactive resin would hook into the 10-pin when you accidentally miss right rather than going in the gutter." It seems like you're trying to add another ball to a scenario based on someone accidentally doing something wrong in their release.

    Now granted, I'm playing Devil's advocate a bit. But to me...a plastic ball makes much, much more sense when making the arguement that you can keep your release the same and it won't hook "as much". I've NEVER liked the idea of changing my release to throw a ball end over end. I do it on rare occasions if I have to throw at a weird multi-pin spare leave...but I don't "like" to.

    Quote Originally Posted by RobLV1 View Post
    You seriously need to stop comparing yourself to Norm Duke, or Walter Ray, or any other world class bowler. There are very, very few of us who are good enough to do that.
    It's merely a goal. Bowling isn't as hard of a sport as people make it out to be...especially in this era of 3x-5x as many perfect games per year. I therefore set a "goal" of trying to someday throw like Earl Anthony, or Walter Ray, or Mika, or Parker Bohn, or even Duke. Granted, they have QUITE a bit of a head start and realiztically I am pretty sure I'll never get to that level. But if I'm going to pattern my game after an elite bowler...and TRY to be an elite bowler...I'm going to choose those that lead nearly every recorded category in bowling history. Some people pattern their game off the "flavor of the month"...many, MANY are learning to throw 2-handed because of Belmo. And I've made the SAME CASE that you are making for NOT patterning my game after Walter Ray (he's the exception and not the rule) those 2-handed bowlers (that Belmo is the exception, not the rule)...and have taken quite a bit of heat for it I might add.

    It's not a "comparison"'s a "goal". And I only invoked Norm Duke's name in response to an "absolute" statement that Hampe had made. There are very few "absolutes"...especially in bowling. Hell, I just watched a guy throwing a ball by walking backwards Sunday morning. Granted, I obviously think thats stupid...but the guy wasn't half bad...he was picking up spares and everything. Different strokes for different folks I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by RobLV1 View Post
    Instead, you need to start thinking about what missing 40% of your corner spares is doing to your average, and start doing everything you can to stop missing them. Number one on the list is getting a plastic spare ball and using it for all of your single pin spares.
    #1 on my list is not throwing the ball like a jackwagon. When I'm confident that the only reason I'm missing those my reluctance to buy a plastic ball...believe me...and this is coming from a guy that has more bowling ball purchases in the last 2 months than anyone on this website...I WILL NOT HESITATE to buy a plastic ball. But...I threw a plastic ball in my old Thursday league when I was trying out the tri-grip...I wasn't making any more or less spares with that stupid plastic ball. I miss spares...MOST of the time...because I MISS. I pull a shot, the ball gets away from me and channels...whatever the case. We have to stop perpetuating the idea that new balls cure problems in bowling. They don't Me getting a plastic ball will likely do nothing other than have me prematurely retire the Slingshot...and give me less overall options in terms of my arsenal.

    Believe me...when I'm confident that it's stubbornness keeping me from picking up spares more than just my inadequacy...I like Norm Duke and all...but not that much.

    Like I said, I agree with the USBC approved spare ball concept. I think for most people it's a good idea. But a LOT of people have been bad spare shooters and disappointed when the shiny Viz-a-Ball they purchased...with some cool skull or beer bottle or sports logo...doesn't make them a better spare shooter. Practice makes someone a better spare shooter. Timing, accuracy, targeting systems, etc... makes people better spare shooters.

    I am now motivated to do a quick (Mudpuppy avert your eyes) STATISTICAL TEST....but that is for another thread....this discussion has hijacked this baby long enough. Stand by...statistical test thread coming shortly...

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Would it not be wiser to concentrate on not "accidentally" putting rotation on the ball rather than buying yet another ball? I mean, if I "accidentally" miss my target right...the plastic ball goes in the gutter. So when that happens...I could make your same arguement and simply say, "If you had a reactive resin would hook into the 10-pin when you accidentally miss right rather than going in the gutter." It seems like you're trying to add another ball to a scenario based on someone accidentally doing something wrong in their release.

    Now granted, I'm playing Devil's advocate a bit. But to me...a plastic ball makes much, much more sense when making the arguement that you can keep your release the same and it won't hook "as much". I've NEVER liked the idea of changing my release to throw a ball end over end. I do it on rare occasions if I have to throw at a weird multi-pin spare leave...but I don't "like" to.

    It's merely a goal. Bowling isn't as hard of a sport as people make it out to be...especially in this era of 3x-5x as many perfect games per year. I therefore set a "goal" of trying to someday throw like Earl Anthony, or Walter Ray, or Mika, or Parker Bohn, or even Duke. Granted, they have QUITE a bit of a head start and realiztically I am pretty sure I'll never get to that level. But if I'm going to pattern my game after an elite bowler...and TRY to be an elite bowler...I'm going to choose those that lead nearly every recorded category in bowling history. Some people pattern their game off the "flavor of the month"...many, MANY are learning to throw 2-handed because of Belmo. And I've made the SAME CASE that you are making for NOT patterning my game after Walter Ray (he's the exception and not the rule) those 2-handed bowlers (that Belmo is the exception, not the rule)...and have taken quite a bit of heat for it I might add.

    It's not a "comparison"'s a "goal". And I only invoked Norm Duke's name in response to an "absolute" statement that Hampe had made. There are very few "absolutes"...especially in bowling. Hell, I just watched a guy throwing a ball by walking backwards Sunday morning. Granted, I obviously think thats stupid...but the guy wasn't half bad...he was picking up spares and everything. Different strokes for different folks I say.

    #1 on my list is not throwing the ball like a jackwagon. When I'm confident that the only reason I'm missing those my reluctance to buy a plastic ball...believe me...and this is coming from a guy that has more bowling ball purchases in the last 2 months than anyone on this website...I WILL NOT HESITATE to buy a plastic ball. But...I threw a plastic ball in my old Thursday league when I was trying out the tri-grip...I wasn't making any more or less spares with that stupid plastic ball. I miss spares...MOST of the time...because I MISS. I pull a shot, the ball gets away from me and channels...whatever the case. We have to stop perpetuating the idea that new balls cure problems in bowling. They don't Me getting a plastic ball will likely do nothing other than have me prematurely retire the Slingshot...and give me less overall options in terms of my arsenal.

    Believe me...when I'm confident that it's stubbornness keeping me from picking up spares more than just my inadequacy...I like Norm Duke and all...but not that much.

    Like I said, I agree with the USBC approved spare ball concept. I think for most people it's a good idea. But a LOT of people have been bad spare shooters and disappointed when the shiny Viz-a-Ball they purchased...with some cool skull or beer bottle or sports logo...doesn't make them a better spare shooter. Practice makes someone a better spare shooter. Timing, accuracy, targeting systems, etc... makes people better spare shooters.

    I am now motivated to do a quick (Mudpuppy avert your eyes) STATISTICAL TEST....but that is for another thread....this discussion has hijacked this baby long enough. Stand by...statistical test thread coming shortly...
    Okay, I give up! One day you'll figure it out, but I guess it has to be in your own time.

  6. #36
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Aslan a few things:

    #1.No one gets a perfect release on any shot on an every time basis. You will always have some variance on how many revs you have on your strike shot and you will most have some amount of revs on your spare shot even though you are trying not too. The entire point is in eliminating as many variables as possible so it truly is just you and hitting your mark. Also this started over sport shots which figure more variances in the pattern of oil and tend to be spottier after being in play than heavier THS.

    #2. There are many famous bowlers who have unusual elements to their game doesn't necessarily mean we should emulate them.

    #3. "But...I threw a plastic ball in my old Thursday league when I was trying out the tri-grip...I wasn't making any more or less spares with that stupid plastic ball. I miss spares...MOST of the time...because I MISS. I pull a shot, the ball gets away from me and channels...whatever the case. We have to stop perpetuating the idea that new balls cure problems in bowling" This one I will give you some on but you're missing the point here too. Its about removing the variables that are out of your control. You are right with plastic the ten pin sent to the right will go in the gutter it might have hooked and stayed on with the sling shot but you can count on that and need to not get it in your head even subconsciously that you can throw that ball like that and still get it. Why because on most sport patterns their is oil out there and its not going to hook.

    #4. Of course balls cure problems in bowling otherwise we would be throwing rubber balls. The right ball on the right condition thrown correctly can improve your game. A ball won't put it in the pocket if you miss (although some balls can give you more miss room), a ball cant hook if you don't have the revs to make it do it, a ball won't pick your spares up for you.

    As far as the spares go its not that plastic is going to solve all of your spare shooting problems just that you know with plastic it really is you who missed and not a dry patch on the lane or you not knowing the exact oil composition at a certain spot on the lane. its one less thing to need to think about. All of this from a guy without a plastic spare ball.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

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  7. #37


    Just get you one of these for spares ...

  8. #38
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    #2. There are many famous bowlers who have unusual elements to their game doesn't necessarily mean we should emulate them.
    I was going to ask, "Well, then who SHOULD we emulate? I mean, do we emulate the local pro? The guy in the league with the highest average? The most "gifted" (= Iceman)?"...but then I remembered the ananswer to this question is ALWAYS Chris Barnes (unless you are 2-handed, then it's Belmo).

  9. #39


    You shouldn't really emulate anyone to a great extent physically. Growing up i always wanted to hook a ball like mark roth but my steps don't vary between 5 and 9. I always liked earl anthony also but i don't recommend that bent elbow throughout the approach he had. You can say i would love to hook a ball like that guy or i wish i had the accuracy of another guy but when you try to look like them doing it in entirety that is going to be a problem.

  10. #40


    You shouldn't emulate anyone, but you should learn from everyone.

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