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Thread: Konvict's Bowling Scores 2014-2015

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by fortheloveofbowling View Post
    Nice bowling man. It is always a good sign for your game to hang in there and finish strong. It is very easy sometimes to get off to a bad start and never recover. Good job, Keep working!
    Thanks! Ever since I practiced a couple of weeks ago and got out of my slump I have shot 6/9 games in the 200s which has felt great. As for the not recovering it is also something I have been trying to work on and not letting a bad shot or game ruin a whole night.

  2. #22


    Monday Night Mixed

    Week 11 11/11/14 - 148, 152, 189 ... 489

    Current average - 177

    Last night I just could not get loose. Everything felt stiff and I was either pushing or pulling most of my shots and even the ones that found the pocket didn't feel right coming off my hand. Maybe it is due to me bowling everyday for 8-9 days straight or just being mentally off but either way i am taking the week off bowling and relaxing. I will practice again next Saturday after my son's youth league and go from there.

    I wasn't the only one either most of my team also shot 20+ pins under average each game and the opposing team shot really bad also so we still managed to take 5/7 points.

  3. #23


    Sunday Night Mixed

    Week 10 11/16/2014 - 204, 160, 217 ... 581

    Current average - 176

    Was a good night. I spent about a hour watching and re-watching my practice video from a couple of weeks ago to see if I could get my game back on track. It seemed to work because everything felt smooth again tonight and not forced. I am currently leading the league in most improved on the men's side with +40.56 pins over last falls average.

  4. #24


    Monday Night Mixed

    Week 12 11/17/2014 - 190, 195, 170 ... 555

    Current average - 178

    3 open in first game that were all big splits I failed to convert. 3 open in 2nd game 2 big splits and 1 10 pin. 2 open in last game 1 big split and one 6/10 I wiffed. All in all I had a good night.

  5. #25


    Sunday Night Mixed

    Week 11 11/23/2014 - 157, 139, 172 ... 468

    Current average - 174

    Rough night where I just couldn't get my ball to break no matter how I threw it it just kept sliding and getting weak hits. On top of that I haven't had to change balls for months now so since we were having some bad weather I only took my Diva Pearl and spare ball instead of all 4 of my balls so I had nothing to switch to. Spent today de-oiling my Diva pearl and cleaning her up good. Hopefully tonight it will perform better but if not I will be switching to my Misfit Orange/Red.

    Even bowling as bad as I did last night and my teammates also bowling under average we managed to take 6/8 points to keep us securely in 1st place. The 1st game we lost by -39. 2nd game was a nail biter with anchors going into the 10th frame with scores completely tied and both had spares in the 9th. Our team's anchor shot 8- missing an easy 4/7 spare we thought for sure we were done but opposing team's anchor shot 7- then missed 1/2/4 spare giving us a +2 win. 3rd game my teammates opened up well and shot above average and I opened up with a bunch of opens I think I had 5 or 6 open in the last game but manged to hit the last 5 strikes finishing with a descent game for me and we won the last game by +89.
    Last edited by Konvict1982; 12-08-2014 at 10:00 AM.

  6. #26


    Monday Night Mixed

    Week 13 11/24/2014 - 156, 200, 164 ... 520

    Current average ... 178

    First game was all spares no strikes where I was leaving flat 10s and 7s moving left and right didn't help. 2nd game switched to my Misfit but after 4 frames I decided it was just too snappy and went back to my Diva Pearl and moved backwards a step and started pounding out strikes to finish with a 200. 3rd game I missed 3 10 pins and a split so 4 open in the first 5 frames but still managed to salvage it throwing clean from 6th frame to close.

    Huge shout out to one of my teammates John who shot a 715 tonight!

  7. #27


    So I have been slacking on posting my scores the past couple of weeks but here is a recap of my last 2 weeks ...

    Sunday Night Mixed

    Week 12 11/30/2014 - 184, 152, 139 ... 475

    Current average - 173

    All last week I continued struggling with my consistency where every shot felt different and I could not figure out why. However during practice on Friday 12/5/2014 I got some really good advice from a PSO named John Packwood of Fit Bowling Pro Shop that was practicing beside me. Which improved my accuracy leaps and bounds. I practiced a 3 game set later that day with my buddy and shot 180, 220, 222 for a 622 series which is my new personal best (unsanctioned). Things I have changed and improved on are lining up on my left foot instead of right (still use a 4 step approach though), crossing over my first and third steps, removed my push away and start with the ball already out in front of me, and lining up my shoulder/ball/mark. Video to come after the first of the year.

    Week 13 12/7/2014 - 194, 193, 222 ... 609 (New personal best sanctioned series)

    Current average - 175

    Great night of bowling for me using everything I had learned on the previous Friday from John Packwood of Fit Bowling Pro Shop. Notable improvements on my spare shooting especially my 10 pins which I went 5/5 for 100% 10 pin conversion. Only opens were big splits that I took out one side or the other but failed to convert.

    Monday Night Mixed

    Week 14 12/1/14 - 161, 137, 180 ... 478

    Current average - 175

    This set fell into the time frame where I was struggling with consistency and hopefully I will shoot better tonight with the improvements I made in practice last week.

    Also I would like to give a shout out for my 9 y/o son who converted the 7-6/10 split in his youth league Saturday! He isn't a great bowler with his 73 average but it was a huge shot for him!

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Konvict1982 View Post
    Week 13 12/7/2014 - 194, 193, 222 ... 609 (New personal best sanctioned series)
    Also I would like to give a shout out for my 9 y/o son who converted the 7-6/10 split in his youth league Saturday! He isn't a great bowler with his 73 average but it was a huge shot for him!

    COngrats to you and your son. that's a tough split to pickup no matter who you are...

    my 9 yr-old daughter left a split like that a few weeks ago and her coach told her..... " A good bowler gets 2 pins, a lucky bowler gets all 3" I thought that was good advice for most bowlers .. get the pins you can
    PAP - 6 1/4 1/8 up
    speed 16-16.5 monitor
    ~400-450 revs

    I am a Proud Member of Bowling Forums

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Perrin View Post
    COngrats to you and your son. that's a tough split to pickup no matter who you are...

    my 9 yr-old daughter left a split like that a few weeks ago and her coach told her..... " A good bowler gets 2 pins, a lucky bowler gets all 3" I thought that was good advice for most bowlers .. get the pins you can
    I am one of the youth volunteers and I was working his lane that day. When he left it he got upset and stomped a little and said "I will never make that!" I told him never say never! I said "Every time you get up on the approach tell yourself I know I can do this! I got this!" He kind of argued but got up there I saw him take a deep breath and BAM it was beautiful. He was all smiles and as soon as he got back to the table he was like "That was luck!" I told him big splits are 75% luck and 25% skill you just have to apply as much skill as you can and hope for some luck. He followed it up with a beautiful strike too but that was about the only notable shots of the day for him. When he throws right he has an awesome shot but I have been fighting with him lately because his best friend throws a 2 hand back up ball and he wants to throw 2 hand also because of the big hooks but I won't let him throw 2 hand until he gets his fundamentals down with 1 hand. Don't get me wrong if he wants to go 2 handed eventually I have no issues with it but just wanting to throw 2 hand for a big hook you can't control is not a good idea in my opinion.

    And thank you for the congrats!

  10. #30


    Sunday Night Mixed

    Week 14 12/14/14 - 194, 175, 166 ... 535

    Current average - 175

    Monday Night Mixed

    Week 15 12/8/14 - 173, 206, 153 ... 532

    Current average - 176

    Week 16 12/15/14 - 138, 168, 213 ... 519

    Current average - 175

    Friday Night Mixed

    (I missed posting a few weeks from subbing on Fridays but here are the last 2 weeks)

    Week 14 12/12/14 - 151, 158, 173 ... 482

    Current average - 164

    Week 15 12/19/14 - 213, 193, 215 ... 621 (new personal best sanctioned)

    Current average - 170

    Last night was the last night of Friday nights since they voted to run 2 short leagues instead of one long to allow new teams to join at the halfway point. I was added as a regular 2 weeks ago after one of the guys on the team I sub with finally got dropped after missing 4 weeks in a row. Anyways We needed one win last night to hold onto 1st place and I am glad i was able to lay down a good set and help them take first in the short league. I now have a 600+ in all 3 leagues I have bowled in this season with a 609 on Sunday nights, 606 on Monday nights, and a 621 on Friday nights.

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