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Thread: Samdasham Pin Crashin' Assassin

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Seymour, Wi
    Chats: 0


    Are you working on something during these mass amounts of games, or just shooting for score? In my honest opinion, that's a lot of games to throw. Thes most I ever throw during a practice session is 5 games.

  2. #12


    Well, I'm working on repetitions I suppose. Me legs need to catch up w/torso. And I'm working on speed.

    Eleven games. 114/135/154/125/120/110/121/126/119/147/134
    Av-127 first ball pins-7.3 1st ball 18.59 mph 2nd ball-18.56 mph hi/lo 154/110

    My approach twixt strike/spare are as night and day, yet over 11 games the average speed differed by .03 mph.
    Basically I rolled 25 X, /, 9, 8, 7 & 6 pins. Comes to a little over two to a game each. I'm happy that my low game stayed not only in triple digits, but the double triple. Only one game busts a buck fifty though I average 127.

    Next high score, next to last game #10, last ball of the 10th frame after a 9/ was an 8. At 19.52 mph.
    so, no great high score(s) for me, yet a fairly tight knit group. I didn't feel my hip muscle until after a game and a half. That was nice for a change. It was also nice to support my weight on the sliding leg & kick my push leg around clearing room for my ball.

    Munchkins on me port and college kids to starboard as the house was packed. I'm throwing fast w/o sitting down and hard. I was tired from working on fence and I've lost ten pounds dieting/working/bowling. Not svelte just yet, but I'm getting there. Stopped two games shy of me new limit. No sense in pushing the slide leg/hip any further as it's responding well.

    I'm not kidding myself, I'm no bowler. I use it as a gym to work out. In a month perhaps me trunk will be able to meld w/torso as one in strike approach. I'm close in that aspect to where I wish to be. Sure, I could've slowed down and thrown some better scores. I'm happy w/stand up rapid fire consistency even though they're low scores.

    I worked on suitcase throw w/o any twist on me forearm and the timing felt good. Approach was smooth in both strike & spare. I'll bear down on the 4-5 game midweek tune-up and see if I can improve me high score & average.
    Last edited by samdasham; 02-16-2015 at 12:54 AM.
    Pin Crashin' Assassin #2

  3. #13


    Five game tune-up was mediocre even for me. I'm trying to rehab me leg at home w/ltd success. I'm feeling it from the get-go.
    107/117/131/127/126. I'm averaging 121.6 and barely over two strikes a game. Average 18.5-19 mph. Where usually I finish strong at the end/in the tenth I sputtered quite badly.

    6/-, 71, 71s, 52, 8-s.

    Oddly enough I started three games w/X and another I picked up a X on the second frame. A little over one split to a game. Me best game showed potential, but then fizzled.

    X 6/ 7/ 6- 5- 8-s, X X 53 71-s, 131

    Finishing: 7-s, 9- 9/ X X -8 9- 81 X 8-s, 126 That's right, after a double X I threw a gutter ball. Time to finish up and take it to the hause.

    Worst was the first. One strike, one split, two spares one of them in the tenth as thumb sticks & it's a gutter ending.

    9- X 9- 71 9- 9- 8/ 8- 8-s, 6/-

    Besides the slide leg bothering me and taking a toil on timing more than once me thumb was momentarily stuck and the ball went wide left. I had a better score in me though I do not wish to push the muscles any more. I started a lengthy though still walking routine on a treadmill two days prior w/day before as a rest day. Before bowling I walked slowly, supported by me arms, for fifteen minutes working the soreness out. Felt great then; except bowling put on quite a bit more stress and that was an altogether unpleasantness.

    Still, I look at the positives w/one being bowling poorly on a bum leg beats not bowling at all.
    We'll see what shakes on the next go 'round.
    Last edited by samdasham; 02-20-2015 at 10:15 AM.
    Pin Crashin' Assassin #2

  4. #14


    After rehabbing L quad/hip I went out last of February and tore me right calf. I was down for 8 days before i could start rehabbing that muscle. When it rains it pours, eh? Eleven games, no shortage of kids being well kids though I gleaned some from the field. My average was about the same. 126 Nothing to write home about. First pin av 7.5, 1st ball spd 19.46 2nd ball spd 19.71.
    If I take the bookends and the best two in the middle I almost appear to be a bowler. The first two games specs: 8 18.98 19.80 and the last game by frames: X X 35 8- 71 8/ 8/ 6/ 9/ X 5/ three splits, 4/5/7, I convert only the 3 pin split in the 7th. Even though I'm throwing hard I'm not slipping after 10. The 11th game by ball speed: 20.13/19.68/20.87/19.73/20.06/18.82/19.84/19.72/19.73/19.63/19.79/19.73/19.48/19.94/19.64/20.26/20.17/20.07/forgot to write down the 10th frame spare speed.
    Again, I become a little quick to the line w/kids on either side and the score suffers, but overall I'm happy a s a clam. Betwixt bowling & treadmill me trunk is ready to take a stroll. The big brown truck comes tomorrow w/pair of discontinued Zamberlan Nevgal NW hiking boots and me eyes want the view from the top. I believe they weigh in around a kilo each. One more tune-up Thursday and one more cheap free-for-all Sunday before left heart cath Monday. Who knows, maybe the doc will give me an OK to exercise. I hope to be down to 175, but I make no promises. Save to hurl as hard as me feeble frame can maintain.
    Pin Crashin' Assassin #2

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by samdasham View Post
    Five game tune-up was mediocre even for me. I'm trying to rehab me leg at home w/ltd success. I'm feeling it from the get-go.
    107/117/131/127/126. I'm averaging 121.6 and barely over two strikes a game. Average 18.5-19 mph. Where usually I finish strong at the end/in the tenth I sputtered quite badly.

    6/-, 71, 71s, 52, 8-s.

    Oddly enough I started three games w/X and another I picked up a X on the second frame. A little over one split to a game. Me best game showed potential, but then fizzled.

    X 6/ 7/ 6- 5- 8-s, X X 53 71-s, 131

    Finishing: 7-s, 9- 9/ X X -8 9- 81 X 8-s, 126 That's right, after a double X I threw a gutter ball. Time to finish up and take it to the hause.

    Worst was the first. One strike, one split, two spares one of them in the tenth as thumb sticks & it's a gutter ending.

    9- X 9- 71 9- 9- 8/ 8- 8-s, 6/-

    Besides the slide leg bothering me and taking a toil on timing more than once me thumb was momentarily stuck and the ball went wide left. I had a better score in me though I do not wish to push the muscles any more. I started a lengthy though still walking routine on a treadmill two days prior w/day before as a rest day. Before bowling I walked slowly, supported by me arms, for fifteen minutes working the soreness out. Felt great then; except bowling put on quite a bit more stress and that was an altogether unpleasantness.

    Still, I look at the positives w/one being bowling poorly on a bum leg beats not bowling at all.
    We'll see what shakes on the next go 'round.
    Keep exercising, maybe you can get that ball speed up to 21 some day. Keep crashin those pins assassin.

  6. #16


    2/22 I tore calf bowling. 3/9 I bowled 4 games next to kids w/kids and a jambox. Today I'm 175 3/4 which is 5 1/2 or so lbs less than three weeks previous 3/2. Me strategy is simple as meself. I must reach a physical point before I can fine tune anything be it bowling or what ever endeavor.
    On the eleventh game I started to feel the right leg hamstring. Not the same sharp pain from the calf, but I knew that would be me last game. Although I'm mostly upper body torso bowling the legs are very important as I'm utilizing the full approach. I have to take care though as the trunk is already in a program and I do not wish to over exert it. What was nice is that I felt the right side thigh muscle a wee bit sore. No quad/hip/Achilles heel or other heel issues. It's good that I've built a foundation and working from that platform allows me expose other muscles.
    Several balls slipped/fell out of me grip. I'm lifting the ball high in backswing be it my strike or spare approach. It's just that w/strike I extend the ball forward and spare starts at a dead drop/bottom and I pull it back w/o benefit of pendulum motion. The lesson I've learned is pendulum appears to me to be more about ease in motion and timing. As I'm throwing just as fast starting the ball at me side going straight into the backswing. Usually a half mph faster early on until I can synchronize the full strike speed.
    Other than wishing to know how consistent I'm throwing I also want to compare first/second ball speeds throughout the game. This go 'round was suitcase only as I didn't attempt any of the previous twist. Now that I have separated the two different swings I'll try for a bit of motion on the strike swing.
    Both swings the feet start at the back of the deck, 5 step & high backswing. Yet, the strike swing starts in the far right corner and first step is up & over incorporating the pendulum. Spare lines up feet perpendicular to target, not necessarily so w/lane though, and arm is basically on the same board as target. Although I pay no attention to what # board or arrows. I freestyle on shuffleboard and find that more suited to my mechanics. I try not to over-think the game. I look at the pins, decide where I want the ball to go and throw. Straight & hard.
    I see 21 mph in me future and will more than likely max out at 22 w/this 15 1/2 pounder. Then I'll have a 16 drilled.
    Pin Crashin' Assassin #2

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