Kinda hard to take this review seriously.
1) The oil pattern is a "THS" that is only oiled out to about 30ft??? I should HOPE you get some ball reaction out of a reactive resin ball when you give youself a lane thats half dry.
2) A "cranker" with 400+ rpms...on a 30ft pattern....and you're not missing left? How weak IS this ball?
3) "The Unhinged is a versatile ball that can be drilled to hook the lane or go straight up the boards. " I'd like to see that. I'd like to see the unhinged thrown by the same person, the same way, varying only the drill layout and see how it can be drilled to go straight or to hook.
4) "I would suggest this ball for players of all skill levels. It would also compliment an array of styles." Really? You'd suggest it for EVERYONE? Of all skill levels? And it would compliment just about everyone? That isn't at all an "over sell"?
I think the ball is interesting. But the review needs work.
1) The pattern is on the short/low volume/dry end of the THS spectrum and a "cranker" is simply going to make the ball seem like it has more hook than it really does. As soon as someone buys it and plays on a normal pattern with a normal release they are bound to be disappointed. I don't think the purpose of marketing is to disappoint the buyer.
2) The claim that a ball can be drilled differently...and that will impact an average unlikely based on testing. At 400+ rpms??? Maybe...probably. But're not selling this to 400rpm bowlers with 230 averages. They want to know what it does for THEM.
3) Stating that the ball is 100% wonderful and suits everyone is like a politician saying he's in favor of a "quality education and a clean environment". What does that mean?? And while that might attract someone to the ball who believes it's the best ball out there and is universally good...that marketing ploy also turns away bowlers that don't want a "general purpose" ball...they want a ball to get them "X". Not "strikes"...I mean "X" in terms of whatever the specific thing is they are looking for.
Am I being unnecissarily harsh on our young ball reaction poster?? Maybe. But see...the key is that this young gentleman is a rotogrip/storm staffer. So marketing and selling bowling balls is part of his job. If it wasn't...that it's just an interesting video of a guy bowling and offering an opinion. But since it's an is subject to more scrutiny.
An interesting ball. I'll add it to my "wish list"...but with an "asterisk" since I'm not so sure about this "review".