, another Vbullentin site, and the sysadmin of this used to work with me. He has many features on the site, like the games, virtual chat, avatar, but he's going in the direction of attracting users to get the attention someone to purchase it. I only go there during football season, atleast I did last few years, not much this year, concentrated more on my bowling game and house designing (or re-designing).
He does use a thing called bengalbucks, which is tokens from the site based on game credits, and you can use to purchase additional games on the site or submit (tokens) as entries into auctions to win prizes that users donate. I donated a Rudy signed football - and ended up getting 45K tokens into my account for the winning bid. I gave some to my wife, she's the game player, so she sat down and 3 weeks later, used up all of them on the games on the site, it's like putting quarters into video games. It was something different, people would get bengalbucks if they scored highest on a game or a challenge and of course (smack talk) their way around the site, which is one reason I less visited.
Thank god bowlers don't do that.
