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Thread: Drastic change in style recommended by pro-shop.

  1. #11
    What is Bowling?
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    Jan 2015
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    Update... went in Saturday and got the ball sanded down to 1000. What a huge difference! I was having trouble getting the ball back to the pocket, no matter where I played from. If I started from the left, it would go through the oil and not come back to the pocket... hitting the 3 pin, if I moved left it would start to come to the pocket but hit the head pin so light it would just go straight to the left and not hit anything else.

    The guy said I was either burning the ball up and we should polish it, or that it wasn't rough enough to read the lane, but he didn't really have time to go watch it, so I just opted for the sanding and figured if it didn't work, we could polish it and try that. (I'm not sure how to tell which problem it is, he explained it, but I cant tell the difference.)

    It took me a few shots to find my spot, but as soon as I found it, I started stringing strikes together. Now I'm starting at the 3rd dot, throwing the ball between the 1st and 2nd arrows and it comes back to the pocket nicely. 2nd game after sanding was a 210. I rolled about 10 games and managed a 254 after about an hour. 9 on the first frame and strikes the rest of the way through until the 10th. (Some were very lucky, but I'll take it.)

  2. #12
    What is Bowling?
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    Jan 2015
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    It won't let me edit... I should have said "if I moved Right" instead of Left.

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