Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
So the easy answer is...sorry pro shop guy...but I gotta do it this way. EXCEPT...he was sharing knowledge given to HIM by Norm Duke. So I can't just discount it as some bowler with his own style...not if it's coming from one of the 5 best in the sport.
You also have to take into consideration that the tip or technique that Norm was telling this guy to use might have been tailored to his specific game. It's very likely that if you were getting a lesson from Norm he might tell you to do a different push-away.

It's usually a good idea to take second-hand tips or instructions with a grain of salt, since A) you don't know for sure if the guy is explaining the instruction correctly (we've all played the "telephone" game), and B) you can't be sure if the expert would even recommend that advice for you if they were present.