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Thread: Is Belmonte/Rash staged??

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by bubba809 View Post
    No no no, I was referring to the heated debate you and NewtoBowling had going on. It was like the Rash/Belmo rivalry.
    Not heated. No hate. I actually like Rash. Think he is good for the game

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by fortheloveofbowling View Post
    Ok man, you obviously know what your talking about.
    It is true he is in other bowlers heads. They always have to watch his bowling lines during qualifying as he burns up the lanes so much. That throws off everyone else's game.

  3. #43
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    I bet if you got all of the pros together, especially the old school guys, and got a few drinks in them you would find out Rash ins't the only one who is not exactly a fan of Belmonte. And I do agree with what was said earlier about it making the sport look like a joke somewhat. I compare it to Happy Gilmore. That is an illegal shot on the golf course because it makes a mockery of the spirit of the way the game was designed to be played. I have stepped up on the range and done the Happy Gilmore swing and knocked the living snot out of it. I know you guys are not going to believe me but to the tune of 380+ yards. Sometimes it goes straight, sometimes it goes straight left, sometimes straight right, sometimes off the hosel. That is why I feel it is a pretty good comparison to two handed bowling. The timing is crucial and when it works, it works and when it doesn't... well you get it. The point is that there are rules in place to not allow such things as it is not "correct". I am not trying to turn the thread into a for or against two handed bowling argument, just citing those differences as a factor in the Rash/Belmonte feud. Or the anyone/Belmonte feud for that matter.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan1700 View Post
    I bet if you got all of the pros together, especially the old school guys, and got a few drinks in them you would find out Rash ins't the only one who is not exactly a fan of Belmonte. And I do agree with what was said earlier about it making the sport look like a joke somewhat. I compare it to Happy Gilmore. That is an illegal shot on the golf course because it makes a mockery of the spirit of the way the game was designed to be played. I have stepped up on the range and done the Happy Gilmore swing and knocked the living snot out of it. I know you guys are not going to believe me but to the tune of 380+ yards. Sometimes it goes straight, sometimes it goes straight left, sometimes straight right, sometimes off the hosel. That is why I feel it is a pretty good comparison to two handed bowling. The timing is crucial and when it works, it works and when it doesn't... well you get it. The point is that there are rules in place to not allow such things as it is not "correct". I am not trying to turn the thread into a for or against two handed bowling argument, just citing those differences as a factor in the Rash/Belmonte feud. Or the anyone/Belmonte feud for that matter.
    If anyone is to blame for the 2 handed style, it's the ABC/USBC for not protecting the credibility of the sport.

    It's as if the USGA allowed golf balls that could fly 500 yards, yet not hook/slice for the average hack.

    Bowling used to be a game of "touch", not pure strength.

    As you increased the speed, the ball went straighter and straighter.

    As you increased revs, it hooked more, to a point (where you matched speed and revs) then any more revs made it hook less.

    Lane conditions didn't dictate where the mass of people had to play, you played based on your attributes.

    With todays balls, there doesn't appear to be a limit on how much speed can be effective, and the more speed (assuming the ball rolls) the better.

    Since a faster moving ball transfers more energy into the pins, the side boards are much more in play than in the past.
    Last edited by Mike White; 02-28-2015 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    If anyone is to blame for the 2 handed style, it's the ABC/USBC for not protecting the credibility of the sport.

    It's as if the USGA allowed golf balls that could fly 500 yards, yet not hook/slice for the average hack.

    Bowling used to be a game of "touch", not pure strength.

    As you increased the speed, the ball went straighter and straighter.

    As you increased revs, it hooked more, to a point (where you matched speed and revs) then any more revs made it hook less.

    Lane conditions didn't dictate where the mass of people had to play, you played based on your attributes.

    With todays balls, there doesn't appear to be a limit on how much speed can be effective, and the more speed (assuming the ball rolls) the better.

    Since a faster moving ball transfers more energy into the pins, the side boards are much more in play than in the past.
    Amen brother. I wish the pba would mix it up with some of the wtba patterns that utilize a large portion of the total volume of oil on the reverse pass. That seems to get the backends to hold up longer and forces players to back their hand out of the ball to get it through the fronts. When i hear guys like Norm duke say he is totally out of it based on the fact the pattern is so blown apart and really can't be effective moving in deep something is wrong. This game is not supposed to be played lofting the gutter cap and playing 7th arrow. I'm not saying intentionally try to shut out the big boomers but mix it up a lot more than they do.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan1700 View Post
    I bet if you got all of the pros together, especially the old school guys, and got a few drinks in them you would find out Rash ins't the only one who is not exactly a fan of Belmonte. And I do agree with what was said earlier about it making the sport look like a joke somewhat. I compare it to Happy Gilmore. That is an illegal shot on the golf course because it makes a mockery of the spirit of the way the game was designed to be played. I have stepped up on the range and done the Happy Gilmore swing and knocked the living snot out of it. I know you guys are not going to believe me but to the tune of 380+ yards. Sometimes it goes straight, sometimes it goes straight left, sometimes straight right, sometimes off the hosel. That is why I feel it is a pretty good comparison to two handed bowling. The timing is crucial and when it works, it works and when it doesn't... well you get it. The point is that there are rules in place to not allow such things as it is not "correct". I am not trying to turn the thread into a for or against two handed bowling argument, just citing those differences as a factor in the Rash/Belmonte feud. Or the anyone/Belmonte feud for that matter.
    Thank you. Belmonte and palerma are unbelievably impressive with what they do. I have seen it up close bowling on the same pair as osku at the high roller one year. As powerful as it looks on tv it does not even compare with seeing that ball speed and rave rate up close. Simply amazing. I just like to see shot making ability rewarded, not the ability to blow apart the back end and then play a 5 board area at the end of the pattern. Again, those guys are really amazing and have worked hard to perfect there talents, i just wish as mike said the lanes would play more often where players could play at least close to there attributes. The game is about adjusting and i'm not saying you should not have to get out of your comfort zone just rewarding shot making wherever you are playing.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan1700 View Post
    I bet if you got all of the pros together, especially the old school guys, and got a few drinks in them you would find out Rash ins't the only one who is not exactly a fan of Belmonte. And I do agree with what was said earlier about it making the sport look like a joke somewhat. I compare it to Happy Gilmore. That is an illegal shot on the golf course because it makes a mockery of the spirit of the way the game was designed to be played. I have stepped up on the range and done the Happy Gilmore swing and knocked the living snot out of it. I know you guys are not going to believe me but to the tune of 380+ yards. Sometimes it goes straight, sometimes it goes straight left, sometimes straight right, sometimes off the hosel. That is why I feel it is a pretty good comparison to two handed bowling. The timing is crucial and when it works, it works and when it doesn't... well you get it. The point is that there are rules in place to not allow such things as it is not "correct". I am not trying to turn the thread into a for or against two handed bowling argument, just citing those differences as a factor in the Rash/Belmonte feud. Or the anyone/Belmonte feud for that matter.
    if two handed is so much easier and superior than how come there aren't more out there. Why do people constantly look down upon people who don't bowl the "traditional" way. Different strokes for different folks.

    The only reason most people don't like Belmonte is they know he is better then them and beating the game with a different approach

  8. #48


    We all know the PBA needs as many viewers as it can get. They're hemorrhaging money right now. Prize money for first place was $50k for a major. That's pretty bad. People like Belmonte are a step in the right direction

  9. #49
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    i think a lot of it is because Belmonte is an Aussie. in Aussie cricket they have a thing called sledging, it's basicly mind games. I remember one incicdent when Australia were playing England. As the teams were coming out one of the Aussies told told one of the Brit players he was looking fat, to which the Brit replied it was because the Ausiie players wife gave hiim a biscuit every time they had sex. to the Aussies it's just part of the overall game. get inside someones head and you win.

  10. #50
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    I also think it's cultural.

    I've never been to Austrailia or even known an Austrailian…but it seems like Belmo is more relaxed and looks at these little battles and mind games and disagreements as "no big deal". Thats why I sort of feel bad for him…because I don't think he means it as much as people think. I feel like he kinda got blindsided by the way Angelo and Rash reacted…and then the whole rivalry took a life of it's own. And it seems like in every interview he tends to play around and not really take it that seriously…where as a guy like Rash, with a different cultural background…seems to really hang onto that "slight".

    Thats why I think Belmo is eventualy going to have to either get fined or physically attacked before he truly "gets the picture". Like a child that keeps testing the rules…not really taking it seriously…then they get yelled at or disciplined and suddenly they "get it". Belmo seems to be "just playing" but his opponents are seeing it as personal disrespect. And the PBA is doing NOTHING to interfere with Belmo and his popularity…which is leading to an eventual "incident".

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