"It can happened to me ....It can happened to you"
Mixed tenses. Either remove the "can", or maybe use "has" in the first part, and drop the "ed" from the second part. "Can" is a future tense, "happened" is a past tense. It makes more sense as "It happened to me, it can happen to you."
The other one I caught right away was the wrong choice of words. I'm certain you meant "inspire" rather than "aspire." Often my aspirations are the root of my inspirations. That old Chicago song "You're My Inspiration" would have an entirely different meaning if they used "aspiration."
Someone else here confuses homonyms, like using "are" instead of "our."
It's just little things, but my brain stumbles over them when I see them. My wife complains that I'm too exacting with communications, and I suppose it's true. I don't mean to offend, I guess I'm just too precise for my own good. I must have been an editor or proofreader in a former life.
