Dominate the lanes with the new Revolt™ Vengeance. Armed with the Vanquish™ weight block and new Turmoil™ HFH
Hybrid Reactive cover technology, this weapon is designed to be a touch cleaner than the Covert Revolt™ with a
very strong backend motion and excellent continuation through the pins. The Revolt™ Vengeance is a worthy
component of any MOTIV™ arsenal.

The Vanquish™ weight block, which was first introduced on the Covert Revolt™, combines a low RG and high
differential to produce substantial track flare and hook potential.

Built for medium-heavy oil, the Revolt Vengeance features the Turmoil™ HFH Hybrid Reactive cover stock, which
is finished to 5000 grit to help store energy and get this beast down the lane. It displays overwhelming power
and continuation on the backend.


Sorry I took so long in writing the review on the MOTIV Revolt Vengeance but I wanted to dry something
different versus putting out a review right before the release. I wanted to throw it for a few months so that I
could see the true characteristics of it on a variety of conditions such as house and sport patterns. I drilled
my Revolt Vengeance slightly different than my typical favorite drill (65 x 4.5 x 40). I punched it with a (70
x 5.5 x 35) with the biggest difference being the pin distance. I was hoping to get a little bit more length
and a smooth but angular look in the back part of the lane. I accomplished just that, the ball is very
versatile for me. I feared that the Vengeance would be too angular for me on flatter conditions with my
favorite layout but this Vengeance has proven to be very useful on house and sport compliant conditions. It
gets me great length on a house condition (Stone street) but still makes a very good read in the lane midlane
with an angular to smooth reaction and is very continuous through the pins. But on flatter patterns such as
this years USBC Open Team pattern (38ft) and Singles and Doubles (39ft) the ball would allow me to play inside
on the break down and have some success. When I am playing on tougher patterns I am always looking to find a
ball that creates the most area for myself to throw more strikes. But also, when I am not striking I want my
ball reaction to leave me makeable spares, (2pin when I miss right) and (4pin when I miss left). The Vengeance
was really good in that regards, not only did it give me a little room left and right to strike but when I did
not strike I was still filling frames and keeping myself in play. The Vengeance is a must have in your bag and
should fit right between the Covert Revolt and Primal Rage in your Motiv arsenal. I plan on drilling another
for sure. This ball was one of the six balls I took out to El Paso with me and I was very impressed with its
performance at the Bowlers Journal. Must have in your bag! Get MOTIVated!!!

Bobby Middleton Jr
MOTIV Staff Member