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Thread: Contest June 22, 2015 to June 28, 2015 - Brunswick Vintage Gold Rhino Pro

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Am I responding to the right spot??? I keep getting this:


    The following errors occurred with your submission has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
    They have Caller ID

  2. #42
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    They have Caller ID
    I was going to say that....something to the effect that apparently Bowl1820 has a red phone on his desk, like Commishioner sure he can get through. But a schlub like me...not so much.

    But I can't fault them. It has happened to everyone on here. I've tried to send PMs to Rob or Iceman and others in the past...and I've had random people tell me my mailbox is full...and I didn't even know it. It's not a huge limit on stored messages...very easy to reach.

    Or they have caller id.

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    I tried it again I don't get that error. So just have to wait and see.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

    "Talent without training is nothing." Luke Skywalker

  4. #44
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    I just won the Sky Rocket (!!!) and had the same issue with their inbox being full.
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  5. #45
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    I was right about you bullet train before you drilled it and I'll be right about this too. Three skid flip balls and believe me that rhino pro qualifies as skid flip asymmetrical or not, and a long solid do not make an arsenal. I never commented on the age of these balls all of these are relatively recent releases. Trying to compare an asylum and the rhino gold pro as similar is about like saying a doughnut and a pancake are similar because both are made from flour and fried.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

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  6. #46
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    1) Eventually I'll be so good that the ball won't matter.
    2) A pancake is quite similar to a doughnut.
    3) The Asylum was released on 1-7-2014. The Lt-48 was released on 2-6-2014. The Exile was released on 6-26-2014. The Rhino Pro Gold is a combination of a cover stock developed 6 months after the cover on the Asylum…and a core developed < 1 month after the Asylum core. So unless the first 6 months of 2014 were a time that will be recorded throughtout the halls of history as the single greatest golden age of bowling ball technological development….they are both round…and they both tend to roll.

  7. #47
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    1) Eventually I'll be so good that the ball won't matter.
    2) A pancake is quite similar to a doughnut.
    3) The Asylum was released on 1-7-2014. The Lt-48 was released on 2-6-2014. The Exile was released on 6-26-2014. The Rhino Pro Gold is a combination of a cover stock developed 6 months after the cover on the Asylum…and a core developed < 1 month after the Asylum core. So unless the first 6 months of 2014 were a time that will be recorded throughtout the halls of history as the single greatest golden age of bowling ball technological development….they are both round…and they both tend to roll.

    I have a friend I bowl with he can throw one handed, thumbless, two handed, bowls against people just picking up the first house ball that fits his fingers all the time. He was practicing at another house and I ran into him bowling with balls that were drilled for him. I asked him what was up with that and he said he was going to be bowling in a big tournament in two weeks and was getting prepared. When you care about the outcome you make sure you have the right equipment regardless of how talented you are.

    What is your obsession over the dates that balls are released? and what can that possibly have to do with their performance? (unless significantly dated). I'm really not sure what you are getting at here the dates a ball was released have nothing to do with what the ball is designed to do.

    The Asylum is a ball rated to handle medium to heavy oil (will handle heavy oil with a surface change) This ball is designed to clear the heads get some traction in the midlane and then make a aggressive but not flip move to the pocket. I own this ball I'm pretty sure I know it's performance profile.

    The Gold Rhino Pro is a ball rated to handle medium to medium/light oil. (not really a fan of sanding pearls so major surface change is out for me). This ball is designed to clear the fronts and most of the mids and make a flip to the pocket. This ball is finished with a Ruff Buff so it will pickup a little sooner than the Fortera also a little lower rg. I looked at this ball heavily because I considered buying I really liked the look and the idea of the Fortera cover without the asymmetric core intrigued me but from what I found the ball is extremely condition specific (requires a dry area to work but to much dry and it's uncontrollable) and I decided I liked the performance of the Hysteria better. I've seen this ball rolled by at least five different bowlers in two different houses got a pretty good read on it.

    I'm not telling you I don't like these balls I would be happy to put any one of them in my bag. I have been somewhat a fan of all three of them and that's saying something as I'm not really a Brunswick guy but the operative word her is one. All of these ball the Aurora, Fortera, and to some extent the Gold Rhino are the same thing. I might consider keeping both either the Fortera/Aurora and the Gold Rhino as a step down for me as I need equipment to help me get length but in your case you tend to be speed dominate lower revs your equipment should be more biased towards earlier rolling with a little more surface I really don't see you needing a ton more length. Even for me I would never consider having all three of those balls in the same bag.

    Do what you want. I'm not saying take my advice without reservation. All I'm advising is get some more advice from someone you trust if you don't want to listen to what I'm telling you but what I'm telling you is reasonable.

    Pancake and dougnuts are not similar
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  8. #48
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    What is your obsession over the dates that balls are released? and what can that possibly have to do with their performance? (unless significantly dated). I'm really not sure what you are getting at here the dates a ball was released have nothing to do with what the ball is designed to do.
    There is an "opinion" among many in the bowling world that equipment matters. Furthermore, that equipment is upgraded and improved constantly...SO MUCH so that if you have a ball from 2012 or 2013...just 2-3 years are essentially bowling with a wooden bowling ball. I personally disagree, respectfully, with that position because as I pointed out in my lengthy date breakdown...the Asylum has been retired...if I bought one today (which I won't...but I WILL be drilling one next week!!! Ball winner photo coming soon!!!)...people would claim it's outdated technology. can that be...when it was released just before the LT-48...and now the LT-48 core is in the Vintage Gold Rhino??? If the answer is because of the amazing new cover...that's over a year old. So is the cutoff for "obsolete" 6 months? How much innovation and technological achievement can be reached in 6 months?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    The Asylum is a ball rated to handle medium to heavy oil (will handle heavy oil with a surface change) This ball is designed to clear the heads get some traction in the midlane and then make a aggressive but not flip move to the pocket. I own this ball I'm pretty sure I know it's performance profile.
    Agree to disagree, but I hope you're right. My next arsenal (drilled next week) will feature the Asylum. I have it slated as a low-medium oil option for drier, shorter conditions and when the lane has broken down significantly. But, if you're right...maybe it's aggressive enough to be a #2 or even a #1 ball out of the bag on medium or heavy conditions. I just haven't been that impressed with Rotogrip's HP3 and HP2 lines. Their HP4 line with the Hyper Cells...amazing performance. I've seen many bowlers dominate with the Hyper Cell. But most of the lesser stuff...disappointing. I think the Asylum got some great "hype" when that kid rolled a 900-series with it over in Norco or wherever that was. But other than him...I haven't seen many of those on the lanes. But...I'll be joining you soon...throwing it first I hope you're right!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    (not really a fan of sanding pearls so major surface change is out for me).
    Agreed. I experimented surfacing my Encounter and not surfacing the other one...and honestly, the OOB/polished one works way better. I think when you sand a kinda mess up what it was designed to do. But, that's another huge topic I started elsewhere...and I still don't understand surface changes and pros/cons. It almost seems like sticking with the OOB finish is better and just having maybe a little larger arsenal to work with. IDK

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    but in your case you tend to be speed dominate lower revs your equipment should be more biased towards earlier rolling with a little more surface I really don't see you needing a ton more length.
    1) That's what she said.
    2) My main interest in the Rhino Pro, admittingly, was watching Parker Bohn throw it earlier in the PBA50 season. I had the wonderful opportunity to bowl with Parker at the Pro Am last of my life's highlights for certain...and after talking with him and getting some insight...Parker's game is very speed dominant. He plays that outside line and (especially on the senior tour) is able to use his accuracy, consistency, and speed to generate great carry. Add to that, he's a lefty and is less affected by what most other bowlers are doing...and it's kind've a unique situation. But he does tend to play more outside...and it seemed like the Vintage Rhino was a perfect ball for that. It didn't burn up too fast out there...but had the backend movement to accommodate the speed. And I "think" that could be a very useful ball for me. I don't have NEAR Parker Bohn level doubt...but seeing him throw it outside, with speed, and not a ton of revs...I thought that made it an intriguing piece for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    Do what you want. I'm not saying take my advice without reservation. All I'm advising is get some more advice from someone you trust if you don't want to listen to what I'm telling you but what I'm telling you is reasonable.
    It's all good. We're just talking. I enjoy your insight. And I'm sure...well, I never should say 'sure' regarding this topic...but I'm 'fairly' sure that both Rob and MikeW would agree that I play devil's advocate with them just like I do with you...and they know a ton of bowling stuff...way more than I do. This site would be WAY boring if all we did was congratulate each other and agree on everything. This aint 2013....we got no Iceman to have imaginary conversations with himself...we gots to do what we can to keep things fresh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    Pancake and dougnuts are not similar
    That's it. I'm starting a poll.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  9. #49
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    I agree with you to some extent on the age thing a great ball is still a great ball 2 or 3 years later. The only problem is a ball that sucked 2 years ago still sucks today. Heck look at the hyroad still a great ball. My personal belief truly great balls come along every 3-5 years, good balls there is usually a really good ball in most manufactures line up every year, most balls are average, and everybody produces a stinker now and then.

    I like the vintage rhino i've just seen mixed results with it. You'll like the asylum it's versatile you can leave it OOB and it's great as a starting ball up to medium heavy it's not a hyper cell but it's a nice step down from it. I haven't really ever understood the need for that heavy of oil ball. I've thrown the asylum at 2k on 47ft heavy patterns and I don't think I would want much stronger. I've never tried polish on it so can't tell you about that. We had five guys who used it on my Friday league. The only real nock on it was it tends to be strong off the spot but doesn't like to be thrown right to left. It's best if you can play it in some oil but not bellie it out a lot.

    Good luck with the new arsenal be interesting to see how it works out for you
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  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post

    The Gold Rhino Pro is a ball rated to handle medium to medium/light oil. (not really a fan of sanding pearls so major surface change is out for me). This ball is designed to clear the fronts and most of the mids and make a flip to the pocket. This ball is finished with a Ruff Buff so it will pickup a little sooner than the Fortera also a little lower rg. I looked at this ball heavily because I considered buying I really liked the look and the idea of the Fortera cover without the asymmetric core intrigued me but from what I found the ball is extremely condition specific (requires a dry area to work but to much dry and it's uncontrollable) and I decided I liked the performance of the Hysteria better. I've seen this ball rolled by at least five different bowlers in two different houses got a pretty good read on it.
    I have to say that having a Gold Rhino Pro Vintage for the last several months that your assessment is very close to my experience with the ball. I had some fantastic nights but also had times where the wheels fell off and I absolutely lost the handle and could not find a way to hit the pocket with power. After using this and the Hyper Cell Skid I have discovered that I am not a fan of the skid/flip type of ball.

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