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Thread: Iceman's Health Advise Corner For Bowlers

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    It's kinda sad if ya think about it...that a government OF the people is so unpopular WITH the people.
    I think this point used to be true but is far from true at this point, we have grown from just part-time regular people in office to a system of career politicians and that has led to a system of the "elite ruling class" running the govt and in turn created a system of massive corruption.
    Recall the last time we had a ruling system like this....and in order to remedy the situation we fought the revolutionary war.

    I can only assume that you have never worked for a government agency and seen the totally inept and incredibly corrupt inner workings in action.
    It's truly eye opening to see the massive nepotism, totally idiotic rules and policies, arbitrary application of said idiotic rules, and incredible waste of funds, not to mention that the work force is 2 to 3 times what would be customary in a private company to do the same amount of work.

    While there were some true needs to be addressed, creating large agencies was usually not the best answer, the reason for creation of many of these agencies was totally self serving. Lets keep in mind who created most of these agencies and accompanying volumes of rules and regulations, think about for a second, who would benefit greatly from generation of legal conflict, and who was drafting these rules and regulations....lawyers. The people that as a group are arguably the most corrupt profession in existence.

    Did you ever once wonder why so many of the laws are so vague and full of loopholes ? The reason is pretty simple, lawyers need work and since they are creating the laws, how better to assure they will have work than to make laws that need to be argued and interpreted.

    So as a result the government that was created to be for the people and by the people is more like for the ruling class and lawyers and by the ruling class and lawyers.
    If you even think you're going to tell me that we elected those people then you would be overlooking the massive election fraud that has taken place in this country.

  2. #42
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    Default California, finding examples of completely inflated, bloated, over-paid, over-powerful, and corrupt orgainizations/officials...not that difficult.

    And I totally agree that the problems (main) are career politicians and how agencies tend to endlessly expand with little checks/balances. But in the case of the say they don't serve a purpose and are too corrupt...puts complete trust in corporations and individuals to simply be honest. The FDA was created because people and companies proved time and time again that when left to their own devices/controls...they will do whatever is necessary to maximize profits and as crazy as it sounds to us nowadays...public safety and honesty about effectiveness....tend to be secondary factors when money is involved.

    Ice isn't dumb....and he can fend for himself. But I think people need to be just as skeptical of a guy like Dr. Oz or these other snake oil peddlers that are using non-standard marketing techniques (weekend AM radio programs, infomercials, etc...) and "supplement loopholes" to make billions of dollars while never actually PROVING their products actually DO anything. And, much like religious evangelism...where preachers take in small donations from the poor and use them to build mansions and vacation getaways and luxury lifestyle...all on the backs of people that get fooled. Or the internet scammers...preying on people's good nature. At some point, many people just throw their hands in the air and say, "hey, if so and so is stupid enough to believe it...they deserve to lose their money. But at the same time, it raises the question...what role SHOULD government play? Instead of getting rid of things like the FDA...what changes can be made to get it back on track and less corrupt?

    I've been on a lot of diets. And the last two I was on...both of them had actual books published by the creator of the diet with all kinds of explanations on how wesome their diet program is and how it works and how special it is....yet I didn't really lose a ton of weight and keep it off. And if those diets WERE all they were cracked up to be....I'm pretty sure given the money in the weight loss industry....nearly everyone would flock to them. So...a guy with a title "Dr." or that 'wrote a book' or 'has a show'... or God forbid their own website....that doesn't mean they're legit.

    Like the self-made millionaires in real estate or the stock market that then get into infomercials trying to sell you their "program" on how you too can become rich like them. Why would they want to give away their secret to help YOU get rich? lf the sustem is so great....why don't they just keep using it to keep getting rich?? Kindness???
    In Bag: (: .) Motiv Trident Odyssey; (: .) Hammer Scorpion Sting; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
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    Ball Speed: 14.7mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 181

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #43
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    What time is it???
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    OOOOO my god,,, you are ONE OF THEM!!! A debunker!
    You say that as if it were a bad thing.

    Definition of debunk:
    "expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief)."

  5. #45
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    Default Debunking and Then there is Debunking

    Are you sure of that? Can that really be reality?
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    MIKE you absolutely missed my POINT! He is debunking real science,,, Iceman's search for Truths! My comments on HEALTH do not take Faith, nor are they myths.
    I just give what independent Scientific Research says is so! Always remember, debunking goes BOTH WAYS!

    Blessed are the Whistle Blowers!!! The Truth should never be shackled by GREED, Power, and Control!

    If it's real science, it can't be debunked because there would be no falseness to expose.

    It is however possible that whoever performed this "real science" made mistakes (intentional or not), which can be exposed.

    Most of science boils down to trying to prove a theory as false.

    The longer the theory withstands these attempts, the more likely the theory represents reality.

  7. #47
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    Not now, I am busy!
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  8. #48


    I'm absolutely lost in the point of these arguments. The only facts I can muster out of all of this is the "bowling god" thinks he is 100% right about everything (when it reality he isn't, because he isn't God or a god), and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to criticize him.

    Politicians are corrupt, medicine is all kinds of wacked (we never really know what's right or wrong, except that we need a flu vaccination every year), and most government agencies are controlled by politics (though there are a handful of people who work in them who do care for the welfare of the people). What I'm trying to understand is why is a bowling community talking about (correction; quarreling about) the authenticity of medicine and politicians? It's just astonishing to me. If a person wants to believe in a phony, then let them. You can't change the opinion of a stubborn man. Simple as that.

    As for the authenticity of people such as Dr. Oz and these snake oil merchants, I highly doubt most of what they say is backed by extensive scientific research. For now, I'll stick with what my doctor(s) says is good for me and what isn't. Seems to me like it's been working for these near 16 years I've been alive, and I don't think it's going to drastically change anytime soon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    YES, but, (REAL SCIENCE) is the question here mike!

    Is corperate backed, and funded Science REAL


    Is independent research, Science, with no vested interest REAL
    It's VERY hard to find research without a vested interest.

    Universities appear to do research without a vested interest, until you look close at who is funding that research.

  10. #50
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    deleted for reasons of unknown origin!
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