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Thread: Shadd's Scores

  1. #21


    Tweaked my slide foot ankle a couple days ago so I was a little worried about my physical game today.

    Game 1: 235
    X X X X X X 7/ X 8S1 8/X
    Missed by about a board and a half to the right with a little too much speed in the 7th and left the 1-2-8 (nerves maybe from the front 6???). Came in a little high in the 9th and definitely paid for it with a 4-9. 6-10 on the 1st ball of the 10th.

    Game 2: 183
    8/ X 9- X X 9/ X 9- 72 XX9
    2-8 in the 1st. StucK and yanked both balls in the 3rd, missing the 4. 10 pin in the 6th. Missed the 10 in the 8th. Missed the conversion on the 1-2-10 in the 9th.

    My ankle really started getting a little rickety towards the end of the 1st game, still able to post some decent #s so I can't complain too much! I really need to stop sucking in the 9th frame...waaaay too many opens recently.

    Stuck with the critical both was rolling like a dream, when I wasn't screwing up haha. I'm really liking everything about this ball!
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  2. #22


    Subbed on the company sponsored 4-person team tonight! I was only able to throw 2 balls in practice on a single lane, I had to get my daughters set with dinner (please don't judge me for calling snack bar chicken tenders dinner haha).

    Game 1: 179
    9- 7/ X X X 6/ X 9- X 8-
    Missed the 10 in the 1st and 8th and 2-8 in the 10th. Converted the 1-2-4 in the 2nd and left bucket in the 6th. Awful spare shooting on really easy spares this game really cost me, especially the open 10th after striking in the 9th. 0/2 on the 10...dang!

    Game 2: 192
    x 9/ 7/ 9- X 9/ X X X 9-
    Missed the 10 in the 4th and 10th (0/2)...more dang! Converted the 4 in the 2nd, 1-2-4 in the 3rd, and the 6 in the 6th. Open 10 after a strike in the 9th just like the 1st game...very high level dang!

    Game 3: 220
    X X X 8- 9/ X X 9- X XX9
    Missed the 6-10 in the 4th and the 7 in the 8th. Converted the 10 in the 5th!!! Haha

    Ended with 1 200+ game and 0 clean games and just under a 600 series. I think a marginal spare game could've netted me a 600+ series...gotta do better than less than marginal!

    The Critical is really an amazing piece...well worth the wait!
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  3. #23


    Just realized I didn't post last Friday's games...

    Game 1: 202
    9/ X X 9- X X X 8/ 8s1 8/X
    10 pin in the 1st, missed the 10 in the 4th, 6-10 in the 8th, 4-9 in the 9th, 1-2 on the 1st ball in the 10th. Missed another 10 and had another cruddy 9th frame

    Game 2: 176
    7/ X 7/ 63 X X 72 8/ 6/ X8/
    A lot of mess in this game haha. My left quad was getting pretty sore, almost achey...thought I might have been coming down with the flu, thankfully I wasn't!

    Game 1: 192
    X 7/ X X 8s1 X 9- 8/ 9/ XX9
    1-2-8 in the 2nd, 4-9 in the 5th, missed 10 in the 7th, 1-2 in the 8th, and 9 in the 9th. Not a bad game, just a little off.

    Game 2:192
    X X 62 X 7/ X X 2/ 9- XXX
    Chopped the bucket in the 3rd, 1-2-8 in the 5th, 1-2-3-5-6-8-9-10 in the 8th (worst 1st ball ever haha), missed the 3 in the 9th. Another open in the 9th on an easy spare.

    It was very humid today and was dealing with sticking, both foot and thumb.

    No clean and only 1 200 over these last 4...not good!
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  4. #24


    Everything was feeling pretty good in warm-ups...only non-strikes were 10-pin and 7-pin targeting, which I was 3-3 on each. Seems like I had the chance of having a decent day.

    Game 1: 236
    X 81 X X 9/ X X X X X9/
    Came in a little high in the 2nd and then chopped the 5 of the 5-9 in the 2nd, converted the 9 pin in the 5th, and converted the 10 in the 10th. Solid game and a mistake on an easy spare costed me the clean game...can't complain too much!

    Game 2: 234
    7S2 X X X X 9/ X X X 7/9
    4-7-10 in the 1st (great start after the decent game haha), converted 9 pin in the 6th, 3-6-10 in the 10th and then left the 4 the last ball. Another solid game! Like the 2nd frame last game, I came in high in the 1st and 10th.

    Strikes in both 9th frames today!!!
    9-9 on single spares (including the 3 each of 7s and 10s during warm-up)
    1-3 on multi-pin spares, (missing the 5-9 kept me from 2-3).
    Neither game was clean but the scores kept me from getting too bummed about that.
    3 "bad" balls today and 4 balls with angles just a touch off from ideal...why can't I do that all the time?!?! Lol.
    I used the Critical for both games.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  5. #25


    Forgot to log my scores from 15APR16...rough day that day, think I tried to delete from memory haha. I had messed up my wrist the weekend before doing yard work...stupid yard work!!!

    Game 1: 140 (eeeeesh)
    Hit my mark only once, striking only once (last ball of the 10th frame). 3 chops, 2 washouts and a single last ball strike...yikes!

    Game 2: 190
    A little better at hitting my mark this game, 6 strikes. Unfortunately, I opened 5-7...really screwed that game up.

    Game 1: 221
    X X 9- X X 8/ X X X 9/7
    Missed the 7 in the 3rd. Converted the 1-2 in the 6th and 10 in the 10th. Easy spare costs me the clean game. I was 100% on 7s and 10s in warm-ups but blew right by the 7 when it counted.

    Game 2: 186
    81 8/ X X X 8S1 9/ 6/ 72 XX9
    Got the 10 of the 6-10 in the 1st (WHAT?!?!?!, I hate when that happens haha). Converted the 2-8 in the 2nd. Picked up the 4 of the 4-9 in the 6th. Picked up the 7 in 7th, bucket in the 8th. Opened the 9th by chopping the 1-2 of the 1-2-4.

    5/8 on spares that should be converted and opened the 9th of the second game (on 1 of the spares that should have been converted)...not very good.

    Wrist was still feeling a little off, just not as bad as last week. Hopefully, it continues to be on the mend.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  6. #26


    Game 1: 220 (Clean!)
    X X 9/ 8/ X X X 8/ 9/ 7/9
    10 in the 3rd, 4-7 in the 4th, 6-10 in the 8th, 10 in the 9th, and 1-2-4 in the 10th. Spare shooting was on point! I was a little off on hitting my mark a couple balls and was inconsistent with my release...weird because I'm usually on point (the wrist still is a little "off").

    Game 2: 203
    9- X 6/ 7/ X X X 9/ 8/ X 9/
    Missed the 7 (right side) in the 1st, then 1-2-5-8 in the 3rd, 4-7-8 in the 4th, 4 in the 8th, 1-2 in the 9th, and 6 in the 10th. More of the same from the 1st game as seen with the missed head pin a couple times.

    Overall, scored "alright" and had 1 open...can't complain.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  7. #27


    Winding down the work lunch league, next week is the last week and we are in 1st by a point...should be interesting next Friday!

    Game 1: 159 (sesh)
    8S- X 7S2 X 81 X X 9/ 9/ 8S1
    Pocket 7-10 in the 1st, 4-6-7 in the 3rd, chopped the 1 off the 1-2 in the 5th (over adjusted after the 1st 2 pocket splits on that lane), 6 in the 8th, 10 in the 9th, and then hit the 5 of the 4-5 in the 10th. 4 opens; 1 easy, 1 middle, and 2 highly difficult. The left lane really gave me fits that game. I found towards the end that I was rushing, both approach and delivery.

    Game 2: 223 (clean)
    9/ 9/ 8/ X 9/ 9/ X X X X8S1
    10, 6, 1-2, 9, 4 in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th, respectively. Clipped the 10 off the 3-10 the 2nd ball of the 10th. Really focused on my pace this game and it played off with a decent, clean game.

    100% on single pins, misses on 3 easy to moderate 2 pin spares, and 2 big splits...gotta clean that up and increase strike % next week!
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  8. #28


    Last Friday was the final day of the work league...boy did I suck haha

    Game 1: 162
    Only 2 strikes and 2 opens. Spare shooting was ok, thankfully since I had NINE attempts at spares lol.

    Game 2: 146
    4 strikes, 4 opens, and a gutter ball (been a while for that).

    I just couldn't do anything right that day (I don't know if it was the high humidity, lanes 1/2 being pretty cruddy, or the fact the I was in the middle of a weight cut for a strongman show I had the next day), luckily no-one else could either . I was 50-60 under average both games and most everyone else was 20-50 under average. Thankfully, our 120 average guy was able to go 30-40 over both games to bring home the 2nd half championship!!!

    Last night I subbed on the work Tuesday night summer league team

    Game 1: 197
    App wigged out and didn't save data from this game...wasn't clean, I remember that.

    Game 2: 199
    9/ 81 7- X X X 9/ X X 6/X
    10 in the 1st, chopped the 2-8 in the 2nd, whiffed the 1-3-9 in the 3rd, 4 in the 7th, and 1-3-6-10 in the 10th.

    Game 3: 236
    9- X X X 9/ 9/ X X X X9/
    Missed the 10 in the 1st, 10 in the 5th, 6 in the 6th, and 10 in the 10th. Hit the pocket with flush every ball...why can't I do that all the time haha

    These were by far the heaviest conditions I've seen since I started back bowling last fall (took me all of warm-ups and the 1st 4-5 frames of the 1st game to figure out what the heck I needed to do with all that oil), kinda makes me realize how light/inconsistent the oil is for the Friday fun league. No clean games and only 1 200+ but I cant get too upset with a 633 bowling on "foreign" conditions.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  9. #29


    Subbed last night on the Tuesday night league. 1st time bowling in about a month...I don't like the way that sounds haha

    Game 1: 233
    54 9/ X X X 8S- X X X XXX
    Warm-ups were going great and then I yanked the 1st ball.
    Mess in the 1st, 4 in the 2nd, and 8-10 in the 6th.

    Game 2: 161
    Transition ate me up!
    X 7/ 63 7/ X 45 6/ X 81 X8/
    1-3-6 in the 2nd, washout in the 3rd, 6-9-10 in the 4th, mess in the 6th (another yank), chopped 5-9 in the 9th, and 6-10 on 2nd ball of 10th.

    Game 3: 204
    Found my way around the transition a little bit.
    X X 72 X X 8/ 9/ 72 X XX6
    Chopped 1-2-8 in the 3rd, 2-5 in the 6th, 4 in the 7th, 1-2-10 in the 8th, and left bucket last ball of the night.

    Transition management and spraying were tonights downfall! The Pathogen was rolling nicely and doing its usual dump-truck thing...when I was able to hit my target and not get beat up by the transition.

    No clean games, 2 200+ games, and just a couple pins shy of a 600 series...that 2nd game really screwed that up haha
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

  10. #30


    Yikes,over 3 months since I've bowled...that's dumb!!! We had a super busy summer and an equally as busy early falls, no chance to sub on the Tuesday league and I missed the 1st 2 weeks of the lunchtime work league.

    Game 1: 194
    X 9/ s8-1 X X 9/ X 9/ 9/ X7-2
    10 in the 2nd, 4-6 in the 3rd, 4 in the 6th, 9in the 8th, 5 in the 9th, and a washout on the 2nd ball in the 10th.
    5 strikes, 1 open (split), and 4-4 on single pins.

    Game 2: 244
    X X s8-1 X X X 8/ x X XXX
    4-6 in the 3rd (thumb stuck a little and I pulled it a bit through the nose) and 1-2 in the 7th (got a little wide and didn't quite make it back to the pocket).
    10 strikes, 1 open (same split as 1st game), 0-0 (haha) on single pins.

    1st game I guess I was shaking some rust off, spraying a little bit too much and the 2nd game I was 2 balls away from a really good game. Spare shooting was really good and my pace/rhythm felt like the 3+ months off didn't affect it too much.
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums.
    Roto Grip Critical ball give away winner (04JAN16-10JAN16)

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