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Thread: Politcal Ramblings

  1. #201
    Pin Crusher
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    You had me until you told the BS story about not being allowed to shoot a burglar who broke into your house. Shoot him and you get to tell the story of what happened. Once they leave your house they are no longer a threat to you or your family so maybe you don't want to shoot them some one might be watching.

    It amazes me how brave people get when they are allowed to walk around with guns in their pocket. If you don't have the nerve to say something when you don't have a gun don't say anything when you don't.

    Sounds like your CCW trainer gave you some good advice. It takes a bigger man to walk away than pull their gun and do some macho BS.

  2. #202


    As I stated before about race relations, is it the media, BLM, president, or the citizens that are increasing the racial tension? Peoples expectations for Obama was to easy them further even though he can't change the minds of millions of Americans, only they themselves can. Everyone is accountable for their own feelings and actions , unless we are talking mental instability or temporary insanity. So actually the race relations issue is a combination of continued media influence and the ignorance of those who can't choose when hate is not necessary.

    I've already said not all stops are a result of being black, it's just a statistic the a majority are black. I hate these cell phone videos that come out. It shows true ignorance of the person recording. Most of the time they show the justification for the officers actions. Not to mention they always start Midway through the altercation, so you don't know who escalated the situation.

    I hope to never have to shoot someone and not because of legal fees but because taking a life can't be easy. It takes a toll of you mentally.

    Well if they jumped him then hell yea he would be justified, but that's not what happen. Just like I'm pretty sure if Zimmerman identified himself as a neighborhood watch, there would have just been an exchange of words instead of an altercation. Let me ask you this though aslan. Do you believe Zimmerman acted without any form of prejudice?

    Is this guy for guns or against them.... Your worse than trump with the flip flopping.
    In my bag: Roto Grip Haywire, Ebonite Cyclone Gamebreaker, Brunswick danger zone vintage, Brunswick C-system Maxxed out and Columbia WD. High Game 300 (x3) high series 790...still searching for the 800.

  3. #203
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot_pocket View Post
    Well if they jumped him then hell yea he would be justified, but that's not what happen. Just like I'm pretty sure if Zimmerman identified himself as a neighborhood watch, there would have just been an exchange of words instead of an altercation. Let me ask you this though aslan. Do you believe Zimmerman acted without any form of prejudice?
    No. Nobody acts without prejudice.

    I would actually enter into this discussion, that prejudice is actually a GOOD thing. How so? Prejudice is a form of instinct. If I see a person approaching me, acting 'shady'; my instinct is to be cautious. Those who lack that instinct, get weeded out of the gene pool. Imagine you see a bear in the woods. Are you acting in a prejudiced way to assume that bear will eat you? Is it not "profiling" of that bear? That bear has done nothing's just walking around...minding it's own business.

    See, you'll that's an unfair comparison...a wild animal to a person. But is it? You would be right to be cautious around wild animals...just as you would be right to be cautious in back alleys or after midnight or when working in a dangerous profession. Minorities see it as "racial discrimination"....yet most black people are as racially discriminatory as any race. They HAVE to be. If you grew up in the are perfectly reasonable to assume white people don't like you. That isn't being a "racist"'s being a "realist".

    Criminals prey on those that are not prejudiced...and are not cautious. They see an old lady and scam her. They find a lonely nerd on the internet, and convince him they are a beautiful woman needing money for a plane ticket to come see him. Watch late night TV...commercial after commercial from low-credentialed colleges and infomercials from get rich quick and pyramid schemes...preying on the poor and jobless who are up at 3AM on a weekday.

    Prejudice keeps us alive. I think Zimmerman thought he had found a robber....casing the neighborhood. It was dark, the kid was black, the kid was unfamiliar. Zimmerman made a series of bad decisions...and Trayvon made only one bad decision. But one bad decision against a guy with a gun is all it takes. That's sad...but it's the reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot_pocket View Post
    Is this guy for guns or against them.... Your worse than trump with the flip flopping.
    Not sure if this is for me or Fordman?

    I am a former CCW holder and proud gun owner that voted AGAINST the CCW laws that got enacted in my former state of Michigan. I voted against it, because I was concerned it would make criminals out of law-abiding people. And I was right to some extent. I don't know how many times while I was carrying that I almost took off my coat or my shirt rode up too high...and suddenly I was "brandishing" a firearm in public and was subject to a misdemeanor fine and forfeit of my CCW and firearm. I can't count how many times I had to go into a place like a bar or pub or expo...knowing I wasn't supposed to carry it there...but I felt it was necessary or didn't realize it until I was already in there. I was a law-abiding citizen...forced into committing a law that was so precise and overly-stringent....that it was impossible to follow.

    In terms of, of course I don't "want" to shoot somebody. That's horrible. If I was a sociopath wanting to shoot someone...I've had plenty of opportunities...but no thanks. That being said, there needs to be consequences when people commit crimes. We are seeing an increase in theft, break-ins, assaults, robberies, rapes, murders...and all the politicians talk about is jail over-crowding and better conditions for prisoners. What about the victims? Why are the law-abiding required to do more and more to protect themselves...then when they finally get fed up and "DO something"....they are deemed racist and insensitive? Here's an idea....if you don't want to get shot....try NOT committing a crime. It's no guarantee you won't get shot....but it reduces the likelihood by about 400%. I have no compassion for a person that would break into my home...steal from me...possibly harm me. I think it's a shame that their lives have led them to that...and that society has failed them in some way. I feel bad for the homeless and the mentally ill and the poor. But is allowing a thug to steal my Xbox so he has more money to buy that me helping them? Maybe a bullet is the best way to end their misery. Maybe not.

    But if I have to choose between their life and my Xbox...even though I rarely use the Xbox...the Xbox wins. Because it's mine...not his. It's not sitting's in my apartment. And he wasn't invited in nor was he given that item...which makes him a dangerous criminal. My Xbox is not's dangerously addictive sometimes...but I don't have to worry that if I leave it turned on it might rape my neighbor. If I leave the thug alive...whats the next crime going to be? Am I taking a life? Or saving two? I dunno. But I believe, in my heart, that God has a plan...and if God's plan is to have a thug break into my apartment...that thug is likely to get shot...and maybe that's what God's plan is. Maybe I got to jail...maybe that is also God's plan. Or maybe, at the last second, I hesitate...and the thug runs off...and the near-death brush...changes him into a better person. Again, I don't know what God's plan is....and hopfully it doesn't involve me shooting anyone...but if it does...hopefully the community and God are okay with it.

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