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Thread: The Donald

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by fortheloveofbowling View Post
    Or just ask them to spell analysis.
    You got me. I knew it was wrong but didn't have time to fix it. Wife was in a hurry about something. I told her someone would give he hell but she didn't care.

  2. #12


    unfortunately the party system creates the polarizing factor in the candidates. They have to play the extreme to win the primary..... then like you guys said, it's all about 'fixing' what the other party did instead of actually helping the population of the country.

    At this point I don't care who wins. I would just love to see a government minus the lobbying $$$ and a congress that actually does their jobs of representing their constituents instead of their pocket corporations.

    if you want to consider a scary situation check out a book called Arena One. the setting is post-apocalyptic world caused by civil war between republicans and democrats.
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  3. #13
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perrin View Post
    if you want to consider a scary situation check out a book called Arena One. the setting is post-apocalyptic world caused by civil war between republicans and democrats.
    That sounds sweet.

  4. #14


    Trump will make America great again and hopefully send the illegals back to their original home country and get leaches off welfare while seeing that our soldiers get timely medical care. Trump...Trump...Trump

  5. #15
    SandBagger AlexNC's Avatar
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  6. #16


    Trump is a buffoon and an ego maniac , some of his ideas are ok , but hes is way 2 unstable to be in a position of power

  7. #17
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    Larry I believe you are spot on but is it possible the whole thing if just and act? The wall is stupid. The stuff about Muslims is not realistic. The trade stuff makes some sense and money manipulation is obvious. His stability who really knows how he would act if elected? KKK stuff is just nuts.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    I hope I am wrong but I would not bet against Trump. The American people are so stupid and getting stupider every day. Prove it by asking 10 people some history questions. Ask them who was our two main allies in WWII. Ask them who were we fighting. Who was the Pres. then. Who was the Pres. when the war ended. Ask them how many great lakes there are. How about which side of the Mississippi, Mississippi is on. How many states border on the Pacific Ocean. Make up a few for your self.
    Who was the president when the Civil war started, and who was the president when it ended?

    It's a trick question, because to those in the south, it still hasn't ended.

  9. #19
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    Who was the president when the Civil war started, and who was the president when it ended?

    It's a trick question, because to those in the south, it still hasn't ended.
    Well played.

    And attacking the Donald....because there is violence at his like attacking a store owner because people steal from his store.

    "Well, if they had better security...and didn't have expensive stuff in the store....then nobody would steal it." Duh.

    People keep saying it's because he said "racially charged things" what? That we should enforce immigration laws?


    And ya prove my point...

    Both parties are terrified of Trump...but if you look deeper...they're truly terrified about something else...the PEOPLE.

    The parties are seeing that isolationism is a popular movement...and that moderates are starting to be heard again....and that scares the poo out of them! Donald isn't the source of the anger....he's just the right guy in the right place with the right amount of money. Liberals don't want the roll back of free trade and open borders. Republicans don't want the roll back of profitable trade agreements and cheap labor. And they are seeing that the message of free trade and open massively unpopular with the general electorate...and that's bad news for both establishments.
    Last edited by Aslan; 03-14-2016 at 03:35 PM.

  10. #20


    Reprint of an essay posted by a buddy on facebook

    Spot on with the whole thing.

    Derek Jones
    March 14 at 2:14pm ·
    Just for a moment, stop the memes and the nonsense, and consider the main issue in the country. The economy is weak because there are 12 million unskilled foreign workers taking low paying jobs and collecting government benefits. This causes a rise the prevalence of unemployment for low skilled American workers, who are primarily poor whites and blacks, which then levy to collect even more government benefits.

    Increases in the real cost of necessities have meant retirees are re-entering the workplace to supplement their Social Security Entitlement. This is why old people and not college students are bagging your groceries. Government subsidized education has increased the cost of a college education TWELVE TIMES its cost in the 1980's. The financial burden of these student loans, coupled with a depression of median wages are preventing this generation from investing money in business or stocks or owning a home or starting a family. This is why skilled birth rates are low, small businesses are stifled, why the stock market is volatile, and why home ownership is down. Low home ownership means no equity for retirement, which means the older people decide to stay in the job market longer, which means wages are depressed from the bottom AND the top.

    The nation is in debt, over-extended, has open borders, entitlement overload, growth stagnation, poor trade deals, declining infrastructure, rampant child murder, full prisons, and a problem with political correctness.

    I am a Rand Paul fan, not really a Trump fan. But if you cant understand why literally a third of the nation is revolting against the political class and demanding that the law be enforced, that our deals be renegotiated and that we project power in the world again, then you dont understand whats happening. It isnt about Donald trump, he is a symbol that represents what the people want to say. Its about sticking it to Washington and reasserting American primacy.

    So here is the question I want to pose to you: Skip all the rhetoric. Skip the actual words themselves. What exactly are both the left and the "right" rejecting about Donald Trump? Why is it that literally the entire political class from both sides are doing everything they can to prevent him from entering the political field? Why is it that both sides are unified in opposing him?

    The real answer is this: They cant buy his vote. They cant shut his mouth. They cant make the smear stick. They cant exchange favors. The problem is simple, they are powerless to control him.

    For politicians, that is the absolute worst thing that could happen.

    Because as soon as he sees what is really happening in our government he is the kind of guy who is going to open his mouth and expose it publicly. The curtain will lift, the crooks will be exposed, every back door deal or lie to the public will be skewered right in front of the cameras and no one will be able to stop it. Every time a person flips their vote he is going to call them out on it and the politicians who have spent twenty or thirty years hidden behind the scenes, pulling all of the slimy strings and greasing all of the dirty rails will suddenly be naked and ashamed and fighting to keep their jobs during the next election cycle. THAT is why Trump is dangerous to the D.C. hierarchy.

    For years and years independents and people from both sides of the isle have been claiming that they are tired of "puppet" presidents. But then they get a guy who doesn't need the money, fame, or power, who says whatever he thinks no matter who opposes it, and who is flawed but unabashedly patriotic and all of the sudden (go figure right?) people want more of the "same old."

    This election is a staredown between two groups. It is literally a battle between the established political class and their constituents and policies and the outcomes of those policies... and an emergent political class who is tired of washington sabotaging the will of the people because they are in the tank with billionaires, transnational corporations, lobbyists and the donor class.

    I have no respect for bernie sanders. I believe that socialism is an ideology of mediocrity and that he would bankrupt our nation within a single term. But I do understand why some people gravitate to him. Because for those who are taught that they must vote for a Democrat no matter what else happens, they see his candidacy and they see how beholden Hillary is to the billionaire class and they figure "hey at least he isnt taking money from the billionaires in exchange for his political integrity." They see a clear choice between a corrupt politician, and a politician promising them unicorns and they say, "at least when that guy looks into the camera I don;t feel like he is lying to me." For that alone, I can give the man credit.

    But fantasies aside, its time to level with yourself.

    There are two people left in this race. They are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. It is the corrupt clinton dynasty versus a rude centrist billionaire.

    Those are the facts.

    One will continue our nation on precisely the path we are on now. That's it, that is her platform. Her promise to the people is that she will "continue to build on the progress of Obama." I didn't say that, she said that. That is her platform.

    The other person is a massive political risk. His platform is that to solve the nation's economic problems he will jumpstart the economy by stopping drugs and illegal immigrants at the border, pressuring companies to bring their money back from other overseas through tax incentives and tariffs and renegotiating our bad trade deals. I don't care what anyone else says, there is absolutely no way in which performing those actions would fail to lift demand and wages and to increase the strength of the economy. If he could achieve those actions through cooperation with congress it would reverse corporate inversions and inject two trillion dollars back into the economy, which would immediately cause inflation to increase the value of our exports and cause a massive boom in the stock market which would allow retirees and people with mature investment portfolios to retire, creating even more room for employment in the middle and simultaneously lowering real unemployment while reducing the nation's revolving debt.

    Now I don't want to over complicate things. For me at least, it's as simple as Clinton walking onto the stage and telling her constituents that she wants to force me to pay for the murder of children by using my tax dollars to pay for other people's abortions. That is all I need to hear from any candidate to oppose their candidacy.

    But let me be clear, I don't like Trump's boasting either and I don't like his petulant attitude. I don't like his swearing, I don't like his faux spirituality, and I don't like his casual attitude toward policy decisions. I don't like the fact that he lashes out with personal attacks when its time to talk like a grown man on the world's largest political stage...

    But aside from the rhetoric and the speeches and the political showmanship, at least he is going to stand up and demand a dramatic change in the country's direction. And at least he is brave enough to stare into a crowd of people and to say the unpopular thing because he thinks it is what is best for the country.

    And for people like me who believe we are losing everything that made this country great...for those people who believe that another decade of government corruption, high taxes, bureaucracy, waste, and prolonged war will crash our economy... for those of us who believe that we will expound our social problems by imbalancing the supreme court...and for those of us who believe that our entitlements and our international relationships are enough to destroy this nation if we change nothing and simply continue on our current geopolitical trajectory- that is more than enough reason to vote against any dynastic candidate.


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