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Thread: Perspective

  1. #1

    Default Perspective

    I am new to this site as well as bowling in general. First, after reading many posts here I am amazed at how many folks are here to help others. But I'd also like to give some perspective and my personal lesson in humility with regards to bowling. I am an average bowler who likes to fancy myself as a dedicated enthusiast. I have only been bowling three seasons and practice several times a week, bowl league and study bowling several hours a day. I get all kinds of advice, some good, some just crazy from a bevy of people down at the lanes. There is a bowling coach at our house but I don't take lessons from him because I tried one and he spent about five minutes on my bowling and the rest chatting up some young ladies on my dime. There is also a league of bowlers who are former pro and some on the cusp who love to encourage me and give me advise. I marvel at their accomplishments and enjoy seeing my own improvements over time. At 54 I'm realistic in that I will never bowl much more than league though state finals would be a nice win. So it goes that when I had dinner the other night with a friends son visiting from Wisconsin, I got a lesson on perspective and just where we all fit in the world of bowling. After some small talk about bowling and we started to delve in on technique it became quite apparent that this gentleman had seen some bowling. After ten more minutes I jokingly asked him how many 300 rings he had. He paused and said, "I don't know, I stopped buying them after my 14th one. I've had a lot of them but it's not important. I enjoy bowling with my dad these days." He told me that he had started bowling around 5yr old and eventually worked at an alley just like his father did and just like his grandfather did. He told me that's just what you do back there. He wasn't bragging, he was honest about it. He told me there are plenty of great bowlers in Wisconsin. With just as many 300 games. I asked him about going pro and he told me it was a tough decision to turn down going pro but that he had no regrets. He said unless you are Walter Ray or Parker Bohn or Jason Belmonte, there just is no money in it and he had a family to raise. He choose a regular job with good pay instead. He joked that he'd be paying more to compete and his kids would be eating bowling snack bar food. I asked him does he still find enjoyment in the sport and he beamed back at me, "I get to spend one night every week bowling with my dad and that's a great thing to be able to do." So when I think about bowling and where we just might all fit in the bowling world I try to keep some perspective in mind. I may never win state or even get a ring, but I will always get a smile on my face when my teammates and I laugh over a beer and a strike.

  2. #2
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hutchinson, KS
    Chats: 204


    1) SPACES are our friend online. Try to keep the paragraphs spaced out a bit for easier reading. Why do you think most everyone enjoys my dribble? Because no matter how idiotic it is (what I'm saying)...I space it out for easier reading. Remember, the attention span of an online reader is similar to that of a 9-month old. If they get to a 3rd sentence and aren't halfway though the paragraph...they're done.

    2) (see how the spaces keep ya interested)
    PERFECT example of "perspective" from this weekend's tournament.

    A 14-year old girl rolled a 299.

    - On the one hand, what an accomplishment for not only a youth bowler...but a 14 yr old! And a girl!! It kinda makes you take a step back and appreciate it. To be that young, surrounded by adults, surrounded by bowlers with 40 years experience...and for that brief moment...all eyes were on her. Everyone clapped, she got her name announced, she probably won her division, and it was just magical to witness. Too many bowlers roll a 299 and get upset. Some guys roll a 300 and it's like, "Oh well. I've done it before 20 times so it's no bigee." This girl has a story...that she will have all her life.

    - On the other hand...'s rather defeating and depressing that a 14-year old can just put up a it's nothing. Meanwhile...I rolled like a 143 that first game and only managed a high game of a 204. Ya can't say, "Well, she has more experience." Does she!? At 14? Even if she started bowling at 4 years old...she has 10 years versus my 2.5 years. And I doubt she started at 4.

    So perspective can either give you a warm fuzzy...or make you ticked off...
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #3


    Thanks Aslan, I will keep that in mind when posting. I forgot that people don't read anymore, they create short texts.


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