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Thread: Jconner91 Scores to start Summer league

  1. #1

    Default Jconner91 Scores to start Summer league

    I recently picked up a Swerve FX after needing something to go a little longer down the lane than my Paradox. The pro shop recommended I try the drilling of pin under the ring finger and after throwing it around 10 games it wasnt moving at all. I took it to a different pro shop 5 minutes away and had it redrilled so that the pin is above and to the right of the ring finger. Boy did that make a difference. I now have a ball that will snap a little at the end but definitely longer than my Paradox.

    I have thrown 3 279s in the last week (2 in League). Last night's I had the front 9 then tugged it leaving a 6 pin on my Birthday. Would have been nice to have a 300 on that day. I am 2 weeks into my summer league with a 243.5 average so far. I ended last season with a 219 average and have a 220 average in my Thursday night league.

    1st week score - 724 (Can't remember the individual games)

    2nd week score - 279, 215, 242 = 736

    Cant wait to see if I can keep this average up through the 12 week summer league.

  2. #2
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Wow that's some impressive bowling congrats
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
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    Great scoring!

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

    "Talent without training is nothing." Luke Skywalker

  4. #4


    Thank you guys! Its kind of unreal at the moment. Usually it takes me some weeks to really settle into the ball but this one has been awesome after the redrill. In our Thursday Mens league Tom Daugherty has a 247 average so gives me something to look up to haha

  5. #5


    Well it is our last 4 weeks of Thursday Mens league. Shot a 213-266-195 for a 674. The first game I ended up leaving a stone 10 in the 10th to lose by 4 pins. I left two 10 pins and two 9 pins that game. The second game I found my line and killed the pocket for a 266 but lost to a 279. The third game I missed a 9 pin in the 5th then made an adjustment about 3 frames too late. Lost all 4 points to a 760 series but it felt like a good night overall. Have a tournament coming up on the 22nd so practice practice until then.

  6. #6
    Member Huber's Avatar
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    Great work! The right pro shop can make a huge difference

  7. #7


    Last night was the 3rd week of our summer mixed league. I shot a 191 the first game. The lanes were absolutely flooded to start the night. I had to move 8 boards right of where I normally start. I also almost guttered after a baby started screaming in my approach in the 5th frame from a lane over but that really shouldn't have bothered me. The second game I shot a 204 with two missed 10 pins. The third game I shot a 277 after a pocket 7-10 then 10 strikes then a pocket 8 pin to end the night. I probably would have cried if that 8 pin was there for a 300 haha. Overall I saved the series with the last game to shoot a 672. My average went down to a 237 from 243. Looking forward to Thursday Mens league.

    1st week score - 724 (Can't remember the individual games)

    2nd week score - 279, 215, 242 = 736

    3rd week score - 191, 204, 277 = 672

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Great bowling keep it up!

  9. #9


    Here are some updates since last week.

    Thursday night Mens league - 192, 217, 196. The shot was there but I just could not get carry all night. I had three pocket 7 pins, four pocket 10s, one 8 pin, and two 9 pins. Throw in some splits and you get the 605. The guy I bowled shot a 776 and couldnt miss.. He opened the last two frames of the 3rd game to miss 800. It was frustrating to say the least to see that then mine was doing the opposite. Only two weeks left in that league then it is only Mondays. I filled in for a friend to finish this league with only 7 weeks left and am eager to start the league off in September for a full season.

    Sunday Elite Bowlers Tour - I played in a scratch tournament yesterday. It was a 42 foot "gold digger" pattern that was not terribly hard but if you missed a couple boards outside you were missing right of the 3 pin. I shot 204, 194, 154, 191, 214. I came in 9th place and was 20 pins away from 4th. The middle game killed me but it seemed like 90% of the people in the tournament who bowled on that one pair bowled that low. It was only my second sport shot tournament ever and my goal was to average 180. I averaged 191 and cracked the top 10 so am pretty happy.

    Found a coach that has a pretty extensive record on the WPBA and hope to get started soon. Looking forward to see how much better I can become.

  10. #10


    A couple updates since the last post:

    Monday Night mixed league - Shot a 634. I do not remember the individual games but it was nothing special. one game in the 190s and two games over 200. My average went down to 230 from 237.

    Thursday Night Mens League - Started out with a 182. The ball would not come up for anything. I should have used my paradox but I am so stubborn that I just kept moving right with the swerve. The second game the lanes broke down and I shot a 255 with an open in the 10th frame. The third game the lanes really broke down and I was the only one on my lanes over 200. Shot a 262 with a 278 pace going into the 10th. The second ball was a pocket 5-7-10 (yes you read that right). Everyone within 3-4 lanes on both sides stopped and just laughed. It was on lane 9 which is known for these kind of leaves. Ended up with a 699. Raised my average in that league from 212 to 214.

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