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Thread: Draft Letter to USBC

  1. #11
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Okay, a couple things.

    1) When I stated that someday the technology would exist for people to make their own pattern choice...I envision it as part of the scoring system...far simpler than what Bowl1820 envisioned.

    Each time the person purchases a few games or the lanes for an hour or so, they would have a ONE TIME option of selecting a pattern. They would be able to choose from every pattern ever used in the history of the game. When they select it, and confirm their selection...the pin deck tilts back and the pins fall into the back and the oil machine comes out from under the pin deck....moves to the foul line, then back to the pin deck and under the pin deck. The pins are then reset. Each lane would have it's own machine under the pin deck. The center could oil all lanes or pick and choose which ones from the control desk. But, during open play, bowlers could choose a pattern if they wish.

    It would likely cost an additional amount. I predict the scoring machines will offer a great many options in the future...your own lane music, lighting, and even oil pattern. You would slide a credit card and pay for certain things you'd like. Maybe having your own lighting costs $1 per game, your own music costs $2 per game, and choosing your own oil pattern costs a one time fee of $25. Or, maybe, all those options would be free...just like newer centers with newer scoring equipment offer you choices on monitor backgrounds and animation.

    Next...yes, I know there is value in getting exposed to different patterns. This isn't an old league bowler whining because one house shot is harder than another. I've already been there and done that. This is NOT a harder condition or harder pattern. If it was up to me, every sanctioned house would be forced to select the USBC Red, White, or Blue pattern for all sanctioned leagues and events. One of the stupidest things the USBC ever did was allow centers to "do their own thing" with patterns. If anyone thinks this is whining, I'd be perfectly happy if my next league voted to do sport shots, PBA animal patterns, or USBC masters patterns. I DON'T CARE how hard the pattern is. I will figure it out.

    NOT oiling the lanes is NOT a "tougher pattern". It's a center taking advantage of the sport's decline by cheating their customers out of any ability to practice on a pattern.

    I threw the Dark Encounter standing 25 and targeting hooked brooklyn and left the 1-2-8. I tried to move left...altered my axis tilt...finally balled down to the Lethal Revolver...pretty much the same. Finally I was standing about 30 and targeting 15-17...with the Loaded Revolver...still going Brooklyn. I tried to practice the 10-pin...both times the shot looked on line and the plastic Ebonite Maxim hooked away from the 10-pin. I finally started using my plastic ball as a strike also hooked Brooklyn when I was standing 25 and targeting 16-17.

    This isn't about "learning to adjust" or preparing for adversity. This is a center that oiled those lanes at 7:15PM on open 24 hours...and when I decided to go practice at noon Sunday...they hadn't been oiled for roughly 17 hours. The lanes on the other side were oiled at about 6:30AM for an event that morning...but even so, these lanes are very old and they are known to transition a great deal over the course of a series. The odds that after 3 games of bowling...those lanes were still semi-fresh...possible, maybe...probably not.

    The bottom line and point of the letter is simple. IF bowling is a SPORT...athletes that want to get better need to practice. I'd also suggest they research and take lessons. But every person that has ever played a sport has had to practice. I can't think of any sport or even hobby...where someone gets to be great at it...but says, "I don't ever practice and never have. Runners don't get "15 minutes of practice" prior to a marathon....and the rest of the year they just sit around. If bowling is a sport...and right now there are probably more arguements that it IS NOT than there are that it IS....if bowling is a sport, athletes must be able to practice.

    The game and the bodies that govern it, in their infinite stupidity and partially because of the decline in the game...have decided that bowling is just matching up equipment to lane conditions. The game has become SO dependent on technology and patterns...that it's on the border of losing it's "sport" element. And when that finally happens...I think bowling will be about as popular as curling. The ball manufacturers will all dry up...a product of their own doing. And centers will try to hold on...but bowling alleys are rather expensive to build and operate. Might be more economical to build a bar with some video games or one of those elevated shuffleboard tables...maybe some air hockey or darts...something other than bowling to entertain drunk idiots. Thats what bowling has become. Something for drunk people to do when there isn't kareoke available.

    The USBC keeps trying to fix things...but one thing we can all agree they will only go so far. The shot over the bow at Motiv was surprising...but their hands were forced. I'm sure they'd have loved to NOT have gotten that box of Jackals with the note on it. They had to go after a significant some little spat between sponsors. The USBC keeps trying to revive the game that was once almost as dominant as baseball. But they only take 1/4 measures. They issue rules and standards...but largely rely on centers and ball manufacturers to police themselves. They try to get the youth involved...but not by really getting involved with the schools or partnering with the industry...they just give em a discount during the summer...which the centers get back by charging the parents more for their bowling and for food.

    The letter is simply a request for the USBC to address practice conditions. They likely will respond...they were the only ones to respond to my Motiv letter. I give them credit for that...they recognize that I'm a member, I pay dues, and I at the least deserve a response. More than I can say for DV8, the cowards at the PBA, and the dishonest folks at Motiv. But, thats old news.
    I understand what your getting at here. One of the houses I bowl in has older wooden lanes and even though they put a veritable puddle in the middle if your trying to play outside of 15 the next day your just out of luck and if they haven't oiled in more than 24 hours you might as well just pack it up and go home. If you can move into 20 they stay playable longer but not everyone can do that. I've learned what days they oil so I know what days I can go there and practice. One of the other houses here has some of the slickest synthetics I've ever seen honestly not sure I've ever had to play inside of 15 on them regardless of when they've been oiled. If I know it's not an oiling day at my other house I just go there. You've got way more choices of where to bowl than I do figure out where they have oil at the hours you want to practice.
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  2. #12
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    You've got way more choices of where to bowl than I do figure out where they have oil at the hours you want to practice.
    But what point is there in that?

    If I bowl in 2-3 leagues at one center (which resides a 1.5 minute walk from my apartment)...and I want to be the best league bowler I can be...why would I practice at centers that are completely different?

    As a "Rob Deciple (no idea how to spell that)"...surely you know that the current state of the sport is immensely dependent on oil patterns. And how those patterns affect ball movement vary from center to center and even lane to lane. So, if I practice on a random lane at the center I bowl 2-3 leagues long as the pattern is the same...I probably can get a 'decent' feel for whats going on. There's NO guarantee that other pairs of lanes will behave slightly different...but at least you're not adding the variable of a different center.

    Case in Point:
    I took lessons at Tustin Lanes and Fountain Bowl. These are two of the easier houses in Orange County. They have a significant volume of oil in the middle, and very dry "bounce area" at the breakpoint. As my speed lowered and rev rate increased...I found it harder and harder to find my line at these houses.

    Tustin Lanes closed and now I take lessons at Fountain Bowl and AMF Carter...AMF Carter being probably the EASIEST house in Orange County. Just to prove that point...I averaged 169 at Concourse while averaging 190 at AMF Carter. The season before last I averaged 170 at Linbrook and 192 at AMF Carter. Finally, I had to change my approach...because the higher speed approach that was working on the easy conditions at Carter was killing me everywhere else. Once I slowed things down...suddenly my Carter average fell a few pins and my average elsewhere increased by 3-10 pins.

    So, the point in all that is; practicing on easy conditions...or in random centers...doesn't make you a better bowler. And if you practice at one center and bowl league at another...your practice is essentially worthless. Sure, you can fork on the physical game and spare shooting...but whats the point in ironing out a strike line...when it's not going to be even CLOSE to the strike line in the house you bowl leagues at??

    COULD I find a center with fresh oil when I want to practice? Maybe. As you eluded to, I am blessed with about 15 centers within 25 miles. I could call them one by one and figure out when they oil and maybe find a place with oil on the lanes. Maybe. Not certain...because most places only oil prior to leagues on the lanes used by the I'd have to try and reserve a pair that the center had oiled...but nobody used...that's kinda difficult. But more possible than if I lived in Pettycoat Junction and only had 2 centers within 60 miles of me.

    And like I said...I spend $20 to enter a weekly tournament...which is a lot more than I'd pay for 3 games of practice during open that I can practice on fresh oil. In essence, I pay $13.25 extra to bowl 3 games on fresh oil...with 3-8 other people also bowling on that pair. That's the premium I pay so I can actually practice. And that gets back to the can the USBC claim bowling is a "sport"...if athletes have to pay extra 200% just to practice on oiled lanes...and still, I have to contend with other bowlers messing up the pattern...but no biggee...that's gonna happen on league night.

    One thing I've thought about is the next time I go over to practice...before I rent the lanes...telling the person at the desk I want the freshly oiled with the league THS pattern. If they say they can't do that (which they almost 99% certain they will), I will offer them $10 in addition to my $2.25/game for their troubles. That way, I'm happy and the oil guy gets about 45 minutes worth of pay to simply let the oil machine run up and down a pair of lanes. Who knows? Maybe that would work. Worth a try I guess. Logically it makes sense. I'm willing to pay $2.25/game and buy 6 games...and give them an additional $10 for their trouble. That's $23.50 for 6 games of bowling. If they decline...they get $0 and I go home.

    One question I have for bowling proprietors is, "How much does the lane oil cost and how much is used to oil a pair of lanes?" According to my research, about 3785 mL (gallon) costs roughly $65. From what I read, each lane uses about 25mL of oil (depending). So if I am using 50mL of volume at $65/gallon...I'm actually using about $0.86 cents worth of oil on the pair. By this math, it doesn't seem like oiling the lanes is really that expensive in terms of material. But my math is a guess based on poking around the internet. A center proprietor might know more about this cost.

    As to why I don't bring it up directly with the center....right now I sub almost every night. To re-phrase, I go over to the alley almost every night to sub...most of the time I just have a couple over-priced beers and go back home. BUT...the counter staff is CRUCIAL to the subbing process. If they announce subs are available and maybe announce it a couple times...much more likely to get a chance to sub. So, in summary, I don't want to make the center staff mad at me...or I may never get to sub.

    Quote Originally Posted by billf View Post
    How odd, I've always had my questions answered by DV8
    Ask them if they sent the Motiv balls to the USBC. Might be the first time you don't get a response.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
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    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

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    Default you know lol

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  4. #14
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    I regularly bowl in three different centers here and I bowl a travel league that goes all over the state and hits an additional 7 centers so I'm confused as to why bowling in one particular center is so much more vital to practice time than another. I do realize the shots put out do vary from center to center and in my case some of these centers are wood and some are synthetic. Crap even among the synthetics I don't think there are two in the state that are of the same type they are all different. I don't base my practice time around trying to develop a particular line for a particular lane pattern though. Practice is when I work on my physical game and hitting my targets. I can make nuanced adjustments for the particular shot during warm-ups.

    Part of this depends on what your calling burnt conditions. If you mean the lanes haven't been oiled in a week and the heads are gone then I get what you are talking about and yes it sucks and go practice somewhere else. If you just mean the shots not fresh and they've bowled league on them then man up move 4-2 left and go bowl. Seems like to me if you are there every night to sub you should have access to the lanes right after league is finished.
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  5. #15
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    Practice is when I work on my physical game and hitting my targets. I can make nuanced adjustments for the particular shot during warm-ups.
    Okay, case in point. You go in, the lanes haven't been oiled since the night work on your physical game...hitting move well inside (16 boards with your feet and 5 boards left with your target...and your ball consistently hits Brooklyn. You're telling me you just keep throwing that ball and hitting that target...and the effect the ball has downlane doesn't matter?

    Then you throw your plastic ball at corner pins and it hooks into the gutter (7-pin) or hooks away from the 10-pin and you just keep throwing because, " probably would have picked up the pin if conditions were fresh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    If you just mean the shots not fresh and they've bowled league on them then man up move 4-2 left and go bowl.
    No...that's different.

    But, to sort of agree with Rob here...some houses...especially newer houses or houses where the lanes have been recently replaced...or even houses that have wider USBC type house patterns or longer, heavier volume patterns...sure. There will be enough oil left after a 3-game league series to continue working on your game with some minor moves left. You might even get 5-6 games in. But on older lanes or lanes where the oil pattern is narrow, short, and/or lower Game are almost always going to be throwing your (looking at your arsenal)...'s tough because I don't have my spreadsheet with me...but high level view...I'd say the Mastermind Einstein would be too much ball to ever be able to use even on fresh at this house. Probably the same goes for the VG. But, even if the VG is usable on fresh'd be down to either the Arson Low Flare or the Danger Zone by Game 2 or certainly Game 3.

    You have some really weak equipment in your arsenal...especially the you could probably practice 9-12 games right after league by just using the Arson LF, DZ, and Avalanche. I don't really have any equipment that weak. I have a 14lb Urethane Columbia Blue Knight and a Hammer urethane ball (16lb)...I keep both in my trunk of my car in case I stop at a random center somewhere...but I don't routinely throw those.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amyers View Post
    Seems like to me if you are there every night to sub you should have access to the lanes right after league is finished.
    Most nights, I suppose I could. But, 3 games of league bowling in the high pressure environment of subbing...I don't have much left to then go and practice 6-9 games.

    Subbing is nerve racking because:
    1) You have to hope somebody picks you up.
    2) You have to hope that you reward them by doing better than their absent bowler minus 10 pins.
    3) The whole time, you are bowling with people you don't it's not as relaxed.
    4) If I bowl badly, that team will likely never want me to sub for them again....and if I bowl well, there is always 1-2 people asking me if I want to join their team full time...and then I gotta repeat the same friggin story again and again...that I'm subbing because I might be moving soon and I can't commit till the end of the season. To which, they always respond, "Well, our league is short and ends in September" as if I don't know that...and as if that suddenly would change my mind that maybe I should join a league and possibly 3-6 weeks later have to abruptly quit due to circumstances. Ughhh...

    So, subbing is hard...mentally even more than physically. I'm usually mentally spent by the end of 3-4 games.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Okay, case in point. You go in, the lanes haven't been oiled since the night work on your physical game...hitting move well inside (16 boards with your feet and 5 boards left with your target...and your ball consistently hits Brooklyn. You're telling me you just keep throwing that ball and hitting that target...and the effect the ball has downlane doesn't matter?

    Then you throw your plastic ball at corner pins and it hooks into the gutter (7-pin) or hooks away from the 10-pin and you just keep throwing because, " probably would have picked up the pin if conditions were fresh?
    We used to practice without pins, so the effect the ball has downline doesn't matter.

    As for shooting at a 7 pin, you throw the ball just as straight as if you were shooting at a 5 pin, the difference is, you're standing in a different location, and looking at a different location.

    Once you let go of the ball, you either executed, or you didn't, and you should be able to tell which is which in the first 15 feet.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    We used to practice without pins, so the effect the ball has downline doesn't matter.

    As for shooting at a 7 pin, you throw the ball just as straight as if you were shooting at a 5 pin, the difference is, you're standing in a different location, and looking at a different location.

    Once you let go of the ball, you either executed, or you didn't, and you should be able to tell which is which in the first 15 feet.
    Good points...the only problem is this:

    How do we know whether we threw a good ball?

    1) We hit our target.
    2) We have decent axis tilt and axis rotation.
    3) We hit the pocket
    4) The ball exits the pin deck between the 8-pin and 9-pin.
    5) We carry. need for pins...or scoring...or even a pair of lanes for that matter for #1 and #2. You're essentially just testing your horseshoe skills and release. #3 only requires pins to the extent that you'd like to know the ball is hitting the pocket. #4 and #5 require pins.

    So, in a nutshell...if your weakness is you can't seem to hit a 1.5" target at 15ft...or your release is wildly inconsistent...then I agree...just throw, work on your form and release...dry lanes, wet lanes, oily lanes, no lanes...doesn't matter. But to truly evaluate your ability...and fix a lot of need to know how to hold need to understand if there's something you're doing or not doing that is negatively impacting carry. And you really need to see how the ball goes through the pins. None of those last 3 can be done well on lanes that are trashed.

    Does anyone know (center folks) how much oil is used when oiling a pair of lanes? My 85 cent estimate seems low. But it seems like, unless it takes more than a pint of lane oil/conditioner per idea of giving them $10 extra should more than compensate the house for their materials. Any thoughts?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslan View Post
    Good points...the only problem is this:

    How do we know whether we threw a good ball?

    1) We hit our target.
    2) We have decent axis tilt and axis rotation.
    3) We hit the pocket
    4) The ball exits the pin deck between the 8-pin and 9-pin.
    5) We carry. need for pins...or scoring...or even a pair of lanes for that matter for #1 and #2. You're essentially just testing your horseshoe skills and release. #3 only requires pins to the extent that you'd like to know the ball is hitting the pocket. #4 and #5 require pins.

    So, in a nutshell...if your weakness is you can't seem to hit a 1.5" target at 15ft...or your release is wildly inconsistent...then I agree...just throw, work on your form and release...dry lanes, wet lanes, oily lanes, no lanes...doesn't matter. But to truly evaluate your ability...and fix a lot of need to know how to hold need to understand if there's something you're doing or not doing that is negatively impacting carry. And you really need to see how the ball goes through the pins. None of those last 3 can be done well on lanes that are trashed.

    Does anyone know (center folks) how much oil is used when oiling a pair of lanes? My 85 cent estimate seems low. But it seems like, unless it takes more than a pint of lane oil/conditioner per idea of giving them $10 extra should more than compensate the house for their materials. Any thoughts?

    Lane Oil,
    Lane Cleaner,
    Machine Cleaner.


    Diluting Lane cleaner.
    Oiling lanes.
    Cleaning Machine before putting back in storage.

    The labor to oil one pair at a time, is not 1/16 of when oiling whole 32 lane center at once.
    Last edited by Mike White; 07-12-2016 at 07:38 PM.

  9. #19
    Bowling God billf's Avatar
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    One container of oil will do 24 lanes at 44' with 28ml. Cost of this container is $450. Now add labor, electricity, etc. as Mike pointed out and it's a lot more than most people think. I didn't include the stripper because I haven't had to order that yet so I'm not certain of the cost.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by billf View Post
    One container of oil will do 24 lanes at 44' with 28ml. Cost of this container is $450. Now add labor, electricity, etc. as Mike pointed out and it's a lot more than most people think. I didn't include the stripper because I haven't had to order that yet so I'm not certain of the cost.
    Say what? $450 for a container of oil to do 24 lanes?

    Just looked in my jayhawk catalog 5 Gallons of Kegel Fire Lane Conditioner is only $245.

    Just a estimate but
    28ml per lane thats 672ml which is 22.723 ounces, 5 gallons oiling 24 lanes once a day would last approx. 28 days.

    that's about $8.75 for one days oil.

    a old post
    Quote Originally Posted by DanielMareina View Post
    It costs just a few bucks to oil a pair of lanes. Most the time we don't oil a specific pair for people, but some of the tournament bowlers will have me oil a sport pattern out. I charge about $10 bucks a pair for that. Most centers probably won't do that though.
    Last edited by bowl1820; 07-12-2016 at 11:31 PM.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

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