And the Aslan jinx prevails!!! I try to encourage you to take your game to the next level and you respond by bowling worse than me! ANd that's sayin something!
Hey man, everyone has a bad night from time to time. The good news is...your terrible night is above average for most people. And yes, I do realize that is no consolation.
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650
Another crap night.
174/211/189 = 574. 1st ball out of my hand left a 6-7-10. And then the single pins started. Left every pin in the back row. 16 single pin counts, and 11 of them were 10-pins. Missed the first and the last of them. Only threw 3 balls all night that weren't in the pocket, and one of those crossed for a strike. The Summit is going in for a polish this week. It's just too temperamental, and has no cushion at all. I moved all over God's green earth tonight to try to get that damn 10 pin to drop. Would've been a much different night had they. My average is ow in the "I suck" range, 205. Goddammit, I'm better than this.
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650
This is going to sound akward, but I wish I was in Timmyb's "I suck range".
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650
Okay, got a little bit back tonight, but still have some issues--
164/258/213 = 635. 1st game was a nightmare. Started with 2 splits, ended with 2 splits. I'm just not coming out of this new ball cleanly, and this is about to get discussed with my PSO. smashed another split top start game 2, and then went to the old turd in the bag. Spare, spare, and 9 straight to close game 2. Decent 3rd game, but whiffed a 10-pin to kill that one. I just can't seem to throw this new ball the same from shot to shot, and I don't know why. The minute I switch, I'm on. Sounds mental to me right now, but still going to talk to my guy to try to go forward. Average bumps back to 206. Gotta do better than this....
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650
Got a lot more back tonight.
266/204/258 = 728. Ran 9 to start the first game, and then buried the 10th shot, just to look at a pocket 7-10. Had this one hit flat, I'd take it, but this shot was smoked, driving right through the 8-9. Start game 2 by promptly tugging the ball, leaving a 3-10 (made). Third frame, tugged it again, this time the Greek church (no, not made). Struggled with carry for most of that game, but kept the rest clean. Third game, just got at it. Started with 5, and kept it clean after that. Best part was this is the first time I went stem to stern with the Summit. 3 boards left with my feet, and two right with my break, and that was all the moving for the night. Footwork felt the best so far this year. First 700 came a lot earlier this year than last. Only sucky part was we lost all 7. Average pops back to 212.
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650
Bummer to lose the points - but great series!
That's interesting. My coaching taught me how to adjust depending on what you leave. And, I admit, it's one of the most valuable things I got out of coaching...along with spare conversion strategies.
The problem I've seen lately is;
1) BIGGEST PROBLEM...You can't really tell if a ball doesn't hook because of the pattern...carrydown...the ball losing too much energy...or you line being off. So, and I'll cover this with examples in my next score update...but sometimes you can make 1:1 1:2, or 2:3 (eyes:feet)...but it's always supposed to be in the direction of your miss. For example:
You leave a 4-9, single 4, single 9, or similar...thats a 1:1 left. If you leave a 2-6 or a single 6-pin...that's a 1:1 right.
You leave a 2-pin, 2-4-5-8 bucket, a 2-4-5 or 4-5-8 3/4's a 1:2 right. You go through the nose and leave a's a 1:2 left.
And then you get the bigger misses (washouts, Brooklyn, etc...) and it's a 2:3 move...left or right.
However, there is a limit to how many times you can move, in one direction, before you're essentially standing over or outside your target...and your line becomes impossible . I've never learned when you need to move your feet one way, and your target a different way. I usually spend most of the night (you'll see the drastic results after I post my next results) moving...moving...moving...ball change....moving....moving...moving, ball change...etc.. until I get to the point where I'm uncomfortable right (playing first arrow) or uncomfortable left (inside 3rd arrow). Then I usually reset and will sometimes try to do what you did...move my target a little to the right...and get my feet a little left...thinking maybe it's the angle vs. the line.
But, congrats on the series. I keep hoping that I can get back to my prior physical 'maybe' I'll finally throw a 700+. I've come very close a couple times...but not so much lately.
In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 197; Lifetime Average = 171;
Ball Speed: 14.7mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185
Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!
This goes back to "I'm not a normal bowler", but I've always adjusted on the hit, not the leave. Second would be how the ball exits, but I rarely find myself looking at it, honestly. Take my pocket 7-10. It was a crushed high-flush hit, and I literally watched the ball click the 8 and 9 equally. Had it hit flat, then I'd have a move in mind. Light or through the nose, another and another. I had one shot I pulled a bit, but it held, and smashed high flush, leaving a stone 9. That's not normal. Sometimes, **** just happens. My creep left 3, right 2 was largely predicated on watching my teammate's leaves, and since we have roughly the same line, being proactive instead of reactive.
Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650