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Thread: ICEMAN does it,,,

  1. #61
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    In reality I am pretty good at spare shooting! That spare I missed was nothing more then a senior moment! Little did I know what was to follow, and that the 834, could have been huge,,, had the fist game been better. But never would I have imagined in a million years that I would throw 24 in a row with out a ringing/flat 10 pin!! FOCUS is the name of the game!!
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  2. #62
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    Rob, Aslan we will be attending the Star Trek convention in Vegas! If any bikers are interested, or surfer guys, I think its time for another rematch with the EVEN NEWER and more improved
    Iceman! I swear that one lesson Rob gave me was like the heavens opening up, and bowling knowledge flooding my brain, and nervous system! I am not sure but I think I even passed out!
    Rob,,, you were there,,, did I collapse and buckle under! You should give a WARNING with your lessons that it might cause momentary out of body experiences. Look where it got me today!
    Aslan,,, how many lessons have you had since we last had our shoot out? How much money have you spent on some of the finest coaches on the West Coast? What's the problem Rob,,, ???
    How can it open up a whole new world of bowling for me, and yet....... Anyway we will be cruising through Vegas this summer for the full Star Trek experience, then the MUFON convention! Aslan do you want a rematch....... you Young, Coached man, against ME ICEMAN! Do you think you can beat me this time, and what format would you like to bowel! Rob, I want to bring the crown back to Kansas City this time! The Royals are not playing well, and to be honest Kansas City needs a Winner in the news! Not sure if I am going to ride the bike, or maybe this time bring my 5th wheel so that I can have more then just two balls!!! I will tell you this,,, ICEMAN is "READY TO RUMBLE! My wife will be retiring this June 1st. so we can roam at will as much, and anywhere we want! Will let you know what weeks we will be there to have some fun, and bowel with you, and Aslan! ((If Aslan fears another defeat, I would understand, at least we can have some fun, and maybe a second lesson. (would like to bowl a 900!) Not really happy with just two in a row! LOL
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  3. #63


    If you do, please record it

  4. #64
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    this is going out on that trip two years ago September.... that's my bike, and trailer my wife and me built to carry the bowling balls and equipment... Will record it FOR SURE! LOL
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  5. #65
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    This was an unexpected gift that the AMF gave me last Monday! Made an announcement in front of all the league bowlers etc... LOL... Sandy said it had not been done in all her 40 years of bowling and working in the office at those lanes.... That's a huge 48 lane alley, maybe the biggest in the Kansas City area. I still find it hard to believe that it was back to back!

    This song says it all: (replace the chick in the song with my love for bowling) LOL
    Last edited by MICHAEL; 04-13-2017 at 08:49 AM.
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  6. #66
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    Congrats on a great series!!!

  7. #67
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    Rob, Aslan we will be attending the Star Trek convention in Vegas! If any bikers are interested, or surfer guys, I think its time for another rematch
    Already working on the rematch in another thread. Unfortunately, I will not be on the West Coast in August and it'll be difficult (although not impossible) for me to make a special trip to Vegas in August. Traveling via air, with an arsenal of bowling balls, is difficult. And, if I finally get a "day job" in July...gonna be hard to take a vacation in August unless I pre-negotiate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    with the EVEN NEWER and more improved
    Well...I don't know about "newer"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    I swear that one lesson Rob gave me was like the heavens opening up, and bowling knowledge flooding my brain, and nervous system! I am not sure but I think I even passed out!
    Rob,,, you were there,,, did I collapse and buckle under! You should give a WARNING with your lessons that it might cause momentary out of body experiences.
    Rob definitely should have made you sign a waiver. Old people tend to have low blood pressure and their bones break easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    Aslan,,, how many lessons have you had since we last had our shoot out? How much money have you spent on some of the finest coaches on the West Coast?
    Since August 2014? Rough estimate...$2500, thereabouts.

    Quote Originally Posted by MICHAEL View Post
    What's the problem Rob,,, ???
    How can it open up a whole new world of bowling for me, and yet.......
    I SERIOUSLY doubt Rob is gonna answer that question. Iceman is essentially asking a silver level USBC coach (I think silver level)...why coaching is so useless. Not to mention, we've already had this arguement/discussion multiple times...and Rob and I have always been agreement that gaining knowledge and improving techniques via coaching is absolutely beneficial to bowlers of almost all skill levels.

    Last time we faced off...I believe I finished 5th and YOU finished 4th. Maybe Rob's one lesson has helped bring your game to the next level...or maybe it was the bump on the head when you fell down...either way, I look forward to a rematch.

    Last we faced were a 181 average bowler and I was a 166 average bowler. Not sure what your average was last year...because you seemed to take a 'break' from sanctioned play for a couple years. I've managed to increase my average to around 185 (with my $2500 worth of lessons). And while the "Man of Ice" clings to his 300 games and 800 series...he averages in the 180s at a center that is one of the easiest 5 centers in Missouri where the average bowler averages about 189. Meanwhile, I average about 185 in centers where the average bowler averages in the mid 160s. How many people have rolled 300 games and 800 series at AMF Pro Bowl this year? 20? 30? 40? A couple rolled perfect games at Concourse last season...I think one guy rolled a 300 at Linbrook last season.

    I can't WAIT to move to the Midwest. If Iceman gets a fancy plaque on the wall...they might rename the entire center after ME!
    Last edited by Aslan; 04-11-2017 at 05:02 PM.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  8. #68
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    Well we had our play-off this evening at 6pm, NKC Pro Bowel, AMF! The team we bowled won the first half, we won the second half last week against them! So this week we bowel for the championshiop! Best out of 4! We won all 4 for a blow out, unlike the Kansas City Royals so far this year. It was great, did it with my Wife, My oldest son Michael, and two friends of ours new to bowling. Will post the final scores, not of the lady kind Aslan!!
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  9. #69
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    had a 679,,,, 233, 215, and 231. Wife almost had her first 600 series,,, she has been real close many time! I think once she gets that
    first one, more will come, like my 300s... LOL! Remember I have only had ONE LESSON from the master teacher Rob!

    Remember I didn't even touch a bowling ball until I was retired, at the age of 63, on leagues, I am just a fricken ANIMAL I guess when it comes to this sport I love so much!! (((( And thanks to my One Lesson Rob game me)))) ((quick learner I guess Aslan! LOL) I am now 68, and feel like it will be at least another 10 years before I peak! My rev's are up and ball speed from last time we had our rumble in the jungle!

    NOW TO WIN THE COVETED AMF, Big 22! stay tuned, so far at my lanes, my partner and me AJ, have a 7 game lead over the nearest opponents. GUESS what team is behind us...... YES THE DUDE's TEAM, Jason and his high roller buddy Bruce. The same Jason that won this thing and the
    4000.00 each,,,, the year before last. Jason also had a 854, on this league about 3 weeks before I had my 834! ( Mine was on a different seniors league)
    Last edited by MICHAEL; 04-13-2017 at 08:35 AM.
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  10. #70
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    some times a picture says volumes.... don't get me wrong,,, I love the guy! But we do disagree on a number of things, and that's ok! ICEMAN SAYS SO!!

    I can feel it in my old Iron Worker Bones,,, another 300 is going to happen soon! Had a 279, the week after the 834! On that same league! Only bowling on 3 leagues this year!
    Last edited by MICHAEL; 04-13-2017 at 08:37 AM.
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

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