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Thread: How THS has ruined bowling, and why we should all quit and play Bocce ball instead !

  1. #61
    Pin Crusher
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    You guys are making my day. I haven't had this much fun since the PBA and USBC shut down their boards.
    I still say it was the stupidity of letting urethane balls to be legal that hurt scoring.

  2. #62
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    The game is different and scoring is much higher and for those who have styles that match up to the modern conditions the game is easier than it has been. Does that mean everyone rolls a 300 now? No. When I was in my younger days I seen 2 300's rolled in about 10 years. Today there is someone chasing it every week and my centers aren't especially high scoring. 700 used to be something special now days it's an after thought for some that bowl that every other week.

    The saddest thing about it as a youth bowler in the early 80's I was considered to be a better than average bowler averaged mid 190's always have had lower ball speed so I had to play less of a straight line earlier than a lot of the players which meant that I struck less but I was accurate and rarely left splits and was an excellent spare shooter so I was competitive. In the modern game I'm not as accurate anymore (took a 20yr vacation form the sport) still a good spare shooter but with my style even descent shots leave the occasional 7-10 or ugly leave and the top player strike dang near 70% of the time doesn't really matter if I can shoot spares and put the ball more consistently in the pocket or not. The game has been reduced to a simple carry contest of which I will never be a top competitor at. It's ok I still love the game won't be quitting anytime soon but for those of you that think the scoring in modern bowling isn't crazily inflated your kidding yourself. The one plus side is in the old days I never even considered 300 as a possibility in the modern game I fully suspect I'll eventually have a good night and get one unfortunately it really won't mean crap.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  3. #63
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    Everything is better and easier NOW DAYS! Records are being beat yearly,,, it called human evolution! People are bigger, stronger, more intelligent in large part due to Monsanto, and the chemicals they
    now put in all our veg's and fruits. The records for the 100 yard dash in Greece was 13.1 seconds around time of Plato. More 300's translates into human evolution, and human enhancement chemicals like those used on most USA croups!! Men are taller, woman are shorter,,,, its evil-lotion! Like it or not, lanes are not easier, we are just getting better at bowling so says Iceman
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  4. #64


    We are getting "better" at bowling because of the 10-10 house shot with huge amounts of miss area, and balls that are designed to maximize that. There's something to be said for the availability of training material and video, too, as well as perfecting physical techniques (however, that latter part is not going to apply to most house hacks). As someone said, let's join some PBA regionals (a goal of mine when my spare shooting gets to 90% and arsenal is redone) and see how we do.

  5. #65
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Default I tried to explain in my earlier thesis...the problem is the conditions have raised expectations to a level that if I say, "The conditions are easy..."; someone responds, "Well, then how come you don't average 230 and have multiple 300 games and 800 series to your credit?"

    Twenty-Five years ago...such a question would have been absurd to all but the top 10-20 bowlers in the entire World. People never averaged >195 unless they were legitimate professionals or high-level amateurs. 300-games occurred...but for all but the most elite bowlers...these perfect games were once in a lifetime acheivements...which is why you'd receive a gold ring with real gemstones from the USBC. The USBC also awarded lesser acheivements (because perfect games were so rare) like 11 in a row and 275 games, etc...

    I've noticed this with my OWN expectations. I used to throw a few 180+ games and I'd be on Cloud 9! A 500-550 series made me think I was really getting to be a good bowler. And if I shot a 450-500 big deal.

    Now, if I shoot < 600 series...I'm ticked off and disappointed. And, if I shoot a sub-500 series...I'm ready to quit the sport altogether. answer your question...I shouldn't be ABLE to throw multiple 300-games and an 800-series. Nor, should you. We haven't been bowling long enough where that's a realistic accomplishment. You and I should still be throwing in the 165-175...maybe 180s averages. We should still be learning and getting better...since we've only been bowling for < 4 years time. We shouldn't be acheiving things that 25 years ago took a good bowler their entire LIFETIME to's that simple.

    Have I rolled a 300 game? ONE lane (not a pair). Will I probably roll a sanctioned one in the next 1-2 years? Probably. Honor scores require a mix of luck and skill...and you have to have both working for you at the same time. Will I ever acheive an 800-series? I dunno. Thats trickier....much more dependent on who you're bowling with and against and being able to be precise and repeat shots while at the same time knowing how to make moves off of shots that are still striking. many have mentioned here...and in other member's scoring threads for those folks that are just tearing up THSs left and right...the next logical STEP is to put that skill to the test. You have nothing more to prove in a THS beer league, do you? I think you only need one sanctioned season with a 200+ average (or maybe 3 consecutive....I think it used to be 3 consecutive but now it's just one...) and you can get yourself a PBA card. Rob has a PBA card (I believe). If there are no sport shot leagues around biggee. You like to like to take on challenges...the PBA50 tour and PBA Regionals are all over the MidWest...some even stop right there in Kansas City!

    I'll tell ya what...Iceman strikes me as a guy who likes to be I'm gonna place a BIG BET...right here...for all to see.

    Here's a PBA Regional in St. Charles, MO:

    The entry fee for this tournament (non-members) is $285. IF our beloved Bowling God Iceman...were willing to test his God-Like abilities at this tournament...AND cashes (any place)...I'll pay his $285 entry fee!! That's right...I will reimburse Iceman $285...all he has to do is sign up and cash (Top 1/3 cash).

    Last cashing spot pays $400. That means, if Iceman cashes...he not only gets his entry fee reimbursed...but POCKETS $400...AND...because he cashes in a PBA tournament...he'd be automatically eligible to join the PBA (no average requirement if you cash in a PBA tournament).

    July 15th and 16th!! Mark the Date!!

    And think about it Ice...think about all the awesome side benefits!!

    1) $285 fee reimbursed by Aslan!
    2) $400 (minimum) prize money!
    3) Automatic PBA eligibility!
    4) You would add "PBA Bowler" to your "Bowling God" credentials!
    5) There are 3 more tournaments (Omaha, Dubuque, and Omaha) in the Region you could participate in!

    And, if you were to win THIS bet....I'd go watch you IN PERSON at the Omaha and/Dubuque events!!

    AND....MOST IMPORTANTLY!! Think of the bragging rights alone!! No more more "tilted Missouri lanes"...Iceman would BE LEGIT!!

    That's right Iceman...
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  6. #66


    Just today a teammate of mine from the winter league who averages about 210 shot 265-300-300! He threw 28 straight strikes. When you are lined up on a walled house shot and you have the right ball in your hand, you don't have to be a bowling God, you just have to be consistent.

  7. #67
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    My brother 865,,,, congrats,,, Mine was a mere 834, with back to back 300, but hey,,, who knows what Iceman might do on the EASY LANES all over Kansas city in the NEAR future! Part of the skill this "friend that you mentioned, must have is one of the most basic skills that many bowlers, maybe even you Rob don't have. Being CONSISTENT, with a shot that you find works. Shots CHANGE from day to day! I had a bad outing today, mainly because I could not find the ball or angle to play the lanes. I must admit, I need to work with a variety of different first ball throws!

    Even on those lanes, that you say are easy, what were your scores Rob?

    Finding the shot is just one part of the equation,,,, being consistent is what can give you a 800, and two 300 games in a role....

    They announced today at Gladstone bowl the 300 I did last week on a bet, , and also mentioned the 834, with the two 300s also... LOL

    Then I bowl a crap 3 games today with everyone watching,,,, it was not the crowd, watching me, but the FRICKEN EASY house pattern.

    So many things need to be right on this: EASY HOUSE PATTERN, for a bowler to roll greatness. It goes beyond just how the oil is applied! I would say
    it takes almost a dozen things to be on in order to roll the 300, and 800. Doesn't
    happen ever for many bowlers, as easy as many say it is.
    Last edited by MICHAEL; 06-14-2017 at 07:38 PM.
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

  8. #68
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    How DARE Iceman ignore my challenge!!

    Does he have warrants in the St. Charles area that he doesn't want to risk going there for fear of being arrested? it fear. Been a long time since the iron worker has walked the beams...maybe fear is finally taking control?

    Or is it the aliens? Have they gifted him supernatural bowling powers? Powers that are only useful in his house/center??

    Or...maybe he's just too old to make the trip? It's a long drive...all those frequent bathroom stops...all those stops at antique stores looking for knick knacks and figurines?? Or maybe, like most his age...he only gambles on slots??

    I don't know the reason...but of ALL the options....I HOPE it isn't the most likely....the reason that it is for most bowlers...that it simply makes the ego feel better. Oh...the shame. Not Iceman! Most bowlers...sure....they are weak-minded with fragile egos; them, I understand. But Iceman?? Say it ain't so Ice....say it ain't so....

    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  9. #69
    High Roller Blacksox1's Avatar
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    That is a great offer Aslan. Who could turn it down?
    Hammer Purple Urethane. Storm Surge Hybrid, Storm Pitch Purple, Roto Grip Hyper Cell.
    2 Storm Surge Pearl 4x4x2 and a no flare, ,Roto Grip Hot Cell, Roto Grip Haywire.
    2020/2021, Hi Average 219, Hi Game 289, Hi Series 771, 30 Clean 4, 700 Series 16.
    2021/2022, Hi Average 211, Hi Game 256 Hi Series 693, 30 Clean 0, 700 Series 0.
    Proud member of Since 2013.

  10. #70
    Bowling God MICHAEL's Avatar
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    As you know, (I think), I am getting ready to head out to Roswell New Mexico for the great bowling opportunity of rolling a few dozen games on their intergalactic lanes! They are truly out of this world, and present ICEMAN with opportunity to mingle and roll some balls with truly some out of this world bowlers.
    The once a year event , (google it for more information), is fun beyond your wildest imagination. They have one bowling alley, and it’s large with some unique qualities. It offers interdimensional bowling along with this dimension, should the lanes be too BLOCKED for the bowlers who are constantly saying how EASY it is now to roll the high scores! You know better, Aslan, as does Iceman!

    The interdimensional bowling is like rolling your ball on The US Open pattern only with the added twist of not knowing where the foul line is located, due to the fact it’s constantly moving! There is no up, down, or even Left or Right? It’s something you just have to experience, and cannot be put into human terms! It is one heck of a challenge for all those thinking that the Sports Patterns here on Earth are way too EASY! Real men, like the Klingon’s will not waste their time rolling the EASY EARTH Sports Patterns! Love those lanes in Roswell! Looking forward to meeting up with many of my friends from other Portals, and dimensions!

    I then after spending time mingling with other worldly beings and catching up on the latest in regards to interdimensional bowling techniques, hope to head out to Vegas for the Star Trek convention, where I hope to run into Rob! (A lot of hoping going on) I liked Rob very much, as did I like you too Aslan. You’re both good human beings, and as far as earthlings go… not bad Joes!

    I looked your proposal over in regards to the PBA thing! Depending on how the Big 22 turns out, I might take you up on that offer.
    Remember, my partner and me, won the local Pro Bowel Big 22, (in north Kansas city Missouri qualifying league) We beat the team that won two years ago 10 out of 12 games this season!!! We only got 23 pins in handicap, but many if not most we won without the handicap. They had Jason 225, Bruce, (the guy that bet me last week money he could beat ICEMAN the first game, and I rolled the 300 for the money! LOL), Bruces average 220.

    If I win, or place in the top 5 of this tournament, which includes all the AMF’s qualifiers, then I will take you up on your officer. The best part will be YOU IN THE stands coaching, and helping me win that damn PBA thing! The finals are a week from this coming Sunday the 25th at College lanes in Kansas!

    When the chips are down,,,, Iceman can do incredible things on a GIVEN DAY! Who Fricken knows!

    I also want you to make the trip to Plattsburg before that sacred wooden 6 lane alley closes! I still think it would be a great business opportunity for YOU and ICEMAN to take over the rent, 300.00 a month and run the lanes. Lee, and his Co-buddy, asks me if I would be interested. But it’s a lot of work keeping everything in working order, etc. Not sure I would want to move closer to be there the amount of time needed. I do know it’s a money maker, and could be even more, if Iceman, Rob, and you Aslan ran the joint!

    Anyway off to World Gym for a work out. It’s a 24/24 keeping this well-tuned bowling machine of a body in optimum conditioning! Later….. Earthlings!
    Live Long and Bowl well!!
    Last edited by MICHAEL; 06-16-2017 at 11:33 AM.
    Don't walk on Thin Ice!

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