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Thread: I don't understand

  1. #11
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    What are you aslan? I have a lot of compassion am I a far left liberal? To help those less fortunate than I am, you could raise my taxes.
    I'm a moderate populist and nationalist.

    Compassion is enhances our humanity. The question is how to be compassionate while maintaining freedom, democracy, and capitalism. Those on the far left will try to be compassionate by taking money from those in the top 50% and spreading it to those on the bottom 50% in a type of socialist state. Those on the far right will simply rely on the "charity of the rich" to take care of those less fortunate; a form of modern day aristocracy. Like most things, the solution is somewhere in the middle.

    The reason our country is in such bad shape right we have two parties with severe ideological differences...and that divide has widened as media and entertainers have used more and more extreme rhetoric to divide the country. So, there is no bipartisan work. One side gains power...and does everything they can to stay in power. When the other side gains power, they do everything they can to stay in power. The side in power passes as much as they can while they are in power...then the new administration comes into power and the first thing they do is reverse everything the last administration did. And, the worst that it's getting worse and worse...not better.
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    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  2. #12
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    I think you might be a little off on your 50-50 split helping the needy. Any way there needs to be something done about how much money can be donated. Rich Celeb's and people like the Koch brothers shouldn't be allowed to donate more than $100 No one should be allowed to buy a Congressman, Senator or POTUS. Too many lobbyist. Maybe there shouldn't be profit in keeping Americans well. Enough about this.

    What is the USBC going to do with the extra money they get this year?
    I have to go in front of my league every year and tell them.
    Now this year I will tell them about the bump in dues this year.
    Did you know that all the talk about guaranteeing you prize fund form theft and bankruptcy by a center they only back up about $5000. You would have to buy more to protect my league with $60,000 prize fund.

    I got to go turn on FOX and see what a great job Trump did with his butt buddy Putin.

  3. #13
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Well, the Citizens United Supreme Court decision was a disappointing blow to campaign finance reform.

    The real problem is the left gets money from unions. The right, gets money from corporations. Whenever they speak about "campaign finance reform"...they always try to limit the OPPONENT'S funding...while maintaining their own. Republicans tried to limit union contributions and called i "campaign finance reform"....Democrats opposed it. Democrats tried to limit the contributions by corporations and called it "campaign finance reform" and the Republicans opposed it. Any bipartisan effort to limit both is stomped out almost as soon as it's started. It's a popular topic at election time...and is then tossed in the garbage can as soon as the elections are over.

  4. #14
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    If you are still trying to say unions have enough pull or money to sway an election you are living in a fox news dream world. Unions have been destroyed by globalization. It used to be that when the unions were strong UAW, AFLCIO and Teamsters they had a little bit to donate. Today one corp. and out donate them by themselves. That is a old stale argument. International Corp's run the world today. They have the Reps and Dems in their pocket.
    If I had a dime for every $100 Trump has screwed people out of in his crooked deals I would be rich.

  5. #15
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    If you doubt the power of unions...move to California.

    The unions have definitely taken a hit in the Midwest...especially in places like Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and especially Michigan. But government workers and the unions still dominate the political landscape in California.

    Corporate powers outweigh them...but corporate powers, as you mentioned, support both sides. Clinton had just as many corporate donors as Trump did. Romney, McCain, and Obama all had large corporate donors. Like I said, neither side really wants campaign finance reform because they both benefit from it. And the Citizens United case pretty much destroyed any real chance of limiting monetary influence.
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
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    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  6. #16
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    Unions equal middle class.

  7. #17
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    Unions equal middle class.
    Not necessarily.

    Unions are probably a "net positive"...but they have their own issues.

  8. #18
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    UAW equals
    Fair wages
    Good Health Care
    Good Dental
    Good paid Vacations
    Paid sick Leave
    Health and Safety inspectors looking out for workers.
    Everything the union man got on the shop floor so did his non union bosses.
    The end of the sweat shops.

  9. #19
    SandBagger drlawsoniii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    UAW equals
    Fair wages
    Good Health Care
    Good Dental
    Good paid Vacations
    Paid sick Leave
    Health and Safety inspectors looking out for workers.
    Everything the union man got on the shop floor so did his non union bosses.
    The end of the sweat shops.
    The market dictates the price of labor. All unions do (nowadays) are cause inflation. Labor is only worth what someone is willing to do the job for. If the auto industry doesn't want to pay as much that is their right, but it is also the Workers' rights to not take that job. If someone is willing to assemble a car for 5 dollars an hour then that's what the value of said labor is. If someone is willing to flip burgers for 3 dollars an hour then so be it. If the workers don't like the wages, go work somewhere else or learn a skill that will enable them to demand more money. Unions had their purpose in the 20s but that time is long over.

  10. #20
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    OK then no minimum wage. Once you get a little older you get replaced by a young person?

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