This is one of those questions where I can see your point, but not anything to be gained from the discussion. Most of us over a certain age can't see if the pins are not quite right from 70-75 feet away, and usually aren't paying enough attention to do more than notice if a pin is missing. Any cause other than a bad rack is human inconsistency. Those who take the sport seriously will observe the ball reaction and adapt. Those who treat it as just a game will just say they got robbed, and you will never, ever be able to convince them otherwise. I've even had right handers who believed they should have gotten a strike hitting the 1-2 pocket.
That brings me to my other point. How many times have you seen a poorly thrown ball strike? Whether it's a straight shot 18mph that is just slightly off center on the head pin or big curve that goes Brooklyn, I see a good number of these bad ball strikes every week. If I can have good luck and strike on a bad shot, can't there be bad luck on a good shot?