Dude are you serious??? Im sorry bud but im on the floor rollin.. sorry to be an arse but wow!
Should it be cheaper to get a plastic ball drilled (finger tip) than a resin?
Dude are you serious??? Im sorry bud but im on the floor rollin.. sorry to be an arse but wow!
Just looking for an answer...
No, price of the ball is lower, but any drilling is the same. Same amount of work/material/grips/etc.
Thanks, i was hoping a simple layout would be cheaper...lol
If you went conventional grip, on any ball it's going to be a bit cheaper than going fingertip, and then more still for any thumb plug or VISE setup.
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Nobody said is bowling is inexpensive not nowadays ball maintenance cost just as much as a drilling, especialy if you bowl alot you cant be a cheapo with the guy that can make or break your game!