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Thread: Boatman37's scores

  1. #21
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Hey not to bad first time out with the new ball. Did you notice a difference in the feel of the grip?

  2. #22
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    It was definitely better than the Storm Sync that is a lefty but the holes are too big and the span too short but felt similar to the righty drilled Spike I used last week. The issue with the Spike was that the thumb hole was a little small and I think it had a psychological affect. Last night I didn't have to think about the ball and I could focus on my approach and delivery. I definitely need a spare ball, at least for anything left of the 2 pin. I can cover about everything to the right of the 2 but this thing snaps too hard at the end to consistently get the 7's. That and just getting my form down a little better and just converting spares in general. I think if there was at least some oil last night I would have had a lot more strikes. I hit the pocket almost every shot but I think I had too much angle and left alot of 7's, which I kept missing.

  3. #23
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatman37 View Post
    It was definitely better than the Storm Sync that is a lefty but the holes are too big and the span too short but felt similar to the righty drilled Spike I used last week. The issue with the Spike was that the thumb hole was a little small and I think it had a psychological affect. Last night I didn't have to think about the ball and I could focus on my approach and delivery. I definitely need a spare ball, at least for anything left of the 2 pin. I can cover about everything to the right of the 2 but this thing snaps too hard at the end to consistently get the 7's. That and just getting my form down a little better and just converting spares in general. I think if there was at least some oil last night I would have had a lot more strikes. I hit the pocket almost every shot but I think I had too much angle and left alot of 7's, which I kept missing.
    Well a spare ball at least in my opinion doesn't have to be anything special. It's not going to be anything with any kind of hook or massive hitting power. Many people seem to have their spare ball "look cool" like those plastic ones with designs, logo's or those clear ones basically novelty balls. No reason to pay big bucks for one or get fancy, as long as it gets the job done.

  4. #24
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    Yep. Don't care for anything fancy. PSO says he can get me something good drilled out the door for about $80

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatman37 View Post
    Yep. Don't care for anything fancy. PSO says he can get me something good drilled out the door for about $80

    I bought the cheapest polyester ball I could find. It's an ugly yellow and purple but it was cheap which was fine with me.

  6. #26
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    Well thought I would start getting better by now but nope. Getting worse actually but did notice a few things tonight. I had been trying to throw right between the first and second arrows but couldn't hit my mark at all. Kept missing to the inside by 5 boards (wasn't following through good). Halfway through the second game I moved to the second arrow but at first was throwing it too far inside. Finally got it third game but just wasn't getting the carrys and struggled with spares. Our whole team struggled with carrys. Good pocket hits and leave a pin. All night. The other team was striking no matter where they hit (all 5 had over 200 averages).
    The other thing I noticed was they were playing music as they usually do but I usually ignore it. a good song came on and I was actually singing it on my approach and that was my first good shot all night. Did it a few more time sand hit the pocket every time I did that. That tells me I am probably overthinking my approach and I just need to relax.

    Anyway here are my scores:

    Game 1: 152 (2 strikes, 5 spares, 3 opens)

    Game 2: 141 (4 strikes, 1 spare, 5 opens)

    Game 3: 177 (4 strikes, 4 spares, 2 opens)

    Another thing, I had been throwing pretty hard (not on purpose). Slowed it down about 1 MPH and started hitting the pocket better. Also, my shoulder, elbow, and right knee are always sore after bowling. I normally take ibuprofen before bowling but forgot tonight and I was really sore by the third game.

    So the takeaway: I struggled throwing too far outside so probably mental being afraid of getting it too far out there. Second point, when I was singing I seemed to do better so I am probably overthinking it.

    I definitely need more strikes and would have had more tonight. Probably had 7 or 8 more perfect hits and left pins. But also need to work on converting my spares. That used to be my strong point. I rarely missed spares.

    Tonights totals:

    Our team:


    Yeah they are 200 bowlers but geeeeez. They had 11 200's tonight to our 7. Seems like every team we bowl has their best night against Bottom line is I am dragging our team down. My average so far is 164 and I rolled a 470. We lost total pins by 33 so that was on me. They won game 1 by 96, game 2 by 44, and we won game 3 by 107 (all with handicaps).

    I can't get 7's with my Black Widow Gold (I'm a lefty) so tonight had the PSO install new inserts in the Hammer Spike (drilled for a righty but fits really good). Until I get another ball I will use this for 7's. The ball isn't the problem, the bowler is. I either drop it in the gutter 3/4 of the way down or miss to the inside. I used to never miss 7's so confident I will get that back.

  7. #27
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    Well things hopefully started looking up tonight. Started out in practice trying for 7's and 10's and did pretty good. Started the first game and thought something felt funny but went ahead and rolled and it was a perfect 6-10 ball (got 5 then 4 more on the 2nd ball)? Went up next frame and thought it felt weird again. Looked at my feet and realized I was 5 boards too far to the right....ughhhh. Moved to my 'real' mark and threw a strike. Third frame dropped it in the gutter about 1/2 way down and threw a 9 on the 2nd ball so now 2 opens. Next 5 were all pocket strikes. 2nd game it started drying up so I started moving right but struggled. Finally 3rd game moved back to where I started and threw a little more outside closer to the 1st arrow. Only had 6 opens all night so that was definitely an improvement (2 were splits)

    Game 1: 213 (6 strikes, 2 spares, 2 opens)

    Game 2: 174 (4 strikes, 5 spares, 2 opens (1 split))

    Game 3: 177 (4 strikes, 4 spares, 2 opens (1 split))

    564 series

    overall average 167.48

    Strikes: 42% (14/33)
    Spares: 64% (11/17)
    Single Pin: 85% (6/7)
    Multiple Pins: 50% (5/10)
    splits: 0% (0/2)
    Opens: 19% (6)

    All Leaves: 17

    First Ball Average: 8.55

    So getting better. Hopefully after a few more weeks I can get back to regularly rolling 200's. I still need to work on my 7's and need to get quicker at adapting to changing conditions. I missed the 7 twice tonight. 6 opens and 2 were splits so 2 of those were the 7's. Pretty confident that I can start rolling 600's consistently soon

  8. #28
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    See my last post? Scratch Thought maybe things were looking up. I was wrong. I do have quite a few excuses for tonight though so...

    Tonight we bowled one of the top teams in the league. Their averages are 225, 226, 181, 193, and 218. They were giving us 106 pins. The owner of the center and the PSO are both on this team. We have 2 divisions and they were in 2nd place in their division (we were in 5th in ours). We ended up winning all 3 (first game we won by 5 pins)

    Didn't find this out until after we were done but we were on the last pair (39 and 40) and was told they are the hardest ones to bowl on. On top of that I have something on my thumb like an ingrown nail or something and it is a little swollen. My spare ball was sticking bad and my new ball was sticking about 50% of the time. Every time it stuck I pulled it. I did carry quite a few brooklyns tonight though. Picking up the 7 was out of the question since my thumb stuck bad in my spare ball and I can't get the 7 with my strike ball. I was able to get it once but missed it 2 or 3 times. The other team struggled too. We only had one 600 on our team tonight (602). The other team only had 2 600's (649, 604).

    So my excuses 1) the lanes we had 2) thumb sticking 3) arm was sore before I even got

    Game 1: 154 (3 strikes, 3 spares, 5 opens)
    Game 2: 167 (4 strikes, 4 spares, 3 opens)
    Game 3: 181 (4 strikes, 3 spares, 3 opens)

    Series: 502
    Current average: 167.46

    First ball average: 8.61

    Been using an old Hammer Spike for my 7 pins but it is drilled right handed and the thumb is a little tight. Talked to the PSO and told him I want something that I can use for 7's but also that will have a nice smooth arc so I can use it on really dry lanes. He is going to order something in and surprise me so we will see what we end up

  9. #29
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatman37 View Post
    See my last post? Scratch Thought maybe things were looking up. I was wrong. I do have quite a few excuses for tonight though so...

    Tonight we bowled one of the top teams in the league. Their averages are 225, 226, 181, 193, and 218. They were giving us 106 pins. The owner of the center and the PSO are both on this team. We have 2 divisions and they were in 2nd place in their division (we were in 5th in ours). We ended up winning all 3 (first game we won by 5 pins)

    Didn't find this out until after we were done but we were on the last pair (39 and 40) and was told they are the hardest ones to bowl on. On top of that I have something on my thumb like an ingrown nail or something and it is a little swollen. My spare ball was sticking bad and my new ball was sticking about 50% of the time. Every time it stuck I pulled it. I did carry quite a few brooklyns tonight though. Picking up the 7 was out of the question since my thumb stuck bad in my spare ball and I can't get the 7 with my strike ball. I was able to get it once but missed it 2 or 3 times. The other team struggled too. We only had one 600 on our team tonight (602). The other team only had 2 600's (649, 604).

    So my excuses 1) the lanes we had 2) thumb sticking 3) arm was sore before I even got

    Game 1: 154 (3 strikes, 3 spares, 5 opens)
    Game 2: 167 (4 strikes, 4 spares, 3 opens)
    Game 3: 181 (4 strikes, 3 spares, 3 opens)

    Series: 502
    Current average: 167.46

    First ball average: 8.61

    Been using an old Hammer Spike for my 7 pins but it is drilled right handed and the thumb is a little tight. Talked to the PSO and told him I want something that I can use for 7's but also that will have a nice smooth arc so I can use it on really dry lanes. He is going to order something in and surprise me so we will see what we end up
    Not bad one thing I've learned is have your thumbholes cut ever so lightly large then use tape to tighten them up. Just large enough for 2 to 3 pieces to fin in that way you have some wiggle room. My thumb size changes a lot with the season a ball that barley gets off my thumb in the spring summer may have 5 pieces of tape in it during the winter.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

  10. #30
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    Well had a pretty good night for the most part. Ball was hitting the pocket right off the bat and the bowler was doing his part too. First game I opened in the 3rd frame but other than that it was pretty good. Threw 9 strikes in a row after that. 2nd game I was hitting the pocket but not getting strikes and really struggled to convert my spares. 3rd game I was missing my mark and got alot of Brooklyns. Had a couple nice pocket hits but couldn't get the strike. The good thing was I finally started nailing my spares that game. Ended up with my best night since coming back and probably my 2nd best ever. My high game to date was 266. Threw a 256 tonight. Pretty sure that is my 2nd highest ever. Had a 642. My best ever is something like a 676. This was probably in my top 3-4 highest series ever. Teammates threw a 244 and 235 first game. Second game teammate had a perfect game into the 10th and finished with a 277. Another teammate had a 247 and another a 233. We were onit tonight....until the 3rd game. I was the only one over 200. We took the first 2 games tonight. Our teams series' tonight were 683, 673, 642, 607, and 540.

    Game 1: 256 (10 strikes (9 in a row), 1 spare, 1 open)

    Game 2: 159 (5 strikes, 2 spares, 4 opens)

    Game 3: 227c (6 strikes (4 in a row), 4 spares, no opens)

    Series: 642 (first 600 since returning to bowling)

    First ball average: 9.26

    Strikes: 61%
    Spares: 58%
    Opens: 15%

    Still struggling with my spares but did much better the 3rd game. On another note, early in the 3rd game I noticed what looked like a crack in my ball on the bottom. It was a jaggy line you could feel with your fingernail. A little later noticed another line perpendicular to it. Finished the game with it and had no issues. Showed the PSO at the end of the night. He put it on the spinner and hit it with the pad then buffing compound and mostly it was gone. I left it with him and he is going to resurface the whole ball and if he finds it is a crack he said he will get ahold of his rep. There are about 15 games on this ball.
    Last edited by boatman37; 03-07-2018 at 08:22 PM.

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