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Thread: week 1 good. week 2 very sore

  1. #11
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    I think we need to distinguish between real pain and just being sore. Sharp pain is your body's way of saying, "Hey Stupid, cut that out!" Chronic pain is it saying "something's wrong, take me to the doctor." Most of the time if you do something physical that you are not used to, you will be sore for a day or two afterwards. If you're still sore more than a week later something might be wrong.

    With equipment that fits properly and using good technique, bowling should not hurt. Will you feel a bit sore after bowling 5 or 6 games? Probably. Should you be in pain? Absolutely not.
    I'm sorry I meant after 15 years of not doing it. If coming back after that long of not doing it and say being 40+ you are gonna feel something not so pleasant. Not being used to all the actions used throwing a 15-16 lb ball and bowling 3 games muscles you didn't know you had are going to be screaming at you afterward. I know I was a little shocked the next morning and a few days after by way I felt after 10yrs. My body tends to forget to tell my mind "Hey, you're 46 you idiot not 20 anymore" I'm not even in bad shape, actually better than average for my age according to my doctor. Getting out of bed the next day was not fun. My equipment still fits perfectly and my technique isn't herky jerky or un-natural. My fingers are another story, I use a lot of lift throwing the ball. They generally make their presence known the first 4 to 6 balls then goes away but that's happened as long as I can remember. My hands have been beat to death in my 46 years though.

    I wasn't meaning sharp debilitating pains like you pulled a groin muscle, dislocated something or knocked a disc or two out of alignment. If you feel pain like that then you're either doing something seriously wrong or something is physically wrong. Then it's time to stop and figure it out before doing it anymore. The pain I was talking about was purely muscular. After 40+ it could be both muscular and arthritic as well. I still recommend a stretching regiment before hand, it can only help. Either that or I highly recommend to bowl nothing but 300 games, it knocks that pesky ball throwing count down to almost half hence cutting down on pain. Simple huh?

  2. #12
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    I definitely 'tweaked' my knee. Not to the point of needing a doctor but I twisted it or something. Feels much better today but still notice it. That was from the house shoes sticking. I already have a bad shoulder and elbow so no surprise there that I am sore. They get sore after carrying my 4 year old granddaughter around. Not much I can do about that. We will see how tonight goes and I will post a follow up.

  3. #13
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Ouch, yeah a tweaked knee is not muscle aches that's an injury. You gotta be very careful so as to not injure it further, knees are touchy and don't get better with age my friend. I hope you do well tonight and wish you nothing but the best.

  4. #14
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    Not sure what happened to my first thread. Typed it up and it disappeared. Anyway, scores were horrible but shoes were a definite help and the knee was good. Shoulder and elbow good so far too

  5. #15
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    That's great that you were able to bowl comfortably tonight. I was concerned you were gonna blow out your knee. If you can continue to be comfortable without that soreness then your scores will reflect it.

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