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Thread: Phonetek's scores

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Phonetek's scores

    Tonight I went with my son and threw a few games with him.

    Game 1 - 203
    Game 2 - 247
    Game 3 - 230

    In the video I noticed I turned my left foot to the right at the line but not every time. Plus I was having a hard time staying down at the line resulting in poor balance and loft. I was frequently pulling the ball a board and sometimes two causing in high hits. I managed to get away with it by messengers taking out the 9 pin all but once I left a 2-10 baby split. These things are very unlike me to do, I rarely ever had approach issues. I see after being away for so long I have a lot of work to do before next fall. I'm very self critical. The scores were fine but these mechanical issues are something I gotta fix, no if's and's or but's about it.

  2. #2
    Bowling Guru
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    In practice one should be self critical. In competition, unless you observe that you are clearly doing something wrong, assume that you have thrown the ball well enough and adjust from there.

    Turning the slide foot may be a symptom of feeling that you’re getting too close to the foul line. Finishing off balance and pulling shots can both be a symptom of the feet getting ahead of the swing.

  3. #3
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    Turning the slide foot may be a symptom of feeling that you’re getting too close to the foul line. Finishing off balance and pulling shots can both be a symptom of the feet getting ahead of the swing.
    It's definitely possible. I'm thinking I may be moving my feet a little too fast, getting to the line too fast throwing me off balance. I was a few inches from the fowl line each time, not particularly close to fouling but my subconscious may think I'm too close. Next time I'll try to slow down a bit and see what happens. The video really can't answer this question, especially with my son recording it. He moved the ipad around so much it was like watching an episode of COPS without the heavy breathing. I have a lot of practicing to do before next season. I am definitely disappointed in myself having so many things I'm doing wrong. I always did this stuff like it was natural and now I'm not. The 10 year break I see I never should have done. I know I'm much better than this. I don't mean scores, I can care less about that right now.
    Last edited by Phonetek; 01-24-2018 at 03:47 PM.

  4. #4
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Okay so after finding out just how far off my ball is for my hand now I'm going to be a little less critical on myself. I'm not going to say with everything I was doing wrong "The ball made me do it!" by any means. It explains the loft and me not staying down at the line. It also explains the complete lack of back end reaction that I know I should have. I still need to slow down and work on balance. Getting that thing fixed this weekend, no way I'm using it again before that.


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