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Thread: How long until it "clicks"?

  1. #1

    Default How long until it "clicks"?


    I've just returned from nearly 20 years off, and I admit I never learned the right way in the first place.

    So, I'm trying to get my release "up to date" shall we say...

    For those of you new or returning and changing things, is there a time when things just all the sudden make sense to you? I felt really good about my progress Tuesday night and could actually feel my fingers in the ball and see the corresponding high revs (I was at a measured 270 rpm and somewhere around 17 mph) and Tuesday guessed my revs were well into the 300s with the same speed (no video confirmation though but it was a dramatic increase).

    Last night I'm back to "no feel" on my fingers and mostly in hat weak 270 rpm crap...

    Arrgggg... Just frustrate!

  2. #2


    There's an old saying; "If you didn't bring it with you, you're not going to find it here." Since you admit that you never learned the right way in the first place, why don't you just find a qualified coach and learn the right way now?

  3. #3
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    I agree with Rob a good coach would go a long way to helping you. If that isn't an option, at least take some video of yourself bowling. What you think you might be doing may not be what your are actually doing and the video doesn' t lie.

    Also check this video out, I've posted this before but in my opinion this is one of the best videos explaining the modern release and watching this video gave me my "AHA" moment.

  4. #4


    I agree with both of you, however the "coach" thing won't be possible for a while anyway.

    I've watched myself on film and have a pretty good understanding of what is wrong. I'm a coach (football, shot and discus and golf) for nearly 30 years so I have a pretty good fundamental understanding of the this I'm trying to do. I also teach physics so I have a pretty good understanding of what makes the whole system run. And, I've watched every youtube video ever posted about bowling.

    I'm hoping to find someone who can work with me in the near future but until then I'm still working on it.

    When I was learning to hook a golf ball after playing a fade for YEARS, I struggled and struggled. Watched it on video and could identify where I was going wrong, etc... just couldn't get my swing to stop coming over the top and then one day, snap I'm turning the ball to the left.

    Just asking is there this kind of day in my future...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by shane8168 View Post
    Just asking is there this kind of day in my future...
    You definitely have experience coaching so there's definitely a chance with enough practice and video analysis that it could one day click.

  6. #6
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by shane8168 View Post

    I've just returned from nearly 20 years off, and I admit I never learned the right way in the first place.

    So, I'm trying to get my release "up to date" shall we say...

    For those of you new or returning and changing things, is there a time when things just all the sudden make sense to you? I felt really good about my progress Tuesday night and could actually feel my fingers in the ball and see the corresponding high revs (I was at a measured 270 rpm and somewhere around 17 mph) and Tuesday guessed my revs were well into the 300s with the same speed (no video confirmation though but it was a dramatic increase).

    Last night I'm back to "no feel" on my fingers and mostly in hat weak 270 rpm crap...

    Arrgggg... Just frustrate!
    It sounds like you’ve had the “aha” moment when it clicks for the first time. Unfortunately there is no way to predict when it will start clicking on a regular basis. Sooner or later, though, it will happen!

  7. #7
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    I’m also waiting for things to click. Second season Bowling 2-handed at my age has had its ups and downs. I don’t feel like things are smooth and the consistency isn’t there yet. Still more “thinking” than doing if that makes sense.

  8. #8
    What is Bowling?
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    Coaching + Correct reps = consistency
    Once you feel you have the instruction side done, the only thing standing between you and consistency is correct repetitions. How many reps it takes is completely different for each learner. It’s no different than any other skill based activity.
    S. Suzuki says it takes 200 repetitions for musicians to learn an exercise.
    M. Gladwell says it’s 10,000 hours for anyone to become an expert at anything they choose.
    Last edited by jazzuar; 02-06-2018 at 06:07 PM. Reason: Autocorrect sux

  9. #9


    2,000 reps = muscle memory.

  10. #10


    I'm in the same boat and a coach is not an option (small town). This might be a long haul.


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