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Thread: Need help and advice on form

  1. #1

    Default Need help and advice on form

    Hi everyone,

    I am Kay and I am new to this forum. I have been browsing through the forum and have learned a lot. I have been playing bowling for quite some time and I really wanted to increase my average. I noticed that I have a bad form and also arm swing which makes it very inconsistent and inaccurate. So I need an advice on how to fix my problem.

    Here is a video of mine. I hope that you guys can help me.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2


    The two most obvious things are your feet and your push away. You take a five step approach which means that the ball should be set in motion synchronized with your second step. Your ball is set in motion with your third step which results in having to muscle the ball to get it to catch up with your body. Also, the steps should start small and gradually get longer. Your first step is way to big. Move up on the approach and think of your approach as a walk to the starting line rather than a run to the finish line. Good luck.

  3. #3
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    I would say work on one thing at a time. Once you correct that one thing, then move on the next thing. I agree with the things Rob pointed out. I would also say, I don't like where the ball is starting outside of your body on setup. I believe the ball being that far away is a factor in the big loop in your swing. Keep the ball more in front of you closer to your body. Then on your pushaway, just let the ball drop into the swing and hopefully that straightens your swing.

  4. #4


    I'll echo what Rob says!
    Here's a drill that you do at home:
    You're tending to push the ball out to the right which causes your swing to go behind your back. You might want to start with your head positioned more over your right knee (i.e., lean to the right a bit). This will help you have room for your ball to swing freely and start it going straight forward and straight back, too. No loop around.

  5. #5


    No offense to anyone else trying to help, but until the feet and the timing are working, everything else is an exercise in futility. When the timing is off, where the ball is held as well as the starting posture is irrelevant for the simple reason that the ball is moving all over the place trying to get back on line.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by djp1080 View Post
    I'll echo what Rob says!
    Here's a drill that you do at home:
    You're tending to push the ball out to the right which causes your swing to go behind your back. You might want to start with your head positioned more over your right knee (i.e., lean to the right a bit). This will help you have room for your ball to swing freely and start it going straight forward and straight back, too. No loop around.
    Thanks. I'll be checking this one out myself. The information you all share is helping make my learning curve a little less steep.

  7. #7


    Thank you so much for the information and suggestions everyone. I will take note and put into the list for my next practice. I will first work on my timing and approach on the lane. I will update my progress soon. Thank you so much again. I really appreciate it.

  8. #8


    Hello everyone,

    I have been practicing and applying the suggestions, particularly the ones from Rob and I have been able to control my approach while throwing much more consistently. I will be focusing more on the approach and keep on doing basic drills until I completely gain control of my movement and be able to release correctly and consistently. Thank you for your help again everyone.

    I have also been studying on the 3 point targeting system where one subtract the pattern length with 31. However, I didnt really understand on where to focus my eyes on during the release of my ball. Can someone explain a little bit more on the system?

    Thank you in advance.

  9. #9
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kay View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I have been practicing and applying the suggestions, particularly the ones from Rob and I have been able to control my approach while throwing much more consistently. I will be focusing more on the approach and keep on doing basic drills until I completely gain control of my movement and be able to release correctly and consistently. Thank you for your help again everyone.

    I have also been studying on the 3 point targeting system where one subtract the pattern length with 31. However, I didnt really understand on where to focus my eyes on during the release of my ball. Can someone explain a little bit more on the system?

    Thank you in advance.
    You focus your eyes on the visual target from just before you start moving, and keep them focused there until your ball passes that point. At that time your focus should switch to watching what your ball does until it exits the pin deck.

  10. #10


    The "Rule of 31" is applied as a starting point for sport shots. Because of the uneven distribution of oil on a typical house shot, it does not work.

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