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Thread: Date night with wifey AT WORK??

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Date night with wifey AT WORK??

    As you may have read, I did get the job at the bowling alley. I officially start Tuesday. Wifey has been buggin for a night out and now bowling. She talked to her doc and got approval. We're gonna go to the new place I work and throw a few games together. Boss said tonight is "Furry League" (trans-gender) and it's a once a month thing. I guess they are rather entertaining because they dress in costume and such. When I say costume, they dress like famous people. Boy George, Liza Menalli and the likes. Sounds uh....well...interesting. I always wondered how Boy George would handle a 7-10 split.

    After, they have a stand up comic that's gonna perform which we'd enjoy. So 50 cent bowling, free admission to the comedy show and half price food. No, I get no employee discount on liquor *sigh* That's fine, I rarely ever drink anymore maybe twice or three times a year at most. I did more than my share in my twenties and I'm not into praying to the porcelain god anymore either. Nonetheless, tonight is a long awaited night out. We haven't had one in over a year (without kids in tow) and it sounds like a great time. I never thought in a million years I would ever be going on date night with wifey to the place I work. This is the happiest I've been in so many years.

  2. #2
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    Cool. Have a great time!

  3. #3
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Well....that was an experience to say the least. So my boss wasn't lying about the costumes. There we a few "stars" there but I don't think they could qualify as stunt doubles. Others were dressed as various animals. I had a wolf grab me for a trick shot. The wolf had me stand facing her on the approach, she spun around and threw the ball between my legs. She said she messed it up because she only got 9. I said "No, if you messed up then my voice would be several octaves higher." After that I had Rainbow Dash fly behind me on the approach after I threw the ball.
    All and all they were a good crowd, much better than you get in cosmic. The comedian was really good. It turns out he's one of the pin chasers. It will be interesting working with him. Then they had a live heavy metal band, they were pretty good too. Wifey and I bowled 4 games together and I shot one solo. She did very well and didn't hurt herself. They also have excellent food, their wings are awesome. So you can't beat it, we had a great time. Bowling, food, drinks, fuzzy animals, comedy music and no kids.....priceless....for everything else theres Mastercard.

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    congrats on the new job and sounds like you had a nice time on your night out.

  5. #5
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Thanks Bp and yes we did. We REALLY needed it too. Only problem is both of us have been pitifully walking around like we are 80yr olds since from a mere 5 games. A lot of sore muscles from that bowling. I used to bowl 60+ games a week without batting an eye. Whomever says you don't need to be athletic to bowl obviously is in their 20's not 40's or they are Vicodine addicts because my body says otherwise. LOL This is gonna take some getting used to again.

  6. #6
    High Roller got_a_300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    T I used to bowl 60+ games a week without batting an eye. Whomever says you don't need to be athletic to bowl obviously is in their 20's not 40's or they are Vicodine addicts because my body says otherwise.
    I was once the same way as you on how many games I'd bowl per week somewhere
    close to what you were bowling plus or minus a few games but now days if I make it
    through 3 games at league each week then I think that I've done good. LOL!!!!!
    I am a proud member of bowling Forums
    Right handed, ex-cranker now a power tweener approx. 350 - 400 RPM's PAP 4 1/2" over 1" up high league sanctioned game 300 high league sanctioned series 788

  7. #7
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got_a_300 View Post
    I was once the same way as you on how many games I'd bowl per week somewhere
    close to what you were bowling plus or minus a few games but now days if I make it
    through 3 games at league each week then I think that I've done good. LOL!!!!!
    Wife just bought a bottle of 1000 Ibuprofen so I should be good to go. LOL It may take a couple months to get to that many games but I'll get there. It just sucks when your mind says you can do this but your body says you can't. Reminds me of high school when the gym teacher said "You're in the best physical condition of your lives right now" and I said "SERIOUSLY? Then I'm screwed" Sad to admit we were both right. I'm not overweight, if anything under so I have that going for me. I'm just out of shape.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    Thanks Bp and yes we did. We REALLY needed it too. Only problem is both of us have been pitifully walking around like we are 80yr olds since from a mere 5 games. A lot of sore muscles from that bowling. I used to bowl 60+ games a week without batting an eye. Whomever says you don't need to be athletic to bowl obviously is in their 20's not 40's or they are Vicodine addicts because my body says otherwise. LOL This is gonna take some getting used to again.
    Dude....I bowl on Tuesday nights and today (Monday) I am still sore! And after only 3 games! To be fair, I had upper epicondylitis (sp?) surgery in my bowling elbow in 2002 so it still gets a little sore and I also have bone spurs and bursitis in my left shoulder (and I am only 49!!!!). I have been taking 800mg Motrin twice a day since about 2003 (but I rarely ever take it anymore). I had been taking it before bowling every Tuesday but forgot this past week and could definitely notice it. Halfway through the 2nd game I was feeling it. I have learned to deal with the arm issues. Yeah it gets sore but I don't 'think' it affects me. My right knee has been bothering me though. It was fine the first week then the 2nd week with house shoes my foot stuck and I felt like I twisted it or something. Been a little sore ever since (about 5 weeks now).

    Back in my early years I rarely bowled more than 3 games a week unless it was league season and I might go once during the week and bowl a few but don't think I ever bowled more than 6 or 7 in a week. I do feel that I am muscling the ball more than I should though so hope to fix that soon and hopefully not be as sore.

  9. #9
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    I'm pretty good at ignoring and dealing with most pain unless it really takes me down or I'm gushing blood. When I hurt my hand bowling weeks back that was bad, no way I could have bowled the next day when I couldn't hold a cup of coffee. I'm one of those guys that my wife has to tell me I'm bleeding. 'What did you do now!?" "Oh, I dunno dear just sprung another leak I guess" LOL Then I get the eye roll.

    Muscle aches like this suck out loud but if the urge arose to go hit the lanes right now I'd do it. If I didn't have so much house stuff to get done today I'd probably go again. I'm not willing to accept my age and physical limitations, I just refuse! I also hate sitting around.

  10. #10
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    Well I bowl 15-20 games a week I've gotten to the point that I feel stiff if I haven't bowled in a few days now rather than the other way around. I did have some of the issues with stiffness and soreness you guys are talking about but it does get better. My issues now are bowling early in the day at a tournament then trying to bowl league that night or trying to roll a tournament and league where I'll bowl 3 or 4 days in a row.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

    Current arsenal

    900 Global Badger Claw - Radical Ridiculous Pearl - Spare Ball Ebonite T Zone

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