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Thread: How things work questions? Ask away

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    West Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois
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    Default How things work questions? Ask away

    Now that my knee feels back to normal, tomorrow I'm gonna go in early to take videos that I promised you guys. I'm capable of climbing around again no problem. If there is anything specific you have questions on I'll do what I can to answer them for you. Anything about the pinsetters themselves, the oiler, scorers, ball speed indicators, ball returns or even the graphic boards.

    I don't consider any questions about it to be stupid and I'll do my best to answer them. There are a couple things they manager considers sensitive information that I won't be able to take video on. (Why I don't know) but he's the boss and I'm not willing to get in trouble but I'll do my best to answer questions for things I can't video. Nothing in the back falls in that category so I can record away. I think he's more revering to the things we control from the register.

    From the register we can just assign lanes, pair them to league style, add/remove bowlers, correct scores and add bumpers per player. On the technical side we can turn pinsetters on, cycle or reset them and calibrate the scoring cameras. Plus we can lock out lanes for maintenance mode so they can't be assigned to bowlers. Not exactly top secret stuff but again, he's the boss.

    So feel free to think about it and ask away, I'll see what I can do. This is after all a learning site, I'm happy to contribute as much as I can.
    Last edited by Phonetek; 03-30-2018 at 06:05 PM.

  2. #2
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    West Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois
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    Change of plans, I'm leaving in a few minutes to go up there since the mechanic is there now. I'm off the clock so I can go in the back and do whatever. I'm taking a recording device so I can do my videos. I have a few in mind. Primarily they will all be of the back end, depending on how busy the front end is I MAY be able to get some up there as well but I can make no promises on that.
    Who knows, the mechanic may utilize my time for other things while he has me there since I get so little with him lately. LOL

    I'll see if I can reach this site on my cell to check for questions but our wifi blows so I likely won't get much signal but I'll try.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)


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