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Thread: The UNTHINKABLE happened and I'm out of commission for a bit!!

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Angry The UNTHINKABLE happened and I'm out of commission for a bit!!

    Another trademark long post but it can't be shortened and you'll understand why after you read it.

    Last night after work we went to bowl with my wife and oldest son. (unusual in itself) We were bowling next to 8 idiots on the pair to our right. First of all they kept coming over and sitting in the seats on our lane which was rather rude but I let it go. Black lights were on so it was dark. In the middle of my second game I went up to bowl and I came to a screeching halt at the line, my knee dislocated and I fell face forward on the foul line end cap. I smashed my glasses against my face gashing it open right on my eyebrow and cracking both lenes.

    I got up and realized the sole of my perforated sliding sole was drenched and I mean sopping wet with beer. Apparently the ***holes next to me spilled 3 glasses of beer and just left it and it flowed right over to ours while I was sitting down right under my feet. I didn't see it because it was dark and obviously didn't expect it to be there. I got up after figuring out what happened I calmly told them they spilled all their drinks and they needed to get it cleaned up because that's why I got hurt. They didn't ask if I was okay or say they were sorry and they didn't clean it up. They proceeded to tell me to clean it up myself plus some expletives. A little less nice, I told them to get it cleaned up or leave. They didn't know I worked there of course I wasn't in uniform.

    At that point it was just more expletives. All bets were off I told them I DID work there and I'm off the clock and they could leave by choice or I'd be happy to assist, all this with blood oozing down my face and hobbling around. Head wounds bleed a ton. At this point my co-workers came from everywhere trying to keep a brawl from breaking out.

    They did end up calling the police whom escorted the people out. I'm happy to report my knee did pop back in and I'm okay to walk but it hurts quite a bit. It's swollen like a balloon. I did go to the ER and they glued the wound on my face and it should be fully healed in a couple weeks or so. Better that than 8 stitches. I told them I had some new skin in my bowling bag but they weren't amused. Sadly I didn't get to finish bowling either.

    I am a very mild manner guy with incredible patience of a saint and I rarely ever get angry, if I do I don't show it. Last night the way those douches acted and it causing me to get hurt I was totally ready to throw it down, dislocated knee or not. I just snapped. Had they cleaned it up and been apologetic I wouldn't have even been that upset about it. Wifey and son were of course freaked out as were my co-workers because none of them expected that kind of anger from me.

    I did go into work today and I was okay, hospital gave some sort of pain pills and they seem to work. Boss wanted me to take the day off but I ensured him I was a big boy and good to go. They are having me work solely the counter the next few days, they don't want me climbing around the machines with a fragile knee.

    It should be fun trying to getting beer off my bowling shoe bottoms. I haven't even attempted that yet. My work is paying to replace my glasses lenses. I think the best part about it was my son. He said to me "Dad, all these years of knowing you I had no idea you could be such a bad a$$ ready to take on 8 guys like that" LMAO Although I didn't approve of the term coming from him it felt good to hear it. All I can say it's a good thing it happened to me and not my wife with her bad back. I'd likely be in a cell right now no joke.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phonetek View Post
    I got up and realized the sole of my perforated sliding sole was drenched and I mean sopping wet with beer.
    Wow too bad you got hurt, Fortunately it wasn't too bad it could have been worse.

    This is a good example though of why you should always rub your slide foot on the approach before making your approach! Just in case you stepped in something and didn't know it.

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    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowl1820 View Post
    This is a good example though of why you should always rub your slide foot on the approach before making your approach! Just in case you stepped in something and didn't know it.
    Ordinarily I do rub my foot on the approach if I leave the bowling area like to go to the counter or bathroom. My seat was the end one closest to the approach literally a foot away. I didn't expect a pool of beer to gather under my feet. LOL I don't even bring drinks down there, that's what the tables above are for. I'll be okay in a couple weeks. Doc says x-ray was okay, just fluid that gathered around it is why it's swollen. It will dissipate pretty fast and go down, just gotta alternate ice/heat for a few days. I won't be down for long.

  4. #4
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    Make rubbing your foot on the approach part of your pre-shot routine. That way every time it gets checked without having to think if you walked somewhere. Has saved my butt or face, many, many times over. Just one drop of sweat on the floor can create havoc if you step in it just right.
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    Quote Originally Posted by classygranny View Post
    Make rubbing your foot on the approach part of your pre-shot routine. That way every time it gets checked without having to think if you walked somewhere. Has saved my butt or face, many, many times over. Just one drop of sweat on the floor can create havoc if you step in it just right.
    I will say blood lights up pretty cool under the black lights. I guess I looked pretty evil and the approach looked like a crime scene LOL The foul lights weren't on but I'm pretty sure I stayed behind it too. Glad we weren't taking video last night
    Last edited by Phonetek; 03-25-2018 at 06:31 PM.

  6. #6


    Sorry to hear the sad story Phoney.
    I've been thinking about taking a trip out to where you're at, but after the picture with all those in animal suits and all I'm a little scared to come out that way.
    If I was at the lanes and someone who I didn't know came over and sat down on my lane's seats, I'd become very skeptical and likely not bowl anymore. At least I'd stop for quite a while until I figured out what was going on. Those folks you encountered sounded like they'd had way too many drinks or something else.
    After your story I'm more than scared now...
    When I get up on the lanes, the very first thing I do is slide my slide foot on the approach right where I'm going to line up on. I often look down in front of me and see stuff like lint from someone's sweater or a piece of popcorn on the approach. Too bad I've never spotted a $10 bill though.
    Heal up fast and best of luck there...

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    Quote Originally Posted by djp1080 View Post
    Sorry to hear the sad story Phoney.
    I've been thinking about taking a trip out to where you're at, but after the picture with all those in animal suits and all I'm a little scared to come out that way.
    If I was at the lanes and someone who I didn't know came over and sat down on my lane's seats, I'd become very skeptical and likely not bowl anymore. At least I'd stop for quite a while until I figured out what was going on. Those folks you encountered sounded like they'd had way too many drinks or something else.
    After your story I'm more than scared now...
    When I get up on the lanes, the very first thing I do is slide my slide foot on the approach right where I'm going to line up on. I often look down in front of me and see stuff like lint from someone's sweater or a piece of popcorn on the approach. Too bad I've never spotted a $10 bill though.
    Heal up fast and best of luck there...
    Thanks, I really am okay. A little sore is all, I have no doubts I will bounce back quickly. I'm 46 but I think in pretty darn good shape. I'm not on crutches or a cane or anything. It was only popped out for a matter of minutes. As far the gash above my eye, it's just another beauty mark I suppose. Only bad part is having to tell every customer over and over what happened because they see the bandage and mild black eye. Maybe I'll get better tips?

    As far as the Furies, they are only there every other Saturday @10pm. They're a tad on the oddball side but harmless and well behaved. Don't let this incident stop you from coming out, nothing to fear. We get the occasional idiots but no more than any other bowling center, probably fewer because most of the other employees have little tolerance for bs. I'd say our largest demographic is seniors and close second is families with kids, next is the 40 somethings and last is the teens.

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    Wow! That sucks! Hope you heal quick.

    Wife and I went out bowling last night. We were on lane 38 (of 40). There was nobody on 37 but a family on 39 and 40, including younger kids from about 5 to 10 years old. The youngest was on lane 40 so not near us. Lane 39 had a younger kid but they were all polite and respectful. I worry about that when we go out. Even league nights. We have lanes 23-40. I dread the nights we are on 23 and 24 or 39 and 40. 39 and 40 always have lower scores. Real hard to adjust to I guess. We only bowled on 23 and 24 once since I started and there was a womens league there that night so no problems but I have seen that lane open to the public at least once.

  9. #9
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    I will don't worry, I'm a pretty tough cookie. Part of it was the embarrassment. Doing a face plant wasn't one of my finer moments... let alone looking like I went a round with a pro boxer after. On the upside I bet this is a good time to see about NOT allowing food and drinks in the bowling area. I constantly clean up liquid down there every day.

    Today I had to sweep up a pile of mashed up potato chips down there then come back to get all the grease from them off the floor. People are slobs. There are tables behind the bowling area on the carpet, people can keep that crap up there. Big boss (owner) will be in this week, couldn't hurt to ask. Worst he could say is no. I'm sure he will ask what happened to me like everyone else.

  10. #10


    Holy crap! Sorry to hear of your mishap Phonetek, hope your back in action soon.

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