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Thread: Year end Thoughts

  1. #1
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    Default Year end Thoughts

    The season is getting towards the end. How did you do this season? Did you obtain goals that you set out? Did you find things you need to work on next season?

    For me, I am a little disappointed in this season. Early in the season I was battling a knee injury on my slide leg but was still able to maintain consistency for the most part and finished the first 2 quarters around a 219 average. The third quarter this year the wheels began to fall off with multiple 500 series resulting in my average falling as low as 213. Since then, I have slowly began getting it back up and sitting just under 216 with 4 weeks left. I don't appear that I will hit my goal set of 220.

    Looking and comparing stats from last year to this, the first thing that really stands out to me is the quality of games. Last season I had 35 games (out of 168) over 250 with a % of 20.8. This season there has only been 9 out of 108 for a % of 8.3. My strike and spare % are both down this year (4% strikes and 2% spares). Comparing average, this year I am down 15 pins from my yearbook, and down 9 pins from this same center last season. We do change oil patterns each year at this center so I did expect some change in average though. My high average last season (229) was at a different center.

    My personal thought on this season is that when I was dealing with the knee problems, I tweaked something in my form to account for the paid and unable to put full pressure on it. Now to find out what changed.
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  2. #2
    High Roller
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    Well mine is a mixed bag. I had been out of bowling since about 2002 and after a very short conversation with my wife decided to come back in January. Actually talked to my friend about maybe coming back next year and just filling in this year but it turned out a guy had surgery so I ended up bowling the rest of the year. Had to buy all new equipment as I had thrown all of mine out. The reason I left 15 years ago was because of an elbow injury on my bowling arm so I had concerns about that. I told myself I would be happy if I could average 170 this year. Well my 2nd week I rolled a 244 so got my hopes up...and struggled since then. Seems one week I knock down strikes all night but can't make spares then the next week can't buy a strike but cover my spares. No consistency.

    So I ended the season with a 174 average, which was a little better than I had hoped for so happy about that but after actually doing it I am disappointed that I didn't get better quicker. I will add that my last 2 weeks I averaged 191. Hopefully that is more of a sign of things to come and not just a couple of lucky weeks. My average 15 years ago was 193 so I know I can do it and know I should be over 200 next year.

    One thing that I think has played on me mentally was that when I quit 15 years ago a 'great' average was 205-210. Now it's more like 220. Back then I was probably top 7 or 8 in my league and I had that confidence. Now we have 22 guys in our league over 200 (and 7 over 220). I am in the bottom half of our league as far as averages and find I am questioning myself as far as lines go.

    Anyway, I signed up for the summer league and hope to continue to progress. I have noticed that my age has affected me. I'm only 49 now but my slide knee is sore every week now. My elbow and shoulder ache (I also have bursitis and shoulder impingement). I'm sure that has some affect but I like to think it doesn't.

    One good thing is that when I joined the team we were in about 5th or 6th in our division (9 teams per division). We finished the regular season in 2nd (championship rolloffs are tomorrow night). I can't take credit for that as the whole team got on a hot streak the last couple of months so it wasn't always one guy.

    Either way, glad I decided to come back and hope to continue to get better. I have identified a few areas I need to work on (thanks to some of the members here who have helped with that too!). Mainly speed and learning to relax and let the ball do the work.
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  3. #3
    Pin Crusher
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    Actually I didn't bowl very good so will skip that part.
    The next two weeks are very busy.
    Have to collect doubles money usually $2500
    Have to schedule the banquet with 30 pizzas, 3 six foot subs, snacks and 3 kegs of beer.
    Have to set up the sweeper that is before the banquet.
    Have to figure out who is getting what for prize money.
    24 teams will split $61,000.
    Every bowler gets a package with way too much information on at least 10-12 pages.
    I almost forgot the Texas holdem tourn. after the banquet $50 buy in for 30 bowlers.
    Then rest for the summer except for 6 tournaments scheduled to bowl in!

  4. #4
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    Started the season very poorly. Was about 15 pins under average and pretty much taken my the whole season to get back to my 185-190 avg. I'm striking at a slightly higher rate this year and that is due to changing my release last year. I'm comfortable with the release now and not thinking about it. My spare game has been down this year though and will be what I will be working on this summer.

    I'm also the secretary in my league, so going to be working closely with my treasurer to get the prize funds ready. The yearly rewards and the end of the year dinner.

  5. #5
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    I can't comment on the season since I didn't join a league because it was already too late by the time I came back to the sport. I wasn't comfortable enough to just join a league as a sub with people I didn't know. However, since I came back to the sport I can say that I learned a ton. I'd give more credit to what I learned to this site vs. what I learned on the lanes on my own. I was pretty rusty after that 10yr break but I feel I've come a long way to where I was 4 months ago. I still have a lot to do before fall. I plan on joining a summer league probably where I work even though it's not a serious house. It's too convenient not to. Plus my wife and son want to bowl with me.

    I do need to get on one elsewhere too without the family so I can get "official" to establish an average on a certified league and get my card again. My other summer plans are to just keep practicing and working on my form and my release. In addition I want to get my arsenal complete and hopefully get a new bag. Right now if I were to calculate my average since coming back it's easily over a deuce but not enough to where I'd like it to be. I'd really like to see if I can stir up a few competitive matches where I'd have to bear down and take it seriously to see how I'd do. I believe I can do great but I still have to test it to see if I still have what it takes to win. I've been talking to some of the better bowlers at our center about setting this up it's just a matter of where and when. I'd rather do it on a more difficult shot than we have at our center.

    Not to mention, there is a big difference in bowling with friends, family and practicing alone vs. bowling on lanes with 9 other guys who know how to throw a ball and that's not a house ball. The way I'm currently doing it my line don't change much like it does on league due to lack of lane transition. Plus I probably have a home field advantage because I know exactly how the oil is put down. It's hard for me to go to another center and practice because of money. I mean, I pay 50 cents a game at my work so it's hard to justify going elsewhere to pay 5 bucks a line around here. That said, I'm not gonna get competitive just bowling at work on THS. I'll still get better because of the practice but there is a fine line between getting better and getting competitive.

    All and all I have to say I'm very happy I came back to the sport because this go around it's literally changed my life. 6 months ago I was sitting at home in deep depression, jobless with nothing to do except stew over how bad life sucked. Now I'm not only involved in the sport with oozing self confidence but I have a new career in the sport that I love on top of it. I owe it all to one night sitting around with out of town friends that came to visit after Christmas who suggested. "Hey, how about we go bowling?" Funny how things happen but who could ask for more? I'd also like to give this site credit for not only keeping me learning but being part of a great community of people of which at least a few I'm hoping to eventually meet in person and throw a few with.

    If things go the way I hope next year I'll at the very least have a great come back story to tell.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  6. #6


    Tomorrow is the last night of league and consider it a ok year. I started out a little rough but will end up averaging 206 which is 9 pins over last year (only bowled the second half after hip replacements}. I came back after a 14 year layoff and 2 hip replacements so am still learning. The new balls, synthetic lanes and the THS are different than the 2001-02 season I last bowled in. I am learning what works and don't work for me and how to carry better. I was in the top 25-33% of my current handicap league which is good but I can and will get better. I will practice more during the summer and hope I can get on a scratch league again. I have not got the power I had when I was younger but am more accurate. When I left in in 2002 I averaged 216 and hope to be in that range next year. Steve
    Current arsenal...Roto Grip Nuclear Cell, Hustle PBR, Roto Grip Gem, Idle Helios and Own It Spare. 300 rev rate, 16 mph off hand, 13.3 tilt,61 degrees rotation pap 4 9/16 over 1 1/8 up.

  7. #7
    JerseyJim's Avatar
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    My last night of league is tonight. I've been wildly inconsistent this season. I've slumped before, however my spare game has always been decent. However I've missed more single pin spares this year than I have in the last 3 years combined. I plan to take a few lessons this summer. I feel that the problem is with my footwork. I just don't feel fluid right now.
    Style: Power Stroker/Tweener - 16.5 - 17.5 mph, PAP 4 1/2 x 0

    In the bags:
    Retooled with 15 lb equipment.

    In the Bag: Radical Ludicrous, 900Global Honey Badger Claw, 900Global Honey Badger, DV8 spareball

    In the Bullpen : Radical Quick Fix, Radical Katana

    The archives: Ebonite Grey Wolf (first 300), Red Wolf (first 700). Just can't let them go.

    I am a proud member of bowling Forums

  8. #8


    Just finishing up my very first league - I didn't join until halfway through the season. I've enjoyed the experience immensely, and will be doing 1-2 summer leagues this year. I'm a super competitive person by nature, and this feeds that need perfectly, with kids at home. The oldest kid is in a children's league as well, and is super pumped to play over the summer as well.

    My average is something like 120 right now, but I know it'll improve as I play more. I've got my first 2 bowling balls (thanks bowlingboards!!!), and I've learned more than I ever thought possible about the sport. Looking forward to spending a lot of time with this game.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyCatFace View Post

    My average is something like 120 right now, but I know it'll improve as I play more. I've got my first 2 bowling balls (thanks bowlingboards!!!), and I've learned more than I ever thought possible about the sport. Looking forward to spending a lot of time with this game.
    I second this thought, thanks to BB and all of the fine knowledgeable folks here who freely share their experience.
    in the bag Pyramid Pathogen X, Ebonite Purple Stinger, Elite polyester spare ball

  10. #10


    Thanks all for the support and helping maintain our great community for bowlers Best of luck to all in summer leagues or even just to those practicing and preparing for fall leagues!
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