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Thread: Now I know why I fix my own vehicles

  1. #21
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Funny how that works isn't it? LOL Don't worry, it means they will just really sock it to the next customer. They'll replace 3/4 of their vehicle. =)
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  2. #22
    Pin Crusher
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    I took my Escape last week to my Ford dealer to have my oil changed (see previous comment--I don't change my own oil). The last time I was there, they told me I needed rear brakes and a left rear wheel bearing. The service writer was very confused on how new brakes got on the car when he didn't see that they had been done there. He then tried to explain to me how this was dangerous, and that Ford would not be responsible for anything that happened related to this (car is out of warranty). Should've seen the look on his face when I explained that if he had one more comment, they wouldn't even be doing my oil changes anymore. At least that shut him up....
    Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
    2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650

  3. #23
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    I didn't post about it sooner because I'm extremely angry about it. Last Thursday after getting off work after opening that day I went out to my truck to leave. It wanted to start but wouldn't stay running. I figured I'd leave it sit for a half hour and try again so I went back inside work. Tried again and I smelled this overpowering odor of gasoline. I look under the truck and gas is just gushing everywhere! I look and there is a massive puddle in the gravel under it. A full tank when I went to work that morning has now been spewed all over the parking lot. There's $65 bucks for nothing.

    I pushed it out of the puddle, climbed underneath and it was coming from above the tank. I couldn't see up there but I felt the line going up and found that the fuel line was kinked and busted. I immediately called the dealer where it was fixed and they claim no responsibility and will do nothing but fix it at full price plus the tow. So bottom line is, I'm screwed. I have to fix it myself and in the parking lot at work. Somehow I have to drop the tank laying in the gravel and replace the line. It's in a place where I can't get away with just cutting out that section and clamping on a rubber hose. No other way around it. So, all that money and a week and a half later I'm left with a dead vehicle which is stuck at work! I HATE DEALERSHIPS! They are ****ing crooks!

    So since wifey don't get home until 6:30pm I ended up staying at work the rest of the night until my league started. I was there from 8:30 am until 11pm, one long freaking day lemme tell ya. Now it's Monday night, there it still sits because when wife is work I have been home, when she's home I've been at work. So I haven't had any time to fix it. I knew I should have done it myself, I wouldn't be dealing with this crap right now that's for sure. Oh and another reason I pushed it to a different part of the parking lot. If someone would have flicked a butt near my truck that night, it would have been in orbit! Not what I need with liability only insurance on it.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  4. #24
    Pin Crusher
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    You have been being the hydrant a lot lately. Maybe your luck will change soon. It might help if you didn't call your wife "wifey" that sounds a little condescending. This is not the time in our history to get caught looking bad by the feminists.

  5. #25
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    You have been being the hydrant a lot lately. Maybe your luck will change soon. It might help if you didn't call your wife "wifey" that sounds a little condescending. This is not the time in our history to get caught looking bad by the feminists.
    LOL Actually she likes "wifey". It was a Facebook thing about 9 years ago. Her and I had a couple of very rough marital years. Her marital status on FB became the always dreaded "It's Complicated" instead of married and even the rings came off her fingers. Eventually, she came around and we got things resolved, rings went back on and marital status was "Married" again. We did this disgustingly overly mushy loving post making everyone ill as we went back and forth. Even though were were making them sick, they were happy for us but said to "Get a room". In that post she referred to me as "hubby" and I called her "wifey" and since then it just stuck. In our case they are "terms of endearment." So it's not at all an insult or a chauvinistic thing, it's just a habit at this point to where if I type "wife" it just doesn't look right to me. On a related note, this October 9th we will be celebrating our official 19th year of marriage. They have truly been 12 of the happiest years of my life!

    As far as my luck is concerned, yes these things seem to always happen in spurts. I'm fine for a while and then some higher power somewhere decides I've been just a little too happy for too long and decides to pee in my lemonade for a bit. On the upside, things can only get better from here and they will. I'm quite used to it. As they say, when life taints your lemonade, switch to Jack & Coke. =)
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  6. #26
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    lol. I keep thinking of the old Hee Haw song 'if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all'. Now I'm showing my age. But anyway, went to a night at the races Saturday night and my step-son is president of the local FOP so he was running it. We had about 20 friends and family at our table. Seriously, no lie, I think /i was the only one at our table that didn't win a single thing. Not that I'm having bad luck, just no good luck. I could buy 99 of 100 tickets and not win.

    Oh, and congrats on the upcoming anniversary. Our 25th is coming in October (again, showing my
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  7. #27


    Congratulations on the upcoming 19th anniversary! I would have been celebrating that in October as well, but she asked for a divorce a couple of years ago. Best thing that ever happened to me. I'm not one to say that marriage is bad (I'm engaged and will be married again in 2019), but that one was.

    You just keep doing you. Your luck will turn soon. Especially with that Jack and Coke.

    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  8. #28
    High Roller Stormed1's Avatar
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    You yuoung whipersnappers LOL Last month Debby and I celebrated 44 yrs of marriage.

    On a similar note to your issues about 2 years ago I bought a 2005 Dodge Dakota st. Took it in for an oil change (private shop) and they told me it needed a water pump (leaking from weep hole, 1 ball joint and a diff overhaul ( i had asked them to check it as I smelled gear oil and it started making noise on the way home the day before). Everything it needed they showed me so I had them do the water pump and basll joint. They did not do rear ends so I had it towed to a shop that one of my former mechanics from when I was an asst service manager recomended. They called me with an estimate and asked me to stop by so they could show me why they needed to replace the ring and pinoion. He also sugested we rebuild the posi at the same time as the kit with clutches was only $20 more than the spider gears alone and there would be no additional labor asa they had to take it apart to do the gears anyway. When we picked it up the bill was $60 more than quoted but before I could ask he told me they went ahead and replaced the axle bearings while they were out. No labor just parts.

    Fast forward 2 months. Now the truck starts overheating after drioving for a period of time. I took it back to where the water pump as installed and low and behold it now needs head gaskets (apparently a chronic problem on 4.7 v8's. Checking around no private shop wanted to do head gaskts , only reman moptors @ $6k. Called Dodge and they said $1400 for head gaskets. Took it in and I get the call. Needs 2 heads ,all the o2 sensors and the Cats $7k i did some research and found a remanufacturer in Michigan who would pick the truck up here in Chicago, put a reman engine w/100k warrenty and deliver t back to me for $4k Got a call saying it needed a lower radiator mount/crossmembe rand it would be $250 they emailed me pictures so i could see what they were talking about. I also had them put a new oil pan on the fresh motor as the one on the old motor was pretty rusted. They also eplaced a leaking metal bake line from the master to the junction $50 all told $4300.00. all it needs now is 1 o2 sensor. Truck runs great and gets good milage... Just goes to show not all plaes afre crooks
    Still love the game but had to quit because of my left leg amptation
    High game 299 x 5 High sanctioned series 805 (1989)

  9. #29
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormed1 View Post
    Just goes to show not all plaes afre crooks
    Cars are definitely a pain but an unfortunate necessary evil. I agree not all are crooks but surely a higher percentage of dealers are it seems. I did catch a break last night. One of my co-workers had her husband come to the bowling alley to crawl under to check it out, he wanted to see how bad it was. If it was a quick fix he'd have done it in the parking lot. As it turns out I was correct, the line broke above the tank so it has to be dropped. Of course that's not the good news.

    Turns out she has some Triple A towing package where if she's with someone whose car breaks down she can have that car towed free of charge. She made one phone call, said she was with me and her car was at my house but we were broke down. LOL Next thing I know a tow truck came and scooped my truck up and towed it to my house. It didn't cost a penny. Before her husband left, he packed the back of my truck full of tools and everything I would need to get it done. All I have to do is get it down, get the parts and do it.

    From what I can see I have to replace everything from the fuel pump on the tank to the filter under the drivers seat. It's not that bad of a job really. I should be able to do it in a couple days give or take. Getting it home for free was a big deal, it would have been minimum $175 for that tow. $175 is a bowling ball! Since the dealer had the tank out a couple weeks ago I don't expect to be busting rusty bolts or anything, it should come right out.

    Ironic thing about this is, this lady who helped me was the last person I would have expected to do so. I get along great with everyone at work but out of everyone she was on the bottom of my list of my favorite people there. I always pegged her as kinda edgy with an attitude. I am right about that but after getting to know her while we waited outside for the tow I understand why. Under the facade she's actually a very nice woman. Another case of you can't judge a book by its cover. I'm truly grateful for her help and I'm glad I got to know her better.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  10. #30
    High Roller
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    Be sure to use the correct fuel lines. Fuel injected engines have much higher fuel pressure than carb'd engines.
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

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