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Thread: Dave's Goodtimers Scores

  1. #21
    Pin Crusher
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Chats: 0


    You're at Bowlero, right? Have you considered moving to a reactive ball? That place is built for it.
    Old guy with power (15.5-16; 325). Current arsenal--Storm Summit, RotoGrip Idol Helios, Storm Phaze III, Storm SureLock (retired), Storm IQ Tour Nano and Motiv Rebel tank (spare/dry). High sanctioned game - 300 (4). High sanctioned series - 856. A.V. 300-s - 8. Longest string - 25.
    2024/2025 YTD highs--High game-231; high series-650

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Timmyb View Post
    You're at Bowlero, right? Have you considered moving to a reactive ball? That place is built for it.
    I talked with the PSO a month ago and he suggested a pearl reactive. I'm looking for length with a strong back end. I just don't know when I'll be able to get it. I've had some expenses come up, including some custody issues and a transmission that's acting up. My fiance did say that she could get it for me for Christmas, so I'll have one by then at the very latest.

    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  3. #23



    So we had a raffle on Tuesday, where we got tickets for every strike in the first 2 games. I did not get my first strike until the 10th frame. Of the second game. I did not win the raffle. It was another day where the if I stayed outside, I went Brooklyn. If I moved inside, I could not get the ball to come back. I finally started to put a lot of revs on the ball and slow it down a bit, releasing between 20 and 25, hit the inside of the third arrow, and it would hit the pocket. I'm just not going to get much carry until I get a new ball. Soon. Very soon.

    My spare percentage was terrible, only 57% and just 3 of 8 on single pins. However, every single one of my single pin misses I had the pin wobbling. Three times I had the 10 pin lined up and the ball fell into the gutter so close that the pin wobbled. I'm close.

    I thought I might have a clean game in the third, but something happened in the 8th frame. I thought I had a good shot, but it flattened out early and missed the head pin. Then I overcompensated and missed the head pin on the other side. I'm still not sure how I knocked the 2 down that I did. In the 10th, I hit the pocket, but I think it flattened out at the last second and deflected away from the 5 pin. Oh well.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  4. #24


    I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did. I'm just now getting to post my scores from last week. I didn't do too bad. Still not a lot of strikes, and the first 2 games were not so great, but I did pick up 60% of my spares. I would like to get that to 80%, but improvement is improvement. We finally won some points. We are in dead last after losing all 7 points for the last 3 or 4 weeks. We won 5 of 7 this week.

    On another note, my fiance bought a new ball for me. It's a purple Vendetta. The PSO thinks that will give me the skid/flip that I want on the house shot. It's supposed to be in today, but I haven't gotten the call from them yet. I hope it's here by 4 so I can get it drilled up and on the lanes for league tonight. If not, I think I'm going to a Shriner's bowling event on Sunday and will try it out then.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  5. #25



    Week number lucky 13. Not so lucky in the first 2 games or the second half of the 3rd. But that first half, wow! No new ball yet, it should be here any day now. But I found a line that worked for a little while in the last game. I wasn't so sure that I'd break 400 this week. Then I almost opened with a 5-bagger. That shot in the second looked perfect, but a solid 10 pin just flipped me off. Oh well, I got a turkey after that.

    I only made a third of my makeable spares. That's not going to cut it. I need to improve my spare game. The strikes will come, but without the spares, it's not going to matter.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  6. #26



    I had such a great time this week. We played a team of first time league bowlers and they were just out having fun. We are going to compete for last place this year, I think. At least the first half.

    One of them bought a used Radical Intel and had it redrilled. He was having trouble keeping it to the right of the head pin. He kept moving left and throwing far right. At one point, he made a comment that he had no idea how to keep it from doing that. I offered up that he should move his target left. He was not sure, but he tried, and boom! So he asked me about it. I told him how the lanes were oiled, and that he needed to find some oil.

    It turns out that this cost us games 2 and 3. Well, that and I couldn't pick up a spare in those 2 games. One of my teammates was steamed that I was helping them, but I'm just out to have a good time. I've offered help to this guy and he brushes it off. Right now, we are a bunch of 135-145 bowlers. We are not going to be seriously competitive against better bowlers. And that's ok.

    On the new ball front, apparently my ball got shipped to the shop in Florida. It was supposed to be here Tuesday, but it still is not. I'm getting frustrated. I just want to get something with some power when it hits the pins.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  7. #27


    My ball finally came in, and wow! What a difference! I had trouble keeping it on the right side of the headpin, but I'll get it figured out. I think when I started getting tired, my body went to how I've been bowling, and I wasn't getting it far enough to the right. I also had some issues with transition.

    This ball slid through the oil and took a hard left turn, smashing the pocket if I hit my mark. It wasn't so much pin action as pin disappearance. It was awesome! I had a strike on 9 of my first 15 first balls. I didn't have any after that, but It wasn't the ball failing me, it was me failing. I am so excited.

    I should have had my highest series of the season, but I missed a bunch of easy spares. We lost all 7 points again and finished in dead last. Oh well, things will start looking up soon. The second half starts on Tuesday with a clean slate.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  8. #28



    That was the least amount of fun I've had bowling since I came back. One of my teammates was upset from our opponent's very first ball (a strike), and even though we won the first game, he was upset. We lost the last 2 and total pins. My complaint about the other team was that they were 200+ bowlers who seemed like sandbaggers. In the first game, they combined for 9 strikes in the first 9 frames, then pulled out 10 in the 10th, all perfectly flush. The next game saw them get a lead by the fifth frame, then they stayed just ahead of us the rest of the game. Every time a colored head pin came up, they struck. It seemed like they could strike at will, but were content with 130-180 in the first 2 games. They all bowled over 200 in the third game.

    On top of that, I did not bowl well. I had a decent amount of strikes, but I did not pick up my spares well at all. And on a promotional night with colored head pins, I did not see one all night. Oh well we have 2 weeks off now. Hopefully I'll have more fun the next time I bowl.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  9. #29


    It's been a little crazy around here lately. I haven't put my scores into BowlSK yet, so I don't have the scoresheets to post. I will say that I'm having a ton of fun. I'm learning what my ball does and how it transitions. The last 2 weeks saw my highest 2 series since I came back as well as my highest 2 games.

    1/8: 128-116-185-429
    I had a little bit of rust to shake off, and I was having a hard time controlling my hook. It was an awful series, but it was good to be back after a couple of weeks.

    1/15: 178-140-179-497
    A rough second game kept me from my goal of a 500 series. The first and last games were very good for me.

    1/22: 233-182-128-543
    Wow. I was a 3-pin (off of a 3-6-10 leave) away from my first ever clean game. I ran off 6 in a row (personal best) on my way to my highest score of the season. I did not do a good job of adjusting to the transition and the third game fell off, but I still managed my first 500 series of the season.

    1/29: Did not bowl. I was shoveling my car out in the -22* weather and had some issues with my eyes that caused a major headache.

    2/5: 186-155-211-552
    Another wow. This was by far my best overall series. I had another 200 game, this one in the third game. I did have a couple gutter balls, but both were off of opens. I spared one, so that didn't hurt. I only had 3 strikes in game 1, but was able to convert all but 1 of my spares. I had a 4-bagger and a turkey in game 3, and I think I did a good job of transitioning.

    I am loving the Vendetta. I have a lot more wiggle room, and if the ball isn't perfectly in the pocket, I still get a lot of carry. Of course, I still have the occasional shot that looks perfect to me, but doesn't strike. I'm getting better at seeing what's happening, analyzing it, and figuring out how to adjust.

    My next 2 goals are a 600 series and a clean game.

    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

  10. #30


    I missed last week because I was in Key West, but it got canceled anyway because of the snow. So now I'm back in the snow and had a decent night at the lanes.


    I missed the 500 series, but the splits in Game 2 killed me. Most of the splits were on shots that did not look bad enough to leave them, but what can you do? I also had a few 7 pins off what looked like really good shots. I hit my mark at the arrows, the ball broke where I wanted it to, hit the pocket at the angle I wanted it to, and exited to the pit like I wanted. But multiple pins hit the 7 without knocking it over. It got so bad that the other team was asking me which bowling god I made mad. Oh well, it happens. I moved way inside for Game 3, and that was apparently a move I should have made earlier.

    I got my average up to 150, topping the 450 mark for the past 4 sessions. Before that, I was under 450 in 6 out of 7. I'm getting better. I still need to improve my spare conversion rate, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with my game right now.


    In the bag: DynoThane Vendetta, PBS Planet Earth, Brunswick TZone

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