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Thread: Non-bowling League Secretary

  1. #1
    Bowling Guru
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    Default Non-bowling League Secretary

    Has anyone ever bowled in a league where the league secretary did not bowl?

    Our league secretary from last season has said he wants to take a break from bowling, but is willing to”help the league out.” I’m not sure what this “help” is going to turnout to be. Whether he will do most of what he has done in the past, with a volunteer using a smart phone to text the recaps to him, or turning the weekly grunt work over to the center, with them tracking the averages and publishing the standings sheets each week, and our old secretary just dealing with the USBC stuff.

    Will know more after tomorrow night’s meeting.

  2. #2


    Either way, he’s taking half a grand out of the prize pool for all that ‘work’.

  3. #3
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    Many houses end up as league sec's. Most do a good job. Some don't. If the guy isn't going to be at the center every week and help with looking up averages, Certification and other sec. duties get a new one.
    Grumpy where did you get the $500 number?

  4. #4
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    Had this in one of my leagues, she actually did this 4 nights a week (only bowling in one league) - pretty much just a way to make a little more money on the side. Since she was a good secretary I didn't have an issue with it since her "secretary fees" were nothing out of the ordinary.
    Currently in the arsenal: Roto Grip Hyper Cell (@2000), Hammer Gauntlet Fury (@1000 polished), Roto Grip Idol (@2000), Storm IQ Tour Emerald (@1500 polished), Storm Phaze 4 (@1500 polished), Hammer Cherry Vibe (@1500 polished), Hammer Black Widow Urethane (@1000), Jet Blackbird

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    Grumpy where did you get the $500 number?
    Standard fee, that I’ve seen. Some even higher.

    I’ve really got to try that in my fantasy football league sometime :lol:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyCatFace View Post
    Standard fee, that I’ve seen. Some even higher.

    I’ve really got to try that in my fantasy football league sometime :lol:
    It has been my experience that the sec./treas. gets a certain amount per bowler per week. Any where from .35 to .60 per bowler per week. I receive .40 per bowler per week. In my league that means $1600. Never had anyone who bowls in my 24 team 5 man league say I am over paid. Here is the duties.
    2 weeks before the league starts hold a meeting and go over the rules.
    Get and print average sheets ready for 1st night and print recap sheet.
    Collect money for 186 bowlers and certified each.
    Turned in League certification sheet to Local assn.
    1st night I pass out pay envelopes to each team.
    1st night I pass out a copy of the by-laws to each team capt.
    1st night I pass out a copy of the league schedule to each capt.
    1st night I pass out certification card to fill out. Collect the money about $2,000
    Then after bowling collect the recap sheets and go in office and down load scores.
    Next morning (Sat.) Get up and compare each and make corrections. usually H\C
    Go over jackpot sheets to put on league sheet.
    Once this is done go over the Cert. cards and see if money adds up.
    Print league sheets on home computer. Cut and paste sheets to fit 8.5 x 14 sheet.
    Monday morning go to center and print next weeks sheets. 80- 2 sided 8.5" x 14" sheets.
    Then print recap sheets.
    Then every week you have to fill out award sheets to send in.
    See above what you do every week except only a few certification cards every week.
    Twice a year you have to send in a full average sheet to the local for all bowlers even ones who quit.
    My sheet has who won every pot and who would have won had they gotten in.
    We have 18 different pots every week not counting brackets.
    It has a hall of fame and a hall of shame.
    I has who is celebrating birthdays this week.
    It has my name and phone number and email address on the sheet.
    Am I over paid or should I get a RAISE. Been offered and I turned it down.
    As the treasurer I am responsible for making sure teams don't get behind in lineage.
    and for properly handing out the $65,000 prize fund at the end of the year.
    Including financial and distribution statements and much more stats.
    Last edited by fordman1; 09-06-2018 at 12:04 PM.

  7. #7
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    I've heard of one league in my center that has a secretary that doesn't bowl. I heard she is a witch though and I heard some sketchy things about her with the money.

    I'm the secretary in my league and I get $7.75/bowler and $6.25/bowler for the treasurer for the season.

  8. #8
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    JasonNJ you make more than I do should I get a raise?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    JasonNJ you make more than I do should I get a raise?
    That's for your league voters to vote on. I volunteered to be secretary last year as the old secretary had to leave because of a job change so I just inherited whatever the salary was set at. I actually forgot this was a paid position until someone reminded me.

  10. #10
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    Actually I think you make more, my salary is a flat $7.75\bowler for the season, not weekly. I have 48 bowlers and that's $372, if I were to get .35 cents per bowler per week for 36 weeks, that would be $604.
    Last edited by JasonNJ; 09-06-2018 at 12:50 PM.

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