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Thread: Non-bowling League Secretary

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    Are you only the Sec. or treasurer also? Together would be $14 I do both for $13.2. We only bowl 33 weeks. Hardly any leagues at our center bowl more than 33 weeks. Start after labor day and end in April.
    I'm just the secretary, we have another person who is treasurer and she been the treasure for years. My league was 35 weeks for a long time, we just voted to go 36 and that's because I pushed for it. Our local center gives the 36th week for free no lineage so to me it's a no brainer to go 36 weeks and before I became secretary no one knew that the 36th week would be free.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordman1 View Post
    That still sounds very excessive. Do they do anything more than just preparing and printing the sheets? I am charged $150 per year for using the centers printers, paper and recap sheets. I do everything at home and bring the finished product in and print it on their printer. They use an old fashioned printer for recaps it has a white copy then two copies one yellow and blue. White goes to the sec. the other 2 go to the captains.
    I print my own recaps sheets. I buy 3 part NCR carbonless paper and print them. It's only 12 teams so not too bad. It's print, cut them with my sheet trimmer then use a little rubber cement on the edges so the paper stays together.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowl1820 View Post
    A few years back on the mens league I was on, The secretary/treasurer while he bowled on this particular league. He was secretary/treasurer on some other leagues that he did not bowl on.

    He was really well organized for the organizational meets, First night, payoffs, he even got personally bonded.

    He'd have packets ready containing copies of the leagues rules, USbc manuals (back when they still had them), Check list of everything you needed to do on first night, who to makes the checks out too, the forms that needed to be filled out, pay envelopes etc. Ballots to vote on stuff when needed.

    Payoffs every team got a packet with standing sheets, sheets for each players with their games shot, averages plus the team record for the season. Team payoff monies had the exact bills and change needed to pay each team member without you having to get change.

    He kept good minutes, had the latest software. he was worth every penny of the sec./tea. fee he got.

    A lot of people think the sec./trea. doesn't need to get paid, software does everything these days.

    Well your wrong, there is more to being a sec./trea. than just punching numbers in on a laptop and printing a few sheets of paper. If you really think it's easy, next time your league is look for one, volunteer to do the job and do it for nothing and find out.
    I'm kind of like that, I didn't create a checklist but yesterday was our first night for our league and I usually have every teams paperwork all paperclipped together. Their sanctions forms printed out so the majority of people just need to verify their information and sign it. I even bought binder clips for the recap sheets because my center doesn't have a table in front of the scoring machine so it can get awkward recording the scores.

    I had a new bowler who I know bowls in about 4 or 5 leagues comment how nice it was to have everything organized and ready for his team and he loved the binder clip.

  4. #24
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    The record keeping is about 2 hours per week. But you also have at least 30 minutes a week dealing with complaints. And then there is dealing with bowlers who just don't keep up with payments. And then there is the several hours to get the final prize payouts and check and double check to make sure everything is right. All this and you still have to focus when it is time to bowl. To get a volunteer to take this on for a measly $1 to $2 per team per weeks is a great deal. It usually about minimum wage to deal with all the unpleasant parts of bowling. All secretary/treasurers should be thanked regularly for making it so everyone else can have a fun night out competing.

  5. #25
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    This is coming from the perspective of someone who will never do the secretary role - I helped out twice and have no desire to do it again. Another thing that isn't being said is if you use the bowling alley as your banking service (as they do in my leagues) you must complete this before you leave for the night. This typically means in larger leagues you spend very little time socializing with your team, focusing on bowling, etc. And from what I have seen, the concept of something as simple as $16 x 2 = $32 seems to be advanced math to where someone always messes up their envelope. With that they never know who on their team is short and the secretary seems to get swept into this. (let's not even start on the fun of the first week where no one seems to know who to make a check out to, they can't figure out if they are sanctioned, etc.)
    Currently in the arsenal: Roto Grip Hyper Cell (@2000), Hammer Gauntlet Fury (@1000 polished), Roto Grip Idol (@2000), Storm IQ Tour Emerald (@1500 polished), Storm Phaze 4 (@1500 polished), Hammer Cherry Vibe (@1500 polished), Hammer Black Widow Urethane (@1000), Jet Blackbird

  6. #26
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    The new software is almost a necessity. I use BLS PRO it cost me $35 every year to update it. The center use the center edition of the same program. The sec. still has to go over every recap sheet. Go over every pay envelope. The money is left in the center safe and I don't get robbed. For forty cents a bowler per week. I do much more than I would normally be required to do. I enjoy it.


  7. #27


    I bowled in a league years ago where an older lady was secretary and didn’t bowl. Guess she was just a little too old to be blow to do it but it was still a night out. It’s also the only league I’ve ever been in where standings and average sheets were all handwritten lol

  8. #28
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    Thanks to all of you who responded. It may turn out to have been unnecessary, only four teams showed up Wednesday. The consensus was that we'll work on trying to get back up to 8 teams, but if we don't have that many by October we will fold.

  9. #29
    JerseyJim's Avatar
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    For years I bowled in a league with a secretary that went from bowling regularly to subbing a handful of times during the year. He is always willing to put in the work, so we never had another secretary. I think he's been the league secretary for over 30 years.
    Style: Power Stroker/Tweener - 16.5 - 17.5 mph, PAP 4 1/2 x 0

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    Retooled with 15 lb equipment.

    In the Bag: Radical Ludicrous, 900Global Honey Badger Claw, 900Global Honey Badger, DV8 spareball

    In the Bullpen : Radical Quick Fix, Radical Katana

    The archives: Ebonite Grey Wolf (first 300), Red Wolf (first 700). Just can't let them go.

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