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Thread: You might be a sandbagger if

  1. #1

    Default Moderator has a serious problem.

    I don't post to run up post count, I am not here to win a bowling ball! The site seems to be run by communist who do not believe in freedom of speech, who thinks we only come here to win a bowling ball, who is against bowlers who think differently than they do.
    Last edited by TTREX; 11-05-2018 at 12:23 PM. Reason: moderator is a control freak! who keeps changing my post!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTREX View Post
    You might be a sandbagger if....

    You complain about someone striking too much.

    If you complain that the lanes are too easy.

    If you complain about too many high average bowlers joining the league.

    If you want to raise the handicap because a new bowler joined the league who's average is higher than the highest previous average bowler.

    If you say bowling is about spares.

    If you complain about people hooking the ball.

    If you complain about two handers having an advantage.

    If you say that everyone needs to learn to adjust when the problem is poor lane maintenance.

    When you throw the ball at the ten pin on your first ball in the 3rd frame after seeing it will not hook back to the pocket in the 1st and 2nd frame of game one. And then you still throw the ball at the 10 pin no matter what from then on until the three game set is over.

    If you throw the ball in the gutter on purpose.

    If you use a ball that is not working over one that will.

    Meaning if you throw a ball and it hooks into the pocket and strikes, but then you insist on using another ball that will not hook, and then complain about the ball that won't hook when you have one that will.

    If you have been bowling for more than two years, have been coached by a silver or Gold USBC certifed coach, have learned the science of bowling, have tested everything you have been taught and the lanes are oiled and maintained properly according to the Brunswick or AMF lane maintenance manual, And you have practiced at least twice per week for two years, yet your average is still below 180.

    If you have been bowling for more than 20 years and still insist on throwing a straight ball.

    If you ask what is the best ball for dry lanes, or oily lanes, or medium oily lanes, yet you do not hook the ball at all and never intend to.

    If you like to get too drunk while bowling league.

    If you talk about things non bowling related while in a serious bowling league. And insist on telling people about every detail about this non bowling subject when bowlers are trying to concentrate on bowling.

    When you care more about your cell phone and face book while bowling league.

    When you play video games on your cell phone while bowling in league.

    If you think so and so brings too many bowling balls to league, and you think everyone should only bring one bowling ball.

    If you complain that it is too cold and force the management to make it so hot in the center that it gets above 75 degrees.

    If you insist on distracting your opponent with non sense chatter.

    To everyone this was 20 seperate posts done with in a just a few minutes and I merged into one DO NOT FLOOD POSTS like this. This doesnt help you win a ball. (Also running around just posting on every thread or breaking apart one persons post and making seperate replies to each part.)

    If this kind of posting starts happening, Ill ask the Admin to turn on the posting timer. Which makes you wait 10, 20, 30 minutes before you can make your next post.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

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  3. #3
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    Lots of good points but I think it is the wrong title. Sandbagging is something done intentionally. Most of what you wrote is just people who don't know any better or don't care. Ban internet in the center. Ban cell phones. If someone need to speak to you that bad call the center and have them page you.
    Bowlers who deliberately sand bag need to have an attitude adjustment.

  4. #4
    Bowling Guru Amyers's Avatar
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    None of this is actually sandbagging.

    Sandbagging is the act of intentionally bowling a score that is lower than what you could. Being annoying, complaining, or anything else is not this.
    I am a proud member of bowling forums and ball contest winner

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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by bowl1820 View Post
    To everyone this was 20 seperate posts done with in a just a few minutes and I merged into one DO NOT FLOOD POSTS like this. This doesnt help you win a ball. (Also running around just posting on every thread or breaking apart one persons post and making seperate replies to each part.)

    If this kind of posting starts happening, Ill ask the Admin to turn on the posting timer. Which makes you wait 10, 20, 30 minutes before you can make your next post.
    okay Mr control freak, what kind of post do you expect? Are we supposed to be like granny or paw paw, and come here once a week, and talk about how much our rocking chair is cracking?

    You don't seem to like anything I post be it technical or comedy. Serious or not so serious. So since you are the posting God and know it all then teach us how to post, teach us how to properly post your way as your way seems to be the only way.

    I guess we should just come once a month, week, year?? Since you are so afraid someone might win a bowling ball which I do not want to win a bowling ball, I am not here to win a bowling ball and never have expected to.

    So teach us Mr Post master, how shall we post??

    This is a forum where people start threads, and others make comments, but you seem to have a problem with that....Flooding you call it. No wonder the site is not as busy as it should be. I guess we should leave it alone and let it be boring so you can be happy. Well that's fine if that is what you want, you can have it as i would rather interact with people who are serious about bowling rather than being control freaks trying to stop people from having interaction and learning something from each other.

    BTW...This post was meant to be funny, a place for people to post what they think a sandbagger is. That is all, nothing more, thanks for ruining it.
    Last edited by TTREX; 11-05-2018 at 12:43 PM.

  6. #6


    I'm more just curious as to how someone being on their phone during league play is sandbagging.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by mc_runner View Post
    I'm more just curious as to how someone being on their phone during league play is sandbagging.
    It was only a joke, it was meant to be funny. Serious bowlers expect people to focus on bowling. I thought I would post a comedy thread about bowling to start a light hearted joke about

    Try to be serious you get jumped on, try to be funny you get jumped on, beats anything i have ever
    Last edited by TTREX; 11-05-2018 at 01:35 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTREX View Post
    I don't post to run up post count, I am not here to win a stupid bowling ball!
    I for one appreciated having all your original posts merged.

    I think the title of the thread should have been “ You may be an a****** if...” Just because some one says certain things, complains about other things, or holds on to antiquated beliefs about bowling does not indicate that they are sandbagging. Only actions indicate sandbagging and you were spot on with four of them. Continuing to throw the same line when it’s not working, intentional gutter balls, and using a ball that’s not right for the lane conditions when you have a better one in your bag are pretty obvious signs of sand bagging, and you do have to wonder about someone who invests time and money in coaching and practice with out ever improving.

    The phones and video games are just plain rude most of the time, especially when it means the bowler is constantly late getting up to bowl. The non-bowling talk might be gamesmanship, or it might just be they think it helps them to take their mind off bowling between frames. Neither of these would be sandbagging. Asking about the best balls for different conditions when you have no intention of ever throwing a hook is just crazy. Complaining about stuff is a hallmark of most bowlers.

    Bowling is about getting the most pins that you can on each roll of the ball. The modern game is won by stringing strikes together. It can still be lost by missing spares.

    If carry issues are a result of poor lane maintenance, the center sure as heck isn’t going to fix anything in the middle of competition. Yes, it may favor one style over another. Is that fair? Maybe not. So either quit and sulk or figure out how use your equipment and skills to hit the pocket as best you can.

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    Don't really care about the content of the post discussing what makes a sandbagger - and I'm not going to try and speak to the fact if the admins dislike everything that TTREX is posting (the types of posts that we all like definitely vary). But if the original post was broken out in to 20 separate posts within a few minutes (I didn't see the original posts so I can't speak to this either) that is simply ridiculous. I really don't care who, if anyone, wins a bowling ball and to be honest the first time I won I didn't realize that when you post that is an entry. What I do care about is the readability of the site and 20 straight posts doesn't have a real purpose.

    I'm going to ignore the fact that you can almost clearly read into the fact that 5 of the sandbagger posts are direct attacks on previous posts/posters and instead make a few comments about your disrespectful posts.

    (a) "run by a communist who doesn't believe in freedom of speech" - Freedom of speech is not an all encompassing rule that applies to everything. When we sign up for this site I am pretty sure there is some terms of service, user agreement, or other disclosure that informs you that the administrator can remove, change, or re-direct posts as deemed necessary. The admin deemed that 20 individual posts that can be put into one post wasn't optimal for the site and changed it.

    (b) being like Granny or Paw Paw is more of the I don't know how to edit a post and feel it necessary to write that many posts in succession, rather than having a clean post.

    (c) unless something changed they give a bowling ball away each week, if there was only one post that week the individual would still be in that drawing and win the ball.

    The thing is this, it is a free site for us to visit and make comments. We all at times will complain about sandbagging (heck I mentioned it in a very recent post) and this is a good place to have some fun with it, but be respectful. It could be an honest complaint, but to be honest this really seems like you are just trolling the board.
    Currently in the arsenal: Roto Grip Hyper Cell (@2000), Hammer Gauntlet Fury (@1000 polished), Roto Grip Idol (@2000), Storm IQ Tour Emerald (@1500 polished), Storm Phaze 4 (@1500 polished), Hammer Cherry Vibe (@1500 polished), Hammer Black Widow Urethane (@1000), Jet Blackbird

  10. #10
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    Being old I don't remember where the post was, but there was one where it told of the USBC rerating leagues and houses that put down shots that could be considered average killers. There were 5-600 leagues that were rerated as sport or PBA leagues. Did any of the league you complained about in your town get rerated? Sounds like they would get a big advantage in tournaments like the USBC tournament.

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