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Thread: Full Roller Drill Q?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Wenatchee, WA
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    Question Full Roller Drill Q?

    I just this winter returning to bowling after a 12+ year break and am trying to find a dill pattern that works for me. I have just switched to a full roller pattern as I am tired of the thump thump thump I get from a 3/4 roller layout. I don't drill myself, but rather rely on the patient help of the pro shop staff.

    Anyway, my question is how do I get a straighter/longer shot and slightly less arch from this ball. I can't seem to attach a image and my ball drill technical skills are weak... so this post is almost pointless. I guess maybe somebody could reply how to post a jpg image without getting error message #2038 from your web site.

    I little about me: I'm currently averaging 188 and slowing building back to my old 200-ish average. I'm a right handed stroker, relaxed finger tip grip, standing 30-35 board and target 14-15 board. I'm extra tall (6'6") and my smooth swing gives me pretty high revs. The house equipment (Brunswick) says I have a 12-14 mph ball speed. I have a normal 4 step approach, hand below ball until thumb clears hole just after bottom of swing. At release my hand is on the right side of the ball, palm vertical to floor, and lift is on side of fingers. So maybe this is better said as... my thumb starts the swing at 1 o'clock and finishes at 8 o'clock.

    Any suggesting on posting an image or ball drilling adjustment would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Pin Crusher
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    I am no coach but it might help if you mentioned what kind of ball you are using. Like a Roto Grip Cell or Brunswick Black Diamond. How old are you? How much do you weigh. Being 6'6" you could be anywhere between 150 and 450. Different strokes for different folks.

  3. #3


    Hello Brad, I took over a 30 year break and used to roll a full roller. I'm still suffering from my old habits these days.
    If you're using a 3/4 roller layout, then I suppose you should learn how to throw a semi-roller like I'm trying to do. That's one solution. Help from a coach might get you going in the right direction.
    If you're going to stay with a full roller release, then you ought to have someone set you up with a good layout for your ball. The IBPSIA I think is the organization that certifies bowling pro shops.
    I looked up your Burbank area and see that Pickwick Bowl is there with a pro shop; however, no names are listed to check out. The closest certified shop that shows up is this one:
    Wilson's Lane One Bowling Supply
    Duane M. Wilson @925-634-4825
    283 Wildberry Lane
    Brentwood, CA 94513
    I would think you might want to give Mr. Wilson a call and see if he can assist you.
    In my case I start with my thumb positioned at 3 o'clock and I'm attempting to keep it there with my index finger pointing towards the pins until getting into the release zone down by my ankle. If my thumb goes any farther than about 12 o'clock, I'll be throwing a spinner or worse yet, a knuckle ball with nothing on it. Instead I'm keeping my hand behind the ball with enough revs to pick off the 5-pin from a full rack which is good in my book...
    Good luck Brad... Hope this helps...

  4. #4
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    Answering Qs...

    Ive thought about changing my natural (full roller) release... but I don't really want an extra thing to think about when I'm on the approach. I'm stubborn and not going to give up just yet.

    I'm age 61 and 240 lbs. I'm a retired recon marine and remain pretty athletic... I still run 3-4 miles several times a week but no longer jump from planes. I still have good upper body strength and can put alot more on the ball (at the expense of accuracy) if I wanted.

    I have a tropical storm (teal/blue pearl 15#) I experimented on (converted 3/4 roller to full roller) and a new Storm IQ Tour (box finish 15#) that are both drilled full roller. The arch pattern is almost the same for both balls but the core flip on the IQ keeps it too heavy on the pocket and there isn't alot more I can move my feet left. I would prefer to stand more center arrow and soot 10-15 board but the full roller drill puts that on the 7 pin or the gutter.

    I also have balls still drilled as 3/4 rollers but clearly have a full roller track and the darn thump thump thump going down the lane. Anyway... a Kingpin Max 15# box finish, a older Hammer Spike pearl gold/black 15#, and my spare ball is a T-Zone pearl 15#

    As for pro-shops: I have been working with Pickwick and am thinking I am asking for more than they know how to give. I also bowl in Glendale (neighboring city) and am yet to try their pro shop. I might just give Mr Wilson a call and see what he says. I know I'm not a normal release but this shouldn't be rocket science...

    Thanks for the help guys


  5. #5


    I'm an older Navy guy and retired Chief. Don't run and never jumped out of planes.
    Sounds like you've got quite a bit of equipment already. It kind of sounds like some of your stuff has been set up by someone who didn't look how you rolled your balls and doesn't know you very well.
    My guess is that Mr. Wilson might be your ticket to success especially if he gets you out on the lanes and he watches what you're doing with the gear you have. If he doesn't get you out on the lanes, I'd be very surprised.
    This isn't rocket science, but that's what I used to do in the Navy. We tracked missiles shot by FBM submarines for testing purposes. Great duty when you can get it and are qualified.
    Best of luck with Mr. Wilson or someone who is interested in getting you going in the right direction. You being a Marine makes you want that anyway. Go get 'em.
    My best regards...

  6. #6
    Bowling Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by six6guy View Post
    I just this winter returning to bowling after a 12+ year break and am trying to find a dill pattern that works for me. I have just switched to a full roller pattern as I am tired of the thump thump thump I get from a 3/4 roller layout. I don't drill myself, but rather rely on the patient help of the pro shop staff.

    Anyway, my question is how do I get a straighter/longer shot and slightly less arch from this ball. I can't seem to attach a image and my ball drill technical skills are weak... so this post is almost pointless. I guess maybe somebody could reply how to post a jpg image without getting error message #2038 from your web site.

    I little about me: I'm currently averaging 188 and slowing building back to my old 200-ish average. I'm a right handed stroker, relaxed finger tip grip, standing 30-35 board and target 14-15 board. I'm extra tall (6'6") and my smooth swing gives me pretty high revs. The house equipment (Brunswick) says I have a 12-14 mph ball speed. I have a normal 4 step approach, hand below ball until thumb clears hole just after bottom of swing. At release my hand is on the right side of the ball, palm vertical to floor, and lift is on side of fingers. So maybe this is better said as... my thumb starts the swing at 1 o'clock and finishes at 8 o'clock.

    Any suggesting on posting an image or ball drilling adjustment would be appreciated.

    In the Support/Feedback section there are stickies about how to add an image or a video to a post.

    As a coach I would say that if your thumb is going from 1 o’clock to 8 o’clock you are way over-rotating your wrist. It really only needs to go from 1:00 to 10:00.

    I’m also surprised that with your long arms and legs your speed is so low. I’m about the same age and a good ten inches shorter, and my speed ranges from 13-15 mph, but then again the speed sensors on the lanes are not always very accurate.

  7. #7
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    I have to walk this topic back and say it's the lane conditions and not the ball drilling. I today practiced at Jewel in Glendale (medium/heavy conditions) and both full rollers behaved as I expected (so did my 3/4 rollers). I then went directly to Pickwick in Burbank (bone dry conditions) and I couldn't hit the NY side of the rack with anything but my plastic spare ball.

    I bowl at Jewel in Glendale on Mondays and Pickwick in Burbank on Wednesdays. So I have to figure out both ends of the lane conditions spectrum... but story told, I like a good challenge.

    On the posting a image thing: I have used v-bulletin before and know the procedural method of attaching an image, but from this site I get an actual error message. I suspect this site is currently broken _or_ they are limiting me from images because I only have 3 posts at this site. Either way it's not what I expected.


  8. #8


    Here is some help with posting images:

    "Method #1

    This will show how to insert a picture in your post using the "insert image" and a image url.
    (I use this method mostly, because using the attachments option has a size limit)

    First upload your image to a image hosting service (there are several free one's like

    once uploaded copy the "Direct link" of the image location. It will look something like this:

    Now when you go to make your post, in the editing window find the "Insert Image" icon and click on it.

    this will open the "insert image" dialog

    Click on the "from url" tab
    Then paste the direct lick you copied in the url box
    uncheck the "retrieve" box
    If everything looks ok, then click ok.

    A link similar to this will appear in your post, where ever you had the insert cursor in your post.

    now when you post your message, the picture will appear in your post.

    Faster method:

    Just type the image tags [img]paste picture url here inbetween these tags[/img]"
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