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Thread: Quitting my job at the bowling center =( New Journey

  1. #1
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Default Quitting my job at the bowling center =( New Journey

    Nope, I'm not joking.....I'm leaving the bowling center I work at. That said, I'm going to a different one! LOL No, nothing bad happened and I'm not leaving because of anyone there. Fact is, were moving! Where we live just isn't working for us, it's too damned expensive. We looked for a different place in the same area and it's just not feasible in any way for us to stay here. Illinois is just raising the crap out of taxes, gasoline is as of today 3.43 a gallon in my area. Ridiculous! Yeah they are supposed to raise minimum wage to 15 an hour over the next couple years. Sure, blah blah blah that's no fix. They raise the wage then everything else goes up, a freaking loaf of bread will be $5 so the only thing gained is the state makes more money on taxes. We make nothing extra. I'm done with this state, enough is enough and we are leaving and QUICK!

    Monday this week I drove 550 miles to TN. I went to a town where my mother in law is planning on moving in the next year. I looked up the local bowling centers and went to look for a job. Yep, I literally just got in my car, called nobody down there ahead of time and literally just showed up. I had no real game plan. I didn't book a hotel and I just packed a suitcase and $200 bucks (all we had) and went. I mean yeah, I took 4 days off of work in advance so it was a pre-planned trip. I didn't just wake up one day and decide to leave that day.

    So I gassed up, took my suitcase and started the journey. I spent 80 ($120 left) bucks in gas getting down there, took 9 hours. I didn't even stop for food, just had a Coke for the trip. Unfortunately by the time I got there it was 10pm so the bowling center was closed. I decided to drive through town and see what kind of business were there, what the demographics were and what the potential was for drawing in business to a bowling center. I gotta a crappy room for the night then finally got some food down the street at a Waffle House. ($108 left) Good stuff!

    Between all the critters crawling on me and biting me in that sleezy room for $82 bucks ($26 left), a TV that had a remote that only worked 6 inches from in front of it, the hottest bed I ever laid in and my mind going 1000 MPH I didn't get any sleep. The critters crawling on me were 1 big fuzzy brown spider, some random beetle and some tiny little things I think were fleas which I took pictures with my phone of all of them. So, I got up and had some coffee, showered and checked out. During my checkout to the manager. I told her I rented a SINGLE for the night which mean for me, NOT all the uninvited guests. I showed her the pics I took of them and said "I did occupy the room and did use the shower so I don't think it would be out of line to ask for at least half my money back for sleeping in an insect colony. If I don't get a refund I'll be out in the parking lot putting up a Google Review of the hotel photos included." She grumbled agreed to refund $40 ($66 left)

    Off I went to the bowling center. Nervous as hell I was walking in and all I could think to myself...."I gotta do this for my family, they are depending on me! I'm NOT leaving without a job!" My nerves calmed and determination and confidence kicked in.

    I walked in to a stunning and beautiful 32 lane bowling center. I never seen a place like it! I walked around, I looked at the counter, the bar, the arcade, the little cafe and the lanes. I sat and watched the employees, what they were doing, how they were doing it and see if they looked like they enjoyed being there or not. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The most impressive place I've ever seen, the detail, the decor. I bet the tables which were all custom made had to cost 5k each.

    Finally after a bit I decided to approach the man at the counter. I asked "So, are you the big boss?" He said "Yeah but not the biggest, I'm the GM not the owner" I said "I just drove 550 miles just to meet you and the owner". He said "Do you know us?" I said "Nope" He said "Do we know you?" I said "Your about to. I came to meet you because I want to make a better life for myself and my family and I believe this place is going to help me do it. I'm 100% sure I can do the same for you". At that point he brought me in the office and we sat down to talk for a while. I told him all about me, what I do, what I know and how I can help.

    Unfortunately, the owner wasn't there at this time. He said that he was rather blown away that I drove all that way just for this, he admired my courage on embarking on such a journey. He said the owner would be there later in the afternoon. He invited me to bowl a few games if I wished. Of course I said "Do you think I'd drive all this way and leave my bowling balls at home? Of course I'll bowl! but after I drive around town some more to see what more was here but I'll come back and maybe the owner will be back by then.

    At that point I left, I drove around town and two of the neighboring towns to do more research. I did have to stop for gas, another Coke and the cheapest pack of smokes I bought in 20 years. $3? Damn! Total of the three leaving me with now $35. Back to my research I happened upon another bowling center a couple towns over from the other. I figured, "Well, I didn't exactly get a YES from the first one yet so I'd better have a fallback. Besides, this is why I went down there right! I WILL NOT LEAVE EMPTY HANDED!" So, I headed in. This one was a little more low-tech and older but still very nice nonetheless, it was also 24 lanes. I did pretty much the same as I did in the first one by checking everything out and watching the goings on. Once again, everyone was extremely friendly. No management was there at all but I did chat with the counter person for a bit.

    I learned that this center was one of 3 that the owner had but he had recently closed the other two and picked this one to invest his money in. Walking around I could see the improvements made but his building has a significantly smaller footprint to work with than the previous. Again, the owner wasn't at this one either but was told he'd be back in an hour. So I continued chatting with the employees, told them my story and even went over to the pro shop they had inside to chat with him too. Very impressed with the pro shop to the point that if I work here or not he'd be my guy.

    Finally the owner did show up, unfortunately he literally had 10 minutes to talk to me. Since I came as far as I did knowing I wouldn't be in town he said he'd be happy to hear what I had to say. We quickly chatted about what I currently do where I am and it was more than enough to raise his eyebrows. He said he is EXTREMELY interested in hearing more wanted to hire me on the spot. So he gave me his email address to send him more information. I thanked him for his time, shook hands with him and the other employees I chatted with and went on my way.

    I felt pretty happy how that went. It wasn't a 100% yes from a 10 minute conversation but enough to make my confidence brimming. Now not being so worried about failure I felt it was time to revisit the first one and at the least bowl those games! I went back, bowling bag in tow and he happily gave me not one but a pair of lanes and I didn't even ask. He said the owner was back but on a conference call, by the time I'm done bowling he'd likely be available. So I threw 3 games but was pouring with sweat. I did okay, all low 200's. I went to the counter to the GM and said "Was this your plan to get me all sweaty making me look like I'm a nervous wreck when I met the big boss?" LOL He laughed and comp'ed my games which was very nice.

    The owner came out and luckily I was dried off by then and he shook my hand and said he was very impressed I came my journey the way I did. We sat down and talked for nearly two hours. He didn't care one bit that I only worked at a bowling alley for 1 1/2 years. He couldn't believe that I have literally worked in every part of a bowling center on a daily basis and what I knew. I threw a couple small and simple ideas out there on how to drum up business and apparently they were things he never thought of. Another advantage I have is that both these centers have AMF 82-70 pinspotters and use Qubica. He quizzed me on a few things on the register and I was dead on with every question.

    He said he could literally have me start right now and not have to train me. So I decided to make a bold move and just flat out ask "So is that a yes that your hiring me?" He said "It's not a matter of hiring you, it's a matter of where to put you? He said "Normally I hire people to work the counter, another to tend bar, another to be manager and so on, since you can do it all I have to create a position specifically for you." I said, "I'm not worried what title is on my business card as long as it has my name and the name of this bowling center on it"

    He said I have to have a meeting with my GM and think through how to work all this out. By the way, what other ideas do you have to get in business? Ever done sales and marketing?" I said "For the answer to that first question, you're going to have to put me on payroll first but trust me, I have a LOT of ideas. Yes, I have done sales and marketing with great success." He just shook his head and said "Damn, now you just made it even harder for me. Is there anything you CAN'T do?" I said "Yeah, right now I can't own a bowling alley but I can help yours" On that note it was time to part ways but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  2. #2
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    PART TWO - Conclusion

    I decided to go back to Waffle House for another meal, only the second since I left home. After that I was left with $21 to get home and realized. "Hmmm....I have $21 and a half tank of gas and it took me $80 in gas to get down here" RUH ROW" Wife was broke too so she couldn't send me money, her mom was in AZ and my mom couldn't help. LOL Okay, well all I could do was just find a place to park for now and figure it out. It was hot and getting dark so I found a truck stop on the outskirts of town to park in. I decided that no matter what wasn't going back home until morning since I had no sleep the night before from that crappy hotel. I crawled in the back seat of the car and laid down. I packed no pillow or blanket so I used clothes I packed for a pillow.

    Wifey's car isn't exactly my Tahoe, it's just an Equinox. Not really made for a tall person to sleep in. So I'm balled up in the back and half asleep and my mind kicked into overdrive with ideas for these bowling centers. I couldn't sleep so I whipped out a legal pad and started making notes. Dying from the heat I ran in to buy a bottle of water. Now $19 left. I kept having to start the periodically all night to cool off. After writing about 14 pages of notes and ideas I tried again to sleep. Back seat is too small, reclined the front and stretched over them both. That didn't work but needless to say I think I'm now engaged to my wifes seat belt latch. I ended up in the front reclined all the way back and got a few hours sleep.

    When I got up I figured if I was going to get home, someone would have to wire me funds and likely Western Union. I Googled Western Union and found one 20 minutes away. At this point I was now down to 1/4 tank of gas. I decided I had to put it in the tank no matter what so I did. $0 left 3/4 tank and 550 miles to go. I went back to the western union and called a friend. He gladly sent me what I needed plus enough to get coffee to get rid of the massive caffeine headache I had from lack thereof. 9 hours later I got home on Wed night. I ate, showered and passed out.

    Yesterday I did send the email as promised to the owner of the second bowling center. In less than an hour I got a reply and a half hour after that I got a call from the first one. It seems they both want me, in essence at this moment I have both jobs. All I am waiting for now is numbers and a start date. I know I'd RATHER work for the bigger bowling center but honestly neither would be a bad choice. Sooner is good but highest bidder would be better.

    I told them I need to give 2 weeks notice to my current employer and I will be in the car on my way down there the day after the two weeks is up ready to go to work. So stay tuned to which one I end up at.

    I figured I'd share the absolutely craziest journey I have ever taken in my life. It was far from fun at times, especially the being stranded and broke part. However, I have to say it was one of the biggest risks I have ever taken but I have to say it was 100% worth it. It's very true, if you take no risks you reap no gains. I'm overflowing in self confidence and my family has never been more proud of me. We all had our doubts especially me. I just HAD to do it though, not only for myself but especially for them. It's been 48 yrs on this earth for me and success hasn't found my address to knock on my door so I guess I had to go find it for myself. The only sad part about this really is.

    If anyone on here found this boring to read then I invite you to come on my next trip down there with me.
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  3. #3


    Sounds interesting Phone. I used to do some business down in TN and one of our factories was in Johnson City. Nice part of the country. Lots of tall Tulip trees and rolling hills. I like it. Don't care much for Jack Daniels or George Dickel though. Best of luck man!

  4. #4
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djp1080 View Post
    Sounds interesting Phone. I used to do some business down in TN and one of our factories was in Johnson City. Nice part of the country. Lots of tall Tulip trees and rolling hills. I like it. Don't care much for Jack Daniels or George Dickel though. Best of luck man!
    Thanks. Funny you say that....Odd observation I made while doing my wandering down there. There was a complete lack of bars, clubs and musical venues. I was looking for them so I could go inside to see what the locals drink down there so I could research beer selection. I found no bars or clubs at all and not one place that advertised live music. Asking around people said to go to Buffalo Wild Wings if I wanted a beer. They were the only game in town besides a couple hole in the wall dives. I was in shock considering it's a state known for Jack and is the music capital of the US. What's next, no fried chicken? There was no shortage of places that advertised grits though. At first I thought maybe it was a dry town but there is a ton of liquor stores. I guess people down there prefer to drink at home??
    Bowling Center Manager
    Arsenal consists of mainly 15# Motiv balls, I have several now and they are the bomb! Too many to list and carry. Still have a couple Hammer balls and my AMF RPM Swirl (old reliable) & 25+yr old Linds worth a mention
    Currently 535+ Rev Rate @ 19 MPH (This probably needs to be updated, I think I've toned each down a click or two these days. I'm letting the ball do more of the work as I get older.)

  5. #5
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    Cool story Phoney and good luck. Keep us posted!
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  6. #6
    High Roller Stormed1's Avatar
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    Good luck on your future relocation and work
    Still love the game but had to quit because of my left leg amptation
    High game 299 x 5 High sanctioned series 805 (1989)

  7. #7


    One of the first times I ever had grits was at a Waffle House probably at about midnight on my drive back to Florida. I watched what other people were ordering and thought I'd try some. Wow! I thought they were great with lots of butter and salt. Yum. These days the culture has changed and many of those restaurants are owned by others and you can't even get butter in the Waffle Houses I've been to in many years. I've decided not to partake of their food even though I'm tempted to see if the good ole days had returned. We don't have Waffle Houses up this way as you well know...

  8. #8
    High Roller Phonetek's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for support. I know what you mean about grits. I've only had them one time before this. I guess "My Cousin Vinnie" got me curious.

    They did ask how I wanted them and I said smothered in butter and that's how they served them.... Delicious!

    I know what you mean about the waffle houses being owned by others. But I have little doubt this particular one was owned by anyone other than someone native to the area. Seemed pretty authentic to me and true to form of what it's meant to be. I will continue to patronise that establishment when I return.

  9. #9
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    My Dad used to tell about the time when he was stationed down south during WW II and he went to a local restaurant for breakfast. When his meal came there was a serving of grits on the plate and he asked the waitress what they were and why they were on the plate since he hadn’t ordered them. She replied,”Them’s grits, and grits just come.”

  10. #10
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    Wow, that's quite a story. A man's got to do with man's got to do when it comes to supporting the family. Good luck and I wish you all the best, keep us posted on which job you take and how the move guys.

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