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Thread: Really need to work on my spares

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by rdd1952 View Post
    A spare ball is the only way to go. I use my spare ball (not plastic but one that has a LOT of games on it so it doesn't hook any more) for everything other than the 1, 2 or 5 pins. Every thing else is a little more speed and straight. And another benefit of using a spare ball is you're cutting the number of times your more expensive strike ball goes down the lane and collects oil by almost 50%. That nearly doubles the life of the ball.
    Unless your spare ball (not plastic, just lots of games on it) doesn't have a core, it still hooks. Surface is 75% of ball reaction, but the 25% that's the core cannot be ignored!

  2. #12
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    Horrible night. And a spare ball wouldn't have helped. I'm just missing my target. Left one frame then right the next. And my strikes weren't any better tonight. Lanes were tough but I should be able to adapt better than I did.

    Bought new CTD pads and didn't realize my old ones were that worn out. Hit the Conspiracy with a 2000 and the Kingpin with a 500. The Conspiracy was coming in way too hard and the Kingpin was rolling out just past 1/2 way. Didn't tough the BWG but even that was coming in too hard. I was about 1.5 MPH slower than usual which didn't help but I'm trying to get my speed down and work around that speed. I started out where I'm most comfortable at about the 6-7 board but was coming in too high with every ball. Moved my feet right and still coming in too hard. Moved my target right and got a little better. I moved further right than I ever remember playing and targeting the 10 board. The ball was coming in nicely but no room for error. A little outside and it wouldn't come back. A little inside and it was brooklyn. When I did hit the pocket just right they were flying, even with the slower speeds but it had to be perfect.

    There were 5 lefties on our pair (3 from our team) and all 3 of us were further right than we ever stand. If I had the Conspiracy at 3000 it might have been better. But I had my right toe just right of the middle dot (about the 17 board) and throwing over the 10 board. Normally if I target the 10 board I'm about 4 boards further left. I'm not comfortable swinging it out there but trying to get better with it. My ball speed is usually about 17.5-18 at the sensors on our lanes and tonight I was under 16 on most shots which is about average for our league. My ball usually goes pretty straight until the breakpoint, meaning it doesn't swing out towards the gutter and come back. Tonight it was by maybe 4 or 5 boards. It was coming back nice but it had to hit perfectly.

    Spare shooting was horrendous. It isn't the ball choice. It is me. I'm missing my target by several boards either way. Missed the 7 pin twice (0/2). Missed the 3-5-6 (1/2). Missed the 2-8 and the 4-7. Didn't get either pin on either one of those. But I did convert the 1-3-6-7...go figure.

    But spare shooting aside, I was just lost tonight. Even if I had picked up all my makeable spares my average still would have only been 179 tonight instead of 171. 41% strike % and only an 8.53 first ball average won't win you many contests either. But my spare shooting has been bad lately and I really do need to figure that out.

    As for the team, well last week we were giving up about 150 pins handicap and the same again tonight. We won game 1 by about 17 then game 2 by about 23 but lost game 3 by 96 so went 4-3 tonight. 2-5 last week. Not a good start. Other team was about 100 or so above their average last game while we were about 50 below ours. Games 1 and 2 we were about 30 below our average but the other team was struggling too.

    Current league average after 6 games: 185.00

    Last edited by boatman37; 09-04-2019 at 12:01 AM.
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatman37 View Post

    But spare shooting aside, I was just lost tonight. Even if I had picked up all my makeable spares my average still would have only been 179 tonight instead of 171.

    Actually, if you had converted the two 7 pins, the 3-5-6 and the 4-7, that would have been 47 more pins and a 561 set/187 average.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdd1952 View Post
    Actually, if you had converted the two 7 pins, the 3-5-6 and the 4-7, that would have been 47 more pins and a 561 set/187 average.
    Could be. I didn't calculate it. Just what my phone app says I would have had if I had made my makeable spares. Also missed the 2-8 there in game 1. I usually average about 50% strikes so that was down too. I think the most frustrating part was no matter what I did it didn't work. Mostly because of me and partially because of lane conditions.
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  5. #15
    High Roller vdubtx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatman37 View Post

    Bought new CTD pads and didn't realize my old ones were that worn out. Hit the Conspiracy with a 2000 and the Kingpin with a 500. The Conspiracy was coming in way too hard and the Kingpin was rolling out just past 1/2 way. Didn't tough the BWG but even that was coming in too hard.
    Taking the Kingpin to 500 on a house shot I certainly would not advise. The 500 grit is why the ball rolled out as it used all of it's energy early in the lane.

    Not sure where you play on the lane, but have you tried moving inside into the oil more?
    High Sanctioned Scratch Game - 300(12) Hi Sanctioned Scratch Series - 822(3)
    2016/17 Book Average=221, 2017/18 Composite Average=223
    Equipment in the bag - Storm Crux Prime, Storm Physix, Roto Grip Idol, Roto Grip Idol Pearl, Roto Grip Hyper Cell Fused, Storm Sure Lock, Storm Drive, Roto Grip Winner Solid, Roto Grip Haywire, Storm Fever Pitch, Roto Grip Red ball spare.

    Rev Rate 400. Speed 18 at heads, 16.5-17 at pins. Axis tilt 10, Axis Rotation 55. PAP 5 5/8 x 5/8 up

  6. #16


    You had a horrible night because you bowled on conditions that right-handers bowl on every week! With five lefties on your pair, you didn't have the area that you are used to for your strike shots or your spare shots. Vdub is right... learn to move right and find some oil. When your ball doesn't hook, it's not because you are in too much oil, it's because you are in too much dry with too much surface on your low RG ball.

  7. #17
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    i'm sure 5 lefties didn't help but we all struggled from the first frame and it probably only got i had used a 500 on the Kingpin before and it did ok but i think it was because it was an old worn out 500 and this one was brand new. lesson learned i only threw the Kingpin a couple of times and could see it stop skidding and start rolling. knew pretty quickly that wasn't going to work. Conspiracy was similar at 2000 but when i went back to using it i had moved inside a little more to get the oil. i started game 1 with the Kingpin for a couple of frames then went to the Conspiracy till the end of the game then went to the BWG for game 2. Game 3 started with the BWG outside then switched to the Conspiracy more inside. i wasn't comfortable with the angle i was at inside. i was standing right toe on about 17 on the right side (pretty much in the center) and targeting the 10 at the arrows. i rarely ever have to swing it out and never that far out. probably more a lack of confidence than anything. in hindsight i do wish i have moved further right to see what would have happened but in the end i was pretty close to my average and our games were close until the end so was afraid to get too far from my comfort zone. but i really do need to get used to these types of moves

    vdub...i usually start out each night straight up the 5-7 board Norm Duke style. My ball reaction, RPM, everything is very similar to Norm (except i'm a lefty). most of the time i can stay there all night as i'm the only one out there on the left side. even last night i was the only one that far out but even in warmups in wasn't working. i do struggle more with accuracy when inside for some reason. when i'm out near the first arrow my accuracy is definitely better. not sure why. i also think frustration set in last night too and i just tuned out after awhile.

    i did move in a little. i was throwing over the 10-11 board and the ball rolled nice but was inconsistent if i wasn't perfect. which in my mind means it wasn't the best line? seems like when i find the right line i have a couple boards of error to play with. couldn't find that last night. i also think my slower speed crewed me up last night. i have purposely been trying to slow down as i'm one of the fastest in the league. i'm thinking last night wasn't the best night to throw slower?
    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  8. #18
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    oh boy. I dunno what's going on here. I had been averaging about 195 the last few weeks of summer league then pre-bowled week 1 in the fall league with a 596. Last week was 514 and tonight 493. Only had 9 strikes all night. Usually have about 15 or so. Last week my balls were coming in way too hard. Tonight they wouldn't come in at all. I'm sure some was psychological since in warm-ups my slide shoe was sticking. I reluctantly put the S10 on and almost fell on my first ball so went back to the S8 and dealt with it. Re-sanded the Conspiracy today on the spinner with a worn 2000 CTD. Last week I used a new 2000 and it was too much. So the worn 2000 is where it has been all summer (yeah I know if it is worn you lose consistency from one sanding to the next). Haven't touched the BWG (still at 3000). The Kingpin is still at 500 but that ball rarely comes out of my bag. So started with the Conspiracy and couldn't get back to the pocket. Moved in to the 10 board and got the pocket but kept leaving corner pins. Went back out to the 6-7 board and still light. Moved my feet left and the ball still wouldn't come in. Switched to the BWG and same thing. Tried the Kingpin for a frame or 2 at the 10 board. Wasn't able to be consistent in there. Went back to the Conspiracy late in game 3. The only bright spot was I made a move for my 7 pins and was 3/4 tonight on those. I missed the last one but I was so frustrated at that point that I didn't care. We had already lost the game so it didn't matter what I did.

    So after we were done I heard a few guys talking about how dry the lanes were and ended up talking to the one in the parking lot. He said he ended last year at 226 and after 3 weeks still doesn't have a 600. He said tonight he had to stand at the left gutter and pitch it across the lane. Said they were the driest he has ever seen. So my balls didn't look or act like they were rolling out but it made me wonder. On the few shots I did get the pocket the ball dropped off just a little left of the center. Maybe about the 15-17 board? So didn't seem like it was losing much energy. I just couldn't get to the pocket. And I threw more too far out tonight than I did too far in which is odd for me. Usually if I miss it's cause I tugged it but tonight there were several times I swung it out too far and it wouldn't come back. Usually they still come back close to the pocket if I miss outside. The one time with the Conspiracy I got to about the 3-4 board and took out the 4-7. I think it knicked the 2 on the way through but just barely.

    I dunno. Just don't understand how I can drop 30 pins in just a couple of weeks.

    As for the 7 pin, I had been standing with my right toe on about the 7 board and throwing over the 23 board at the arrows. Tonight I went a little straighter standing right toe on the 10 board and throwing over the 25 board. Doesn't sound like much but I'm not swinging the ball so far out to get it that far out there. Just feels more comfortable. Counting warm-ups I was 4/5 on 7 pins tonight.

    My wrist/hand/forearm are sore too. After last week and this week. Last week I didn't tuck my pinky but tonight I did. My webbing between my thumb and pointer finger is sore. Forearm muscles are a little sore and wrist felt a little sore a few times. My next ball I will have him re-fit me but not sure that is the problem. It seems like I have been getting a few more revs lately so maybe I'm doing something a little different. It does feel like I'm kind of flicking my wrist a little at the release but not sure. Seems like I'm getting more lift with my fingers as I'm exiting the ball.

    Arsenal "15# Global Eternity Pi-45x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Xponent-60x4.5x40" "15# 900 Global Zen Soul-60x4.5x40" "15# Roto Grip Idol Helios-90 x 2.25 x 45" "15# 900 Global Altered Reality-50x3.625x30" "15# Brunswick Uppercut-80x3.625x35" "15# Brunswick Igniter-70x5.5x35" "15# Raw Hammer Pearl 45x5.75x40" "15# Brunswick T-Zone"
    Rev Rate about 270 @ about 15.5 MPH at the pins* High Game: 290 - High Series: 733. PAP: 5 1/8"x1" up; tilt 20*, rotation 75*. YTD highs - 290-733
    Oh, and LEFTY!!!

  9. #19
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    I’ve had the same thing happen with the slide soles. Normally the #8 sole is fine. When #8 is sticking and I try #10, it’s too slippery. Definitely need to invest in a #9 or figure out how to chop up an 8 and a 10 to get my own hybrid sole.

    To the average bowler, a ball that hits the dry too early looks like it’s skidding too far like the lane is flooded gutter to gutter.

    I usually take what other people are saying about the lane condition with a grain of salt. Except for a few really good bowlers, most of the time when someone says the lanes are really dry or really wet, it means that their favorite line isn’t playing the way they want it to. Odds are 50-50 as to whether they have the right reason.

    The fact you have some physical pain to go with the bruised ego of two lousy series in a row would indicate that you are doing something different with your delivery.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    I’ve had the same thing happen with the slide soles. Normally the #8 sole is fine. When #8 is sticking and I try #10, it’s too slippery. Definitely need to invest in a #9 or figure out how to chop up an 8 and a 10 to get my own hybrid sole.

    To the average bowler, a ball that hits the dry too early looks like it’s skidding too far like the lane is flooded gutter to gutter.

    I usually take what other people are saying about the lane condition with a grain of salt. Except for a few really good bowlers, most of the time when someone says the lanes are really dry or really wet, it means that their favorite line isn’t playing the way they want it to. Odds are 50-50 as to whether they have the right reason.

    The fact you have some physical pain to go with the bruised ego of two lousy series in a row would indicate that you are doing something different with your delivery.

    Try these leather soles. I love them and use them in place of my #8 soles.

    Also I agree, if you are in physical pain and it's something new, you may be doing something different or muscling the ball now instead of having a relaxed swing.

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