Leadoff- some one who can get the team fired up. High carry percentage. Not the most consistent spare shooter, but one who focuses better on the harder leaves, i.e. splits and washouts. Super Positive attitude. Since he or she is the first to roll after the opposing team, it’s a big plus if they can communicate if and how the lane has changed.
Second- insert token lefty here. Just half kidding here, if you have a lefty, they are not going to effect the right side and this gives bowler one time to clue the rest of the team in on the transition. If you’re not lucky enough to have a lefty, this is the spot for your weakest link.
Third (& fourth on a 5 person team)- this is where you want the steady guy, always around the pocket, makes almost all his or her spares usually +/-10 pins of average.
Anchor- probably but not necessarily your highest average bowler. The bowler who enjoys having the match rest on what he or she does in the ninth and tenth. Only bowler who only has to listen and not communicate how the lane is breaking down.