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Thread: Dexter Bowling Shoes

  1. #21
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    Well given if you dont like the shoes, not many options to try. Either exchange them for some different ones or you could try a bowlers slide sock on the shoe. There is also a stick on nylon slide made for bowling shoes, cut a piece off and apply it to the offending area.

    Or use some sandpaper or a file and sand the black rubber part back some.

    Right handed Stroker, high track ,about 13 degree axis tilt. PAP is located 5 9/16” over 1 3/4” up.Speed ave. about 14 mph at the pins. Medium rev’s.High Game 300, High series 798

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  2. #22
    High Roller got_a_300's Avatar
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    That is some excellent advice from bowl1820 I use a
    bowlers slide sock on my slide shoe as it takes all of
    the approach tackiness/stickiness out of play.
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  3. #23
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    I choose solution X) none of the above.

    I called Dexter about sending them back... I'm waiting for a return call.

    Meanwhile I ordered a pair of Linds which I should have done in the first place.

  4. #24
    Cranker eugene02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike White View Post
    I choose solution X) none of the above.

    I called Dexter about sending them back... I'm waiting for a return call.

    Meanwhile I ordered a pair of Linds which I should have done in the first place.
    i guess that's just personal preferences
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  5. #25


    I bought some Dexter Cranium's off of amazon and I can say these shoes perform on any approach and are nice and comfy. I love the black light graphic on the side for glow bowling as well.

  6. #26


    I bought a pair of SST8's the other day, and the slide shoe does not slide enough with the S8 sole, but slide too much with the 10 sole.

    So I ordered the buck skin sole to replace the S8 microfiber sole from I can't wait to try it out, it should be shipped soon.

    They say this buck skin sole replacement will solve the problem. I sure hope so as I will be mad it If I can't use my new shoes!!

    Will update this when I get it.
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  7. #27
    Bowling God billf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trex View Post
    I bought a pair of SST8's the other day, and the slide shoe does not slide enough with the S8 sole, but slide too much with the 10 sole.

    So I ordered the buck skin sole to replace the S8 microfiber sole from I can't wait to try it out, it should be shipped soon.

    They say this buck skin sole replacement will solve the problem. I sure hope so as I will be mad it If I can't use my new shoes!!

    Will update this when I get it.
    Let me know how it works for you as I have the same problem. I figured being a bigger bowler was the issue as far as how the soles are rated. I read where Chris Barnes cuts his soles so he can mix and match them to get the exact feel he is looking for. I tried it but didn't feel comfortable enough to give it a true effort.
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  8. #28

    Cool Buck skin sole replacement for S8 sole On SST 8 Bowling Shoes

    Quote Originally Posted by billf View Post
    Let me know how it works for you as I have the same problem. I figured being a bigger bowler was the issue as far as how the soles are rated. I read where Chris Barnes cuts his soles so he can mix and match them to get the exact feel he is looking for. I tried it but didn't feel comfortable enough to give it a true effort.
    I got the buck skin sole from that replaces the S8 sole on the SST 8 bowling shoes and it works!!!

    I took the S8 sole off and put on the Buck Skin sole and now my new SST 8 Shoes slide perfect!!

    To make the SST8's even more like my old shoes as far as slide:
    I also took the rubber sole off the non slide shoe, and put on the S6 sole on the non slide shoe....I can now bowl with proper slide
    on the left shoe, but with a much more stable feel compared to my old cheaper universal shoes!!

    I now love my new SST8 bowling shoes thanks to having the buck skin replacement sole for the S8 sole.

    Last edited by Trex; 07-25-2012 at 03:29 AM.
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  9. #29
    Member GoKidd's Avatar
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    Dexter SST8 is comfy and stylish ... but toe drag on the non-sliding foot has already cost me two soles in six weeks. I'm not happy that I paid that much money for a shoe that I now have to duct tape.
    Pity ... everything else about the shoe is nice.

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