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Thread: Dang Corona Virus

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Southeast PA
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    Quote Originally Posted by J Anderson View Post
    If you don’t have enough testing materials, anything that looks like Covid-19, like the regular Flu, is assumed to be COVID-19.
    Makes sense. Our area is never even going to make it to Phase 1 at this point. Cases keep climbing each day (probably due to increased testing). But if an area needs to have 14 consecutive days of improvement, we are far from that. Oh well, I guess we will just sit at home for months on end.

  2. #52
    Bowling God Aslan's Avatar
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    Hutchinson, KS
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    Anybody heard from the older "regulars" lately. RobM, Iceman, Bowl1820?? Classygranny? <----NOT calling her old...although she does have "granny" in her name and thats not my fault!

    I'd hate to lose someone from the boards and not know it. I'm sure the site would tell us if Bowl1820 or....the guy who does the bowlversity videos who's name I can't recall. Or what about Curlie Becton!? Us lower rev guys need someone in the bowling videos throwing like Curlie!!

    Well, hopefully everyone is best as can be expected.

    Being in Iowa...I'd like to say its been business as usual....but for all the ruckus you hear on the news about Iowa not closing down...we're almost as closed down as everywhere else. No "stay-at-home" orders, per se....but the schools are closed, restaurants are closed, bank lobbys are closed, car dealer showrooms are closed, movie theatres, gyms are closed, haircut places are closed...and of course...bowling alleys.

    Our league decided to pay the center 4 weeks of lineage...two more than we owed. No individual prize money....even though I was pretty close to getting that "individual points" title. Not sure when I'll actually see the money. Still haven't got my Trump Bucks. Still got a job...just gotta 'work' from home. Nice not to get up until 7:15...but I'm limited in how much I can do. Takes forever just to save and retrieve files given everything is remote connecting to this that or the other thing...all on a hotspot network.

    Not out of toilet paper yet. The store shelves have been empty the last couple times I went. Things continue like this, or get worse, I've seriously considered going paperless and getting a Swifter. Just the bottom part. Or maybe one of those dishwashing sponges on a stick...that you can fill with soap??

    If the forum folks ain't sick from the virus...I'm sure that image'll do it!

    Later all...just checking in to let you know I'm still alive!!!

    As I'm sure Iceman would agree....Covid-19 can't kill a "Bowling God"...we're IMMORTAL!!
    In Bag: (: .) 900 Global Zen Master; (: .) Brunswick Perfect Mindset; (: .) Brunswick Endeavor; (: .) Radical Outer Limits Pearl; (: .) Ebonite Maxim
    USBC#: 8259-59071; USBC Sanctioned Average = 196; Lifetime Average = 171;
    Ball Speed: 14.5mph; Rev. Rate: 240rpm || High Game (sanc.) = 300 (268); High Series (sanc.) = 725 (720); Clean Games: 185

    Smokey this is not 'Nam', this is bowling. There are rules. Proud two-time winner of a weekly ball give-away!

  3. #53
    Bowling Guru
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    Jan 2010
    Chats: 13


    Rob M was probably the first of us to post anything about COVID-19, and certainly the most vehement about taking this seriously. Hasn’t posted much lately but the there really haven’t been many thing that have come up lately that would lead to him sharing his expertise. Bowl1820 has chimed in on how leagues are or should be handling wrapping up the winter bowling season, as has Classy Granny. I don’t think anyone has heard from Iceman. I suspect that he is being held at area 51, and being questioned about his contacts with extraterrestrials.

    Glad to hear you’re hanging in there.

  4. #54


    I'm still alive and well, going stir-crazy in my office. I check in here most every day, but usually see no new posts. The one good thing about the enforced isolation is that I'm getting in lots of guitar practice. My neck surgery a couple of years ago left me where I can't turn my head very far to the left, so I'm having to learn how to play without looking. I'm just about there, so I'm ready to go back to bowling. I hope you all are well.

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